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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello again. So I just finished the 0.31 release. As always I enjoyed it thoroughly. Particularly the 'Sam's First Time' event, which was quite romantic as well as very, very lewd.

I did spot some spelling errors but kinda lost the notes I made for them, sorry!

I really loved the Dune reference Maya lets slip while talking to Astaroth and Ashley, although I am by no means a hardcore Dune fan I know enough that I got the Body-Water reference and then looked up 'Tahaddi Challenge'. Noice.

Lastly I loved the word 'Cromulent'. Never seen that one before so I had to look it up. 'Acceptable or adequate'.  I'll try to remember that one in the future so I can show off with it! :P


Hey, glad you enjoyed it! Sam event ended up taking forever, but the amount of feedback I've got on it suggests that it was worth the effort. People really seemed to like it!

I reread the first Dune about once a year, had to throw in a reference somewhere hehe. Still gotta watch the recent movie, heard it was pretty good!

Cromulent is a perfectly cromulent word, and Sarah DEFINITELY taught Ashley that word lmao. It seems like the kind of weird fact she'd discover and get unhealthily excited about. I love it, it's so goofy and unnecessary but fun to say.


Haven't finished all the ally conversations yet but I'm impressed! This might come off as a little negative, but know that overall I'm super excited for where you're going to take this. I'm especially interested in the nether/aether/abyssal routes. 

I'm impressed at the variety offered by your combat system. I wanted to play a mana blade wielder, but I feel like at the start that's not the best choice. The skills with no mana cost are so much better. 

I got a build going with mana blade, but it feels like I'm just restoring mana with the siphon then draining small amounts  of HP with the nether ability. I had more success going with greatsword. I dunno, maybe I'm not smart enough. 

I respecced many times, and noticed that you can spec into something, get a trait that requires say 5 insight and then respec your stats out of insight and still keep the trait. I'm not sure if that is intentional or not. I also wish I could change my attunements after the fact too, but I think it's a consequence of having so many choices that I want to try different things.

That being said, I didn't really find the choices I had very fun. I think it's the way the mana system works. I felt like I wanted to have buffs up, but even with the +5 mana to have max 10 mp, I still felt like I spent more time trying to siphon mana back to use my abilities than using the ones I wanted to use. I specced as much as I could into mana regen and still was at a net negative because of buffs, but when I deactivated the buffs my damage and survivability went down quite a bit. 

The way buffs work is strange as well. It doesn't feel good to go into a fight at full mana and then see it drop down to almost nothing after your buffs activate. Maybe try making it so your buffs work like path of exile and reserve some of your maximum HP or MP? Or even so that reduce one stat to buff another? Like -X% to damage but +X% to defense or something, because seeing a very limited resource get drained to nothing to have to build it back up every battle is tedious. 

When it comes to writing, it gets a little too long for my tastes in some spots. I feel like you make a good point then continue to reiterate it in several different forms, which is flowery and eloquent in some places, but other times  it absolutely destroys the pacing. 

 A good example is right before the showdown with Mara. I think the conversation begins and there's an implication that you are short on time, but towards the end of the conversation the patriarch says something akin to the timeframe not being in minutes and seconds.  

I feel like that statement ought to be moved to the beginning of the conversation, because I was legitimately confused as to why he would draw attention to time being short, then start talking about philosophy. 

Also, I did the forest arch before going to the church in Badon, which confused me greatly, since towards the end they start mentioning Astralogia and I thought...the what now? Maybe make it required to go to the church in Badon before letting the player escort Ina to the knights camp. 

The church scene and the talk with Svatlibor (I think I spelled that right) were both high points for me though. The temple at the beginning was also quite good, but before that the pacing was very strange.

I'm not sure how to explain it...I guess the best thing I can think of is it feels like the game has 3 separate tutorials...almost false starts. As I was playing, after fighting the boars I thought, okay basic tutorial done. We've introduced the basic cast of characters, Sam, the Dryad (I can't even remember her name at this point), and you. We've done some easy, low stakes we can get to the meatier stuff.

Then you teleport to the temple and fight the shadow things...okay...structurally speaking, these fights are identical to the boar fights. They're less complex even, because now you don't have a partner, so in terms of teaching the player, this bit doesn't teach anything. 

 So I thought...okay now the basic tutorial is done right? You get the big fight with the abomination, which was pretty neat and are introduced to Metatron, Ashley, Sarah, and you.  So here it feels like you could have lead with either one of these as an introduction. They feel like two different games almost, they're that distinct in tone. 

Then you reconvene with Sam and the Dryad and the Dryad just leaves? At this point it feels like you just added her in to have someone there to heal the player for the intro battles. 

Then you go to your house and get ready to go adventuring. When you get to camp and then you get the campsite menu. And suddenly it's okay so now this is how the game really is? Why wait so long before introducing the core part of the game: The campsite?

I'm not sure if you're experimenting or if you were unsure at the start, but I feel like you could make the intro much better if you introduced the camp system BEFORE you get to the temple so it sets a bar for how the game actually plays.  I mean, the basic structure is go out adventuring, if you die you go back to camp and if you don't you continue to progress. If you introduce it at the very beginning, then you don't really even need the dryad, though I'm sure she'll come back eventually, but at this point to me, she doesn't feel like a real character yet. You meet her by chance, don't learn much of her intentions, then she leaves. 

Anyways, I was only planning on pointing out the Badon thing before Ina escort, but I guess I had a lot more to say after I thought about it. Sorry for the wall of text! 


I'm starting to wonder if my first build is working out.

Oh, why's that?


