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Separate thing, better to have separate topic.  In the final round with Siofra, the fire damage on the player and the help kept getting worse and worse -  Fire damage went from 6 initially to 39 when I barely beat her (because of increasing fire damage!) Is it intentional that her fire damage gets more powerful? Also, a traceback, probably because Metatron was "reviving" me with Epione (I had no HP, she used it on me, then the error)

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 50, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.finalStep["Event"]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/deepwoods_verge/siofra_first_appearance.rpy", line 85, in script call

    $ setupSpar(actor1, thisMusic="Siofra Battle", solo=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 50, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.finalStep["Event"]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/deepwoods_verge/siofra_first_appearance.rpy", line 85, in script call

    $ setupSpar(actor1, thisMusic="Siofra Battle", solo=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Divine Dawn 0.31a

Sun Jun 30 20:17:44 2024/

Siofra uses the same scaling Smoulder that the player has access to. It's a damage race, since we haven't had any of those before I wanted to try something different.
Thanks for the Epione report, will try to fix that.

(3 edits)

Waiting to see who knights the MC first, Knight Mommy (Selendis?) or Ina. Ina's already mentioned she wants to knight him, but Selendis would probably be easier because of things like "convincing whoever Ina's mom is that the MC is worthy of being knighted might take some time"

Noticed that a tie between MC and the gob shaman went to the player, will that be the normal? I know it's rare that a D20 will both get a 13, but that's what happened, and the shaman got a wind blast for his troubles! 

Edit to add something: if you try and ask the angel (Michael) for a date and she flirts back, she says she's only remove it she wants to... it should be she'll only remove it (the geas) IF she wants to, you forgot an if!

(2 edits) (+1)

TLDR: Amazing game love the mechanics, can't wait for abyss magic. Nether-Fist + Aether is funny.

Criticism: Dialogue between NPC's a bit wordy but otherwise amazing.

Game is amazing; the mechanics for the RPG elements are amazing. Probably one of the smoothest (gameplay wise as well as description/backstory wise) RPG style VN's I've played. The story was smooth, though a little wordy; it was something that allowed me to understand the game a lot better (and geek out over it).

I especially liked how you made the secret-ish? magic attunements; Aether and Nether. Made a really stupid combo that actually worked amazingly well with unarmed + nether + aether. So I got the Nether-Fist style (the name was epic will never remember it tho. :P Akaz something). Imagine high res + healing + stunning + stealing mana. Pretty dumb. Bleed and percent based poison at the same time (and I heal from bleed lol). Nas? spam was amazing.

What I am mostly curious about is Abyss though I have my own personal theories on what that is. Can't wait for that to be added; I have an extra attunement slot for that one (finally allowing me to become a god fr).

In conclusion amazing work as of now; you actually seem to be passionate about the game. Hopefully the game lives up to your passion.

Hey, thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying the game!

It's always hard to get the exact right balance of dialogue and info dumps, sadly. I'd like to think I've gotten better at it over time, but ultimately that bar is different for everyone. I'll keep trying to improve regardless.

That combo sounds pretty fun! Nether and Aether are pathways to powers some deem unnatural (by the Jedi), and a lot of content for them, some upcoming. Abyss... that one will be expanded on over time for sure. Can't say too much now without spoiling it.

I may not be as fast or experienced or smart as I'd like, but I have enthusiasm and stubbornness, if it's survived 3 years hopefully it'll make it another 3 lol.


Sarah overheard something about Ashley pulling "a prank to end all pranks" and is worried it's gonna scare Metatron away! 

Just wanting to make sure things are still good and you haven't forgotten about us here on itch! You seem to do a bunch of updates then nothing for awhile... are you taking a break, were you forced to because of illness, are things still going