I’m not really sure. I had tried to maintain a balance between physical skills and spells, but it’s rather difficult figuring out the rights one to pick that can work along with the other characters.


Respec always exists if you don't like a build, but it depends on the build and ally a bit. Something like manablade or athame are hard to go wrong with, but as far as stats go I tend to go for 1-2 offensive stats and 1 defensive stat for a chill run. Depends on your setup tho, magic is *really* versatile, and some of the newer martial arts (or harp) have freebie channels that can help.


Hi, I just want to ask if your game ever goes on sale on Steam or here. I've been playing your game for a while, and I've been thinking of buying it to support you. However, I have this weird quirk where I only purchase something when it's discounted, lol. So, I am asking this question


Yes, it goes on sale occasionally, usually during Steam seasonal sales. I'm considering doing a discount for its Steam anniversary (april 23rd) but haven't decided for sure yet, depends on if I can do an update around then.

On a more personal level, I don't blame you! My Steam library is monstrously full of discounted stuff I'll probably never play. But I see that green number and my monkey brain turns on immediately lol.


Thanks for the quick reply!

I actually just found out today that your game was on steam 😂 idk how I missed that ngl.

But it is on wishlist now.


Oh yeah, hit steam just under a year ago, I think the anniversary is april 20th! It's been very helpful overall, and why I can keep working on the game even if it's not really profitable.

hello hello there, I hope this day finds you well, any update on the selfVoicing issue with ren'py? 


Nothing currently. I'm focusing on trying to finish this update, and Sam's date keeps expanding in scope and size.

When you say that, are meaning Sam's date is bigger than you initially planned, or is it more fleshing out the idea you had with Sam? I have no issues waiting, you know that, but curious what your plan on the date is. 


Both. It went from "quick date and seggs" to "one of the longest scenes in the game." I have a lot of unique backgrounds for it to boot. Should still be done tonight, god I hope, waiting to see if I can do a release on the 1st or the 2nd.


Loved the demo, will be getting this on steam soon.

Great writing btw.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed, hopefully not too long til the next update. And it is on sale on Steam for a few more days, so good timing.


Paging Cryswar.... Ashley is planning "the mother of all pranks", please make sure she doesn't do anything super crazy!

Anyway, just wanting to make sure everything is OK, haven't heard from ya lately and wanna make sure things are good! (Also wanting to make sure I fielded the question asked right...)


Hey there! Yeah, I've been dealing with a lot, but plugging away. Will do an official post soon, and look over comments to see what I missed.

I been having problems with learning new abilities in the game, since early versions up until the last one. In my runs I usually go wind/water and then neather magic, but whenever I learn neather abilities they don't show up and I can use them. I already tried disabling old spells or moving them up in the menu, but nothing works. This happened both in the android and pc versions of the game and with every element. Aside from that the game is looking amazing as always :)

It's possible you need to learn attunement first. Every 10 levels you can learn attunement which allows you to learn a new magic style. For instance, I'm a wind mage but if I want to branch to water or nether, I will need to learn attunement first. However, I'm just a player, not the dev. Cryswar might have more info for you!

I remember in early versions the attunement were traits, but now I think they are granted automatically when you complete the training for the elements. Regardless thank you for pointing that out, I checked the game and I do have attuned with neather magic but still the spells don't show up. Also I never seen anyone with the same problem so hopefully it's not a major bug.

(1 edit) (+2)

I think I have another improvement for you:

Conversation with Ina after we return to camp from the Knights’ Base near Badon, having successfully defeated Mara and the Hobs:

‘With her gone, only you and Gareth remain, both watching the Princess’s figure shrink as she heads in the camp….’

I think this should be ‘as she heads into the camp.’

(1 edit) (+2)

The revelation about Selendis's parentage was a surprise by the way. A good one. I'm usually pretty good at seeing these sorts of things coming but I did not see that one coming.

Also I thoroughly enjoyed the conclusion of the Big Bad Forest storyline. It was epic. What can I say, it's good to have powerful allies and well my Astaroth build is pretty insane now.

So the fight itself started out kinda touch and go, Sarah took a beating but healed herself up while Astaroth smashed the bad Forest God. Then things eased up as the allies arrived. Once Mara joined in as an enemy, it was over a round or three later.


Oh really, that's great to hear! I suck at keeping stuff a secret when I'm excited about it lmao, I'm glad it worked out here. Selendis and her family history are fun, will definitely be more of them later.

The forest arc was way more work than I expected, but I've heard universally good about the results, so I like it think it was worth it. Hopefully lol. Now to move on with the rest of the plot, tho I'll revisit the forest occasionally as it starts healing.

Yeah, I tried to tune the fight so it feels rough early but gets easier as your friends show up to help. Apparently it's still pretty easy for most, but the first few turns can be touch and go.

(1 edit) (+2)

I suffer the very same flaw when I am GMing D&D or Pathfinder. I get so excited I spill the beans before I mean too!

As for the fight against Mara and the Forest God I think you did well. As I said my Astaroth is pretty strong and I have learned how to balance his talents with Sarah or Metatron pretty well. Well I think so anyway.

I think maybe I had overleveled a little bit, which I think is actually a good thing. I think its better to allow a player to feel strong than to constantly have them feeling weak. Helpless.

I certainly think that you should try not to engage in 'Power Creep', a concept I have encountered many times in rpgs like D&D and Pathfinder. If you dont know, thats when the player/s make strong characters, so you make strong monsters, so they make stronger character, so you make even stronger baddies! etc etc, until the game explodes Dragonball Z style!!

Tends to warp things out of proportion, encourage min/maxing, etc.


I should also mention that, personally, I find the idea of being 'challenged' a tertiary concern. I have been a role player for over 30 years, few things surprise me or offer much of a real 'challenge'. 

I've been there, I've done that.

I love role playing for the stories being told, the characters being incorporated in those stories and I love sharing those with like-minded people. I like to peer into the minds of the character I'm playing, my own mind, the minds of the people/characters I'm sharing the table with...


I forgot to respond to this, sorry. I've been trying to find a middle ground of not making the game trivial, but not overly challenging, especially for those who aren't RPG fanatics like us haha. Some of the optional side content will likely have much harder fights for optimized builds, but in general I would rather err on the side of being a bit 'power fantasy' than try to be Turn Based Dark Souls.


Thanks for the report! Fixed.


Just ran into Rosalyn for the first time. Beautiful character. The image itself is a wonderful mix of otherworldly beauty and hints of sensuality but I really liked her mix of playfulness and sorrow. She reminds me a bit of Tolkien's Eldar.


Here’s something I think you might want to take a look at:

Conversation with Svytibor:

‘You almost regret saying as much. It’s true, but… that fact really didn’t have anything to do with your choice. Svytibor regards you quietly for a moment before admitting a sound you realize a few seconds late was something akin to a chuckle.’

I think you might mean ‘emitting’ rather than ‘admitting’. Admitting suggests he is confessing or acknowledging something while emitting is just producing, discharging or making a sound.


Also I HAD to look up the word 'Bogatyr' as soon as I saw it. Fascinating! Well chosen.


A lot of the forest story delves into various pan-slavic lore, some more on the nose than others. Siofra is based on vila, Svyatibor is the god of the leshy, bogatyr in general, etc. I had a lot of fun researching that stuff. It's crazy how many variations there are between say, Russian, Belarusian, Polish, and Latvian versions of the same stories.


Well your efforts have not gone unnoticed nor unappreciated sir. Keep up the good work.


Here I am stomping through the forest and suddenly: VOLOS! 

Needless to say I wasn't expecting that!! I loved that surprise! Good fight, good story idea.


Volos is a real one, I'm looking forward to playing with them a bit more (and maybe, eventually, human form art - we'll see lmao). Helluva boss fight out of the blue though. Sarah nearly oneshot herself on his reflect for me.


I had Sarah on Support nearly the whole fight. I did the smashy stab with mah Mana Blade! I remember taking some big damage a couple times in the fight but Sarah did her thing, because she is best gurl, and I threw in some hits of Dhampir to top Astaroth up. Also I always run Earthern Essence and have the permanent Health Regen Talent, getting back like 10% Health per round regardless.

Like I said Astaroth is a dangerous man.


Sarah is very good, her channels are key for almost any build just taking less damage and doing more, + she heals and does ok damage. Very versatile.

Sounds like your Asta is a beefy motherfucker too!


Thanks for the report! I use Speech to Text for most of the writing to save my hands from even worse RSI, and it gets confused on similar sounds a lot. Fixed.


I shall continue to report similar errors when I see them.


I really love Rosalyn, she's a good girl who has been through a lot. Her music ended up sounding a bit more modern than I expected, but it works for her. Can't wait to mess with her more, MAYBE next update, no promises.

Wish I had the time to make her an actual party member but I don't think I can commit to that without taking away time from other girls.

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeah, at this stage Astaroth is truly spoiled for choice on which girl/s to spend his time with. I have actually adopted a strategy of picking 1-3 girls with a particular build.

For example: My Spellsword build practices a little Aether and Nether Magic along with Earth Magic and ALL OF THE MANA BLADE!! :P That Astaroth is romancing Ashley, Sarah and Metatron.

I have a Magos of the Four Elements build, starting with Earth Magic and then adding Water, Wind and finally Fire. That Astaroth will pursue Sam and Celica... he will most likely die horribly due to his unfortunate choices in life!


Makes sense! I romance everyone so I can test scenes lmao, but if I was playing through as a rando I'd stick to a small group of girls I liked probably. Trust scenes with everyone tho, gotta get that friend energy.

(1 edit) (+2)

Indeed! Maybe a couple points of affection just to establish a basic friendship too. Mostly trust tho.

The story does seem to be written with the assumption that the player is romancing all of the girls though, as much as possible.

My strategy of only romancing a few at a time is also about leaving content for myself to enjoy later though.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi Cryswar, I have a question about some of the spells/abilities under Aether. I have noticed some of the spells don't have mastery upgrades like the others do, specifically 'Lustre Cannon' and 'Auric Gavel'. 'Argent Assault' doesn't have upgrades either, which is interesting since its handled as a spell with a duration rather than a stance.

Why is this the case and do you plan on changing that? 

When I discovered that they didn't have upgrades I reloaded to a point before I took them and learned something else by the way.


Not a bug, but a temporary thing, they will all get masteries eventually.

(2 edits) (+2)

Ah! Cool then. I'm enjoying the Manablade/Runic Plate combo though. Watching Astaroth's Mana rocket up and down in every fight is funny! 

Although that has diminished now that I have managed to get Astaroth to level 26 or so.

Follow up question: When you do add mastery abilities to these Skills/Spells will I have to start a new game to take advantage or will they just sorta appear for my current builds?


They will just appear, I have thing set up pretty robustly that way. You could mod in your own and they'd show up fine too. Glad to hear you're having fun with the build, manablade is cool af and I've always loved the concept.

(1 edit) (+2)

Also I spotted a little error in some dialogue for you, not sure if its been reported before or not. I'll report it here just in case it hasn't:

Ashley Convo: Trust 4.

‘…I know succubi are supposed to be live a long time, But I don’t think I’m THAT immortal’

I think you should simply delete the be. It's like the last thing she says before the convo ends.


Thank you for the report! Good eye. Fixed for next patch/update.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hah! What a nice way of calling me a picky bastard! :P

But seriously, I have worked in data processing, studied writing and administration. I'm very detail oriented, sometimes to the point of my own detriment.

Probably why I connect with Celica, with her perfectionism.


Just wondering, Patreon is cracking down on adult games that they feel violate their ToS (even if it's something you have zero control over), are you in danger of Patreon killing DD? Two other devs I follow had their games on Patreon nuked because they dared to have a kid in the game (not that the kid was doing anything sexual, just having a kid in an adult game was enough for Patreon to scrap it) While there aren't any kids in DD, given what Patreon is doing...want to make sure you aren't in danger!

"Ina and Ashley team up to prank the MC"


I don't know, unfortunately. Patreon doesn't tell us anything until it's already a major problem.

DD doesn't have any children and probably won't (definitely not lewd LOL), but ultimately every adult game dev is always in danger of patreon arbitrarily deciding that X is now against the rules.

Appreciate the heads up, hopefully nothing happens and development goes on unscathed!

(1 edit)

This is one of the reasons I never use Patreon.


Hello Bro nice game! I love it and you and the team you are working with deserve all the success. I will send you guys prayers


Thanks man! It's just me (+artists I commission), I'll keep working at it and improving the game.


Just updated :) nice one!

But there's a bug in Sarahs new trust 12 dialogue.. 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/events/camp/sarah/sarah_affection_14.rpy", line 113, in script

    MC sadsmile "For now, maybe we should, uh-"

Exception: Say has image attributes ('sadsmile',), but there's no image tag associated with the speaking character.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/events/camp/sarah/sarah_affection_14.rpy", line 113, in script

    MC sadsmile "For now, maybe we should, uh-"

  File "/Users/florian/00_Krams/", line 930, in execute

    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/Users/florian/00_Krams/", line 1474, in say

    who(what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/Users/florian/00_Krams/", line 1290, in __call__

    old_attr_state = self.handle_say_attributes(False, interact)

  File "/Users/florian/00_Krams/", line 1109, in handle_say_attributes

    if self.resolve_say_attributes(predicting, attrs):

  File "/Users/florian/00_Krams/", line 1035, in resolve_say_attributes

    raise Exception("Say has image attributes %r, but there's no image tag associated with the speaking character." % (attrs,))

Exception: Say has image attributes ('sadsmile',), but there's no image tag associated with the speaking character.

macOS-14.3-arm64-arm-64bit arm64


Divine Dawn 0.30

Thu Feb  8 13:43:08 2024



Thanks for the report! Fixed for next patch, probably later today.



Just noted the related dialogue was affection 14. 

All other new parts are running flawless.


Fixed for next update, thanks!


Yo bro, this game is one of the best I've ever played, I'm a huge anime lover and your game just hits a spot


Thank you for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying it, should be another update in a few days to sate the need hopefully.


Is their any animation?



Didn't Charles have artwork? Granted this is the free 28 version, but I seem to remember you talking about Charles the priest of Badon getting some good art soon...? 

Seeing Metatron smile is always such a joy, I'm not sure what it is about seeing a legit smile from the archangel, like she's awakening her emotions and instead of being "killing machine" when you first meet her, she's more rounded and understanding. 

Just curious, suppose Ashley has .4 trust, and then something happens that is +1 trust. Is it 1.4 trust then, or 1.0 trust?


Charles has never had art. He may get it at some point, since I enjoy writing him.

Metatron is truly an angel, in many senses of the word! She deserves to be happier than she has been. Got a ways to go before she's comfortable or truly happy though, which just makes the eventual result more satisfying.

For the trust question, 1.4 You get... 0.1 or 0.2 trust for every battle you bring them on, it tracks the decimal.

Could have sworn at some point you talked about getting Charles artwork, most likely I'm just remembering it wrong. *shrug* 


Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I've talked about wanting to get it but never really got anywhere, the artist I was potentially gonna have do it didn't.



Don't need to give a definitive answer since this is about the story 0.29 as of today, but what is the purpose of the Astrologia visit and when was the plan to go there made? The last story update was a while ago and I can't remember :/


It'll actually get touched on again in the next 1-2 updates, but you learned about it in the church visits with Metatron, and you're going there for more info on a possible problem related to the starter temple.


Thanks :)


Alright, this is honestly an amazing game from a rpg perspective. A ton of unique and fun options to play with that mostly all are viable. Channels are my personal favorite, but it feels like the recent (78 days ago) patches have been trying to nerf them. I ain't a game designer, but I do enjoy thinking.
What if you limited the amount of active channels you could have, and then made Arcane Orb into a weapon made specifically for channeling? When I first saw orb, it looked like it would be great.  But it's hard to justify using Orb when you could just run arcane crystal or mana blade.
Could be a good way to give the Orb an actual purpose and a unique identity, while fixing the whole issue of channeling being really good.


Glad you're enjoying! Yes, I definitely intend to revisit channels to try to balance them in a somewhat more fun way. I talked to the previous poster about them a little - maybe trying them as max mana reductions - could also try finite channel slots that can be boosted in certain ways. It's just hard af to balance.


Hey, I'm not sure if it's on purpose or not, but I just recently bought the game on steam (and have been thoroughly enjoying it, btw,) and I just noticed recently after finally investing into passive spells on my new playthrough, I noticed that I was loosing almost all of my mana instantly (12.5 out of 13.) I think for some reason, maybe unintentionally, or maybe not, the activation costs are growing based off of the amount that you already activated.  However, in the demo version I was playing, which is just on 0.26b, that isn't the case. For example, while just using miasma, the activation cost is 0.5 mana. But if I leave it activated, and then try to activate anything else, for example haste, the activation becomes 1.5 mana, then 2.5 mana, then 3.5 mana, etc. so by the time you use just 5 passive spells, you've gone through all your mana. If it is on purpose, then it's fine (even if I feel like its a bit too expensive)  but I'm just trying to figure out why it's happening, and I can't find any patch notes or anything about it, so I wanted to check.

Again, love the game aside from that though. keep up the great work <3


That SHOULD be somewhere in the patch notes, might have forgotten it. It's intentional - I'm trying stuff to balance channels - that one doesn't seem super popular (and hard to explain) so it will likely change somewhere in the future.

Great to hear you're enjoying the game though, and thank you for the support! Sorry for the confusion on that one - this game is very much a work in progress as I try to nail down what makes a good game.

Getting channels 'right' has been a challenge, they're very strong (which is okay) but I wanted there to be some kind of tradeoff for having a ton of them - might try channels reducing max mana instead of upkeep? Gotta think about it.


Hello, I just bought the game today after reading some of the reviews, I am thoroughly impressed and the purchase was well worth it, I love how you wrote the characters and generally enjoyed my time, I've still got a lot to do but it was very well done, Keep it up, buddy!


Aw, thank you! There's still plenty to do and improve, I'll keep trying to improve the game, but I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying it so far!


I'm new here, and I'm having a great time playing this games! I want to ask, what's the difference between the paid and the demo version? sorry if I'm wrong, but It seems to me the demo version is just behind the paid version, am i correct? I'm on the demo version, so I want to make sure that I don't get any restrictions on certain events, if it's just behind the paid version I'm fine with that because I can't afford to buy it.


The demo is 1 version behind the paid - it's as close as I can get to making the game free while still making some money lol. There are no content differences between the paid version of 0.28 from earlier this month, or the free 0.28 now, I've always felt that was kinda scummy.

So yeah, don't worry - as long as you're enjoying the game you're fine!


Aw, man. Many thanks for that! You truly are one of the nicest developers I've encountered on the internet, for sure. Even if I'm broke, I still get to enjoy your games, so I always look forward to your next release!


Believe me, I get it man. I used to be into another H-game that I was too broke to support. Like I said before, I'd make the whole game free if I could, but I just didn't make anywhere near enough to support myself when I did that for a while so I have to rely on support. As long as you're having fun, that's good enough for me!


Oh, hey, I just wanted to point out that there's a little glitch in the eldrad image that slightly hides the dialog text, I played it in version 0.28, I'm not sure if the bug has been fixed in version 0.29.


Is this the android or desktop version?


decided to check this out because screw it im bored and what can i say? absolutely blown away. im at the very start having just gotten back to the village. but the characters are all unique and distinct.

for one this story is actually good? most types of these games i skip through because its porn i just want get off. but while i initially had no real interest i was won over quite quickly. The vocabulary is suprisingly good, with words like servitor being used which is a very seldom used word. 

The humor while excessive in some places is by no means bad, it's gotten audible laughter out of me and regularly gets chuckles.

the intereactions are wonderful too, you very regularly get to make choices that at least change a few lines and helps with player agency. seeing the different characters react and interact with one another is a real joy.

the art is unexpected. i half expect more ai art but while i wouldnt say this art competes with professional studios its certainly up there in terms of itch in general.

the content as of now is qite nice from the word count provided. too many times a game is released with about 10 minutes of content and it takes upward of a year to be even worth a damn.

this is turning into a review but no matter. the gameplay i...dont really know i cheated i just am very much hesitant to play too many turn based games.

as a final aside i will simply state the game is certifiably one of the better ones ive seen on Itch, Initially impressions id rank it near monster girl dreams or maybe kings fall.

the author said this was their first game and GOD DAMN did they knock it out of the park! Full steam ahead Cry this is top tier!


Shoot, somehow I never got a notification on this post. Sorry for the delayed response!

Glad to hear you're enjoying the game. I'm definitely trying to tell an interesting story with good characters, rather than 'just' porn, but as a newbie dev this has been a brutal learning experience lol. The humor used to be worse/more forced, but I went back to try to make it better, for example.

I don't use AI art, I've commissioned everything or purchased assets from DLsite/Itch. Same for music. Learning how to commission has also been an uphill battle... in my personal opinion, the backgrounds need the most improvement, but that's a project I'm just starting on.

Cheat menu is there for a reason - I tried to make character creation and gameplay genuinely fun and interesting, but I know not everyone is into that stuff, and I have zero issue with people using built-in cheats! I would recommend against too much save editing just for stability purposes, but idgaf if you do that either, just be aware that the game is held together by duct tape lol.

Thank you, genuinely, for taking the time to share your thoughts, both praise and criticism. Player feedback has been incredibly useful for improving many aspects of the game over time.


no no it was christmas so take all the time you need! though i have some questions about the world and some light criticisms to share, nothing too bad i promise.

for the first question is aspasia the slime girl a main heroine? like will she get an ending? i immediatly singled her out as favorite waifu.

with the world, the magic is seperated into dense/subtle, immobile/mobile, and  sharp/blunt if i recall. but that doesnt seem to make sense in a few ways. 

water i assume wouble be subtle-mobile-sharp

air would be subtle-mobile-blunt or sharp 

earth would be -dense-immobile-blunt

and fire would be subtle mobile-sharp

most seem mobile or sharp or some combination, it seems only earth is immobile so it seems strange to have an entirely label for solely earth, am i misunderstandign something here?

for my criticisms, ill say im at badon and im shopping with ashley. but ive noticed now that im out of the prologue suddenly its very one on one, i dont really see the characters interact all that much and it seems alot less energetic and fun. im enjoying spending time with and seeing each girl's story but not seeing interact with each other or as a large group has been a bit saddening. does this change later on or are their plans for more group content?

my second criticism is directly relating to one of sarah's CG. her boobjob CG has a red streak in her hair and doesnt really resemble sarah all that much if at all, it looks more like a Azur lane character.

toward the background statement i think they serve their purpose reasonable well but some of the backgrounds like the deepwoods background can be rather difficult to parse and understand, its a very messy background with no real center or core to focus on,

still loving the game!


I appreciate constructive criticism, don't worry about it!

Yes, Aspasia is a major character who will only get more major as she figures into some later plot. She will def have her own ending. I love writing her!

The elemental separations are based heavily on real-world alchemy, particularly the classical elements. Similarly, a lot of the aether/nether stuff is heavily inspired by kabbalism. You're absolutely right that they don't all split up evenly (more mobiles than immobiles, etc), but I wanted to respect and research the originals as much as possible, even if it didn't lead to super clean classifications here.

I've gotten a lot of feedback about characters not interacting as much together, and I'm working to alleviate that! Sam/Metatron got a LOT more interaction last patch, Sarah and Celica have a bunch upcoming, and as you get a bit further into most of the character trust scenes (especially Ashley) you will see more interaction. I will confess, this is my first game, and still a work in progress - I've kinda just been trying things to see what works - it's definitely not finished or perfectly polished! But there will be more interaction for sure.

That Sarah CG was actually the first thing I ever commissioned, on a very low budget, and we had some miscommunications. It will be redone properly at some point in the future.

I actually like the Deepwoods background! But a lot of them could be improved, yeah. Commissioning backgrounds is just expensive af and I haven't done it much, so it'll be a learning experience too.

Thanks for your thoughts, and I hope your holidays are going good!


well no one is asking for your game, especially your first game to be perfect thats why were giving you pointers on things that are lacking or off.

slime girl is a major girl? well that makes my day! aspasia is number 1, ashley is number 2 and celica number 3! 

oh traditional alchemy? thats interesting ill have to look more into that. kabbal is like that alchemical tree and sephira no?

yes it is your first game and so far its great, honestly so far the lack of character interaction was my only complaint and hearing it'll be alleviated is great!

so that explains the error. for the mean time you could just remove the red streak in her hair and itll match alot better, shouldnt take more than 30 seconds? could be a good stop gap until you're able to recomission it.

i suppose cluttered and difficult to parse works for deep dense woods. fair enough, i suppose i also never took the time to really look at it deeply. i mean ai is advanced. it could be useful for the more general background such as woods or lakes? im not saying you wouldnt likely get a bunch of flak or something for daring use ai but its always an option if one that comes with significant draw backs.

holidays has so far been good. hope your holidays have been good!.

dont force yourself to reply to each of my messages i have nothing but time and unlike you im not working on a game.

thanks for answering some of my questions!


This comment is making me download the game. I have to see for myself what a dev with this kind of PR can do. For a first timer, you seem to have your wits about you.


Appreciate the kind words! I just figure it's better to be honest about my shortcomings and where I can improve in hopes of eventually actually getting there. Pretending they don't exist would boost my ego but result in a worse game.


So funny story, I actually played this game forever ago somewhere else and forgot about it when I finished that version. I fell in LOVE with the game back then, but time moves us ever onward. I found a game I enjoyed again thanks to this haha


Ohhh that's cool! Always nice to run into a fond memory that actually holds up to the test of time.


If I buy the game here do I get access to future updates? Or do I need to buy again?


Buy once, get future updates!

It appears that the demo is currently included with the paid version, so it is not possible to play the demo without paying right now (unless I'm being stupid, but I only see a buy button with no option for downloading the demo).

Image to show the demo requiring purchase


Thanks for letting me know! Should be fixed now, I'm glad I checked in before sleeping lol.


You know I wonder... Is it possible to obtain Abyssal Corruption?


Not currently, besides that one at the start.


That makes me think that there will be more in future updates.


It's planned yes, we will see how it goes when I get there. I've had to pull back other plans due to non-feasibility in the past, this being my first game I had some ideas that just weren't practical. I think this one will be fine though.


Been a week, and it's different topic anyway...

Typo report! Replaying from the start, when Sam totally unexpectedly throws you into a temple where you meet Ashley, queen of pranks, and Sarah, queen of being underconfident, Asking about Nether magic, Ashley responds with "Wouldn't be much good in a war we didn't" You are missing an if, it should be "if we didn't". Yeah, it's quite early in the game, but still, reading it as it stands now is kinda jarring! A little later, when asking if I have a license for that snark, license is misspelled, but that might be intentional.

Something else, you use cursing in areas that it would be acceptable (like exasperated or stressed out) and I think it adds to the charm of the game. You aren't doing it a lot - that would turn me off, I hate excessive cursing - but when you are using it, I feel like it adds to the game. It's like it's being told from an 18 year old's perpresctive in every sense.  :)


Thanks for the typo reports! Loicense is an intentional typo, if that makes sense, to try to convey her using an exaggerated accent - which is hard to convey in writing sadly.

I curse a ton IRL, but I try to keep MC (and characters that don't have cursing as a part of their characterization) to where it makes sense - reading a million expletives does get old! I'm glad that the effort is paying off in your eyes. It's fun trying to portray teenagers again lol, I usually write older characters.


I used to proofread for others and still do informally - comes in handy sometimes! I figured loicense was intentional, but writing makes it a little challenging to convey an accent!

This isn't so much an error as maybe explain it better. One of Ashley's conversation scenes, blasphemy-ish, the requirement is for Ashley and Maya to meet. Take Ashley to where Maya is in the floodplains and...nothing happens. Checking afterwards and...nothing happens. Maya's side requires trust of 8 for het and 10 for Ashley, is there a trust requirement for the blasphemy-ish too? This is the free version however, so many it was fixed in the paid version? 

"Metatron headpats Mays, Maya forgets absolutely everything while being headpatted" is such a wonderful scene!


The maya/ashley one isn't an error, there's a scene in camp of them meeting, called 'A Great Start' iirc.

Maya is definitely for headpats lmao.


So the meeting in camp called a Great Start has to happen first, then Blasphemy-ish will happen? Ah OK! Still might want to clear that up on Ashley's side though, (like instead of "Maya and Ashley have met" say "A Great start has been seen" or something)


Sure, will do.

(1 edit) (+2)

Downloading, and hoping whatever $&#@ problem itch has been having on downloads is fixed (trying to dl something on itch lately results halfway in stopping) Have you heard anything on this, like if there was behind the scenes stuff to streamline things or something? It seems to be the bigger DLs though, so this one should be safe. EDIT: yep, downloaded fine!

That aside, Good to see that Ina and her companions have returned (too bad I'll have to wait till it's on the free side) and hoping we are going to see Ina pull some massive prank on the MC and then have Ashley show up and critique the prank! Yanno, because Ashley is all about the pranks and stuff, and knows that the MC doesn't mind her pranks (too much)

Are we going to see Amnelis (did I spell it right?) again? She disappears after the group gets home but I'd like to see more of her, when there's a lot more people. Like she looks at everyone and makes some kind of comment about how the MC must be shooting for a massive harem and have various responses to that. (The succubi are all for it, Ashley especially, Metatron is either confused or against it depending on how much affection with her you have, and so forth)


Glad the update downloaded okay! Itch does seem to have some dl issues lol, I had a weird time uploading the update too.

Ina is certainly a spirited young lass, I don't doubt she and Ashley will have some interesting interactions. Feeling that out as I write it should be interesting, Ina in general has been a pleasant surprise as I go.

Yes, Amnelis will return. I already have a CG for her first scene, and while she won't be a party member (too weak, possibly too lazy), she'll probably end up in the camp at some point or another as a minor character. I can see her getting herself into a LOT of trouble given her big mouth, should be great fun. Siofra in particular will be infuriated by her.

Sarah is definitely first wife (in her head), would be interesting to see how they all feel about it. I suspect Ash and Sarah would be surprisingly possessive, but some might be unexpectedly okay with sharing. Probably depends on the other stuff, like Sarah would be much more okay with a poly relationship with you and Metatron as compared to, idk, Sam, who she doesn't *hate* but doesn't really have any interest in either.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yo bro, I've been seeing you're going in recently. Although I have to ask you, please take a break. You're blessing us too Much you've been working hard man so you deserve a nice vacation


Appreciate the kind words! I would, but... I want to try to get another update done before Christmas, so I'll be getting back to work when I wake up. Will force it less than previous update though, so hopefully it won't be too bad!


Are we forced to romance the shark girl?I really don't like her as a romance option that's why I am asking.



Yo i'm not one of the Shark girl supremacist, so I do not know. But be careful. You might get some angry replies


Haha, I hope not! People are welcome to have a favorite girl, that's why I added so many - someone for everyone! As long as you like trauma.

(1 edit)

Theres this bug I sometimes get when fighting, why do these say they do 0 damage? And other times its normal. Tried respecting them and getting it back, but the issue just returns.


Silly question maybe, but you have a Magic stat for the earth magic right? Dex for the snakebite?

If so, it might be very high resistance/defense or very low stats on your part, idk, I haven't heard any other reports on those being bugged so not sure what it would be

(2 edits) (+2)

Yea I have my dex and magic maxed out for  level 40 in deep woods fights. So I thought it must be a bug.


Let me know if it's still happening on the new version, and if so, if it happens vs all enemies or only certain ones!


Got to thinking, with Thanksgiving being today for the US, maybe have some kind of holiday in the world of Divine Dawn? Or maybe a holiday that was present when Ashley, Sarah, and Metatron were first around, but not now so we have Sarah and Ashley all excited about a given day (because to them it's a holiday) and everyone else is confused because it's just another day as far as the rest of the group is concerned...

Ashley: What, you mean everyone DOESN'T know about the Feast of the Succubus???

Ashley, will you PLEASE quit listening in on these conversations?? ANYWAY, What is the likelihood of making some kind of old holiday Ashley, Sarah and Metatron are aware of and are interested in but everyone else has no clue on and they need to educate everyone about why X is important? This might be more trouble than it's worth but I think it would add to the immersion and add a special flair.


The idea of holidays in setting is really fun, and I know I should do them for flavor, I just haven't had many good ideas lmao. Old Bariuran holidays could be pretty funny too, idk how many the succs would know but one or two maybe.

Explaining a modern Hieroneidan holiday named after some ancient crusader would be kinda funny too. Sorta like christmas, where the 'santa' thing got added in later.


Eyyy, how's it goin'? I haven't checked in on this game since back when you talking to  the tall commander chick was the last thing you could do.


Haha, good timing! I just checked Itch for the day and saw your message.

Things are going ok for me, was finishing up another beta until a few min ago. Sounds like you've been away for a while! There have been 3 large areas since then, all of them with a metric shitload of plot and the first mega plot choice. It's been a strange year, always feels like I'm going too slow/not doing well enough, but then I look back and (usually) realize I actually did alright.

Hope things have been going well for you!


I remember there being a choice as to how you feel about killing. Does that ever come into play?


Let's just say Fate/Zero is one of the routes through the forest plot.

I'ma be honest with you chief the only one I've ever watched is 


and from what I've heard it is nothing like the others.


Lol, fair enough. Yes, there are more choices later in the deepwoods, some haven't paid off yet but one of them is (spoilers ahead, for anyone that cares) basically stereotypical hero/neutral/genocide an entire race for the greater good.

Is there a way to view sam's old art? I think it had my favorite design in the game, and I do like the new art. I just kinda want to option to see the old art.

Is that weird? 


can't put it ingame since it doesn't have as many expressions, or a functional nude version, so you'd just run into constant errors. I did like it for what it was though, so I don't think it's weird!

I don't mind sharing it, but I'm not sure what the best way to do so is.


fair enough! I just thought I'd ask , keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+3)

When Ina and her guards return, will the MC talk about Bouldermancy (remember the MC decreed it was bouldermancy and not geomancy) and discuss the best way to tease Ina, only for Ina to turn around and prank the MC because she's learned enough from Ashley to prank humans?

Maybe I shouldn't post wishes here? ANYWAY, I'm looking forward to seeing what shenanigans will happen when Ina returns, since she does have a soft spot for the MC, and I am curious how she would respond to the MC discussing what's happened since he left Ina with knight mommy! (when I can't remember the name, "knight mommy" works!)


Soon as Alicia arrives we can discuss all the rockmancy we want! Ina is not fluent in tectonic movement unfortunately. She is definitely up for messing with MC though, and vice versa.

I am very excited for more Ina, POSSIBLY this week. Selendis is the knight's name, she will definitely feature as well~ Ina has been through a Rocky training montage of her own, and somewhat dealt with the trauma of her meeting - should be an interesting meeting!

Good to hear from you as always.


Will it be possible to end up with just one girl or will you only end up in a harem? I think Ashley is extremely funny and I would love to have an ending with just her. I hate harem


Will be possible to end up with just one!


Speaking of which, is the opposite true? I wouldn't mind a singular girl ending, but I think it would be interesting to see how and ending plays out with all of them.


Yes. There will be a generic harem end, and more detailed small-harem ends for fitting combos, ex. Sarah/Metatron may have a shared ending.


Downloading! I do have a bit of an odd question, when you release a new version, do you make sure that the content added previously (like, you're at 27 now so 26 build) doesn't have any glaring issues that were overlooked but you were aware of them for the newer build? You talked about the charisma stat being wonky for 26 and fixed it for 27. Will 26 (free version) then still have the issue, or since you fixed it will 26 charisma work as intended?


The free version is just whatever the final update of the previous paid version was. It doesn't get further bugfixes. I think Charisma was fine by .26b?


Yeah it is, I was just seeing if "when you put whatever version is now free" it included all the updates to fix errors. More curiosity than anything because I know you do a good job with fixing stuff as it shows up.


After I finish updating a given version and move on to the next, I don't touch the old one again. It's just not feasible without some serious version control. I don't move on to the new one until the old one works alright, though.


How do you join the beta? This is honestly one of my top 3 NSFW games and I would be happy to play it early, even if it has bugs, the story is amazing and I love how its going so far. Also, is it in the cards for the girls to find out, who I have and have not (mostly have) been with during the game?


Beta is for $10+ patrons. They're much less polished than actual releases, so it's only really something for if you want to help the game. Not to try to dissuade you, I just don't want to give false promises! The full release will be out in 1-2 days for anyone who bought the game, depends on how well bugfixes/typo fixes go.

Yes, relationships will be more of a topic of discussion in the future. I don't intend to hit you with any 'gotcha' moments or punishments, but by the end of the game you may have to make some choices (full harem is a choice, but not the only one)


Separate question, how will I now when the full release is out? I paid for the game a long while ago and loved it, so I'm always looking for a new update, but I always find out a bit late.

Any Tips?


Will be out later today or tomorrow, itch is a pain to upload to!

(1 edit) (+3)

Something I didn't consider: having to replace printer because printer isn't compatible with windows 10. Oh well...

When do you think you'll have enough of the bugs out to do a new release? I KNOW you want to make sure everything is good and there aren't glaring errors or anything, just...I want a new release! It's time for Ashley and Sarah to have new shenanigans and Metatron to have some kind of prank for Ashley!  Can't forget Celica and Sam baiting each other or Maya inventing new ways to get headpats! And the MC thinking repeatedly "how am I not dead yet with so much chaos around me?"

Since you respond quicker than any of the other devs I follow, I'll ask this too: is there a way to block someone on itch? Another game I follow there's someone who was whining and complaining repeatedly and I'm thinking it's better to block the guy/gal.  If it was "I don't like this because when this happens it crashes" or something like that I could deal with it, but it was basically "this game stinks because I just don't like it"


RIP printer. Thankfully I don't have to deal with those much anymore.

Beta going up tonight, full release in 1-2 days. Wish it hadn't taken so damn long, but hopefully there will be a good amount of stuff, and I can move on to the next update not too long after!

Yes, you can block people on itch. Click on their name to go to their profile, near the top right is a "more" dropdown list with "block user" in it. That does sound exhausting to deal with!

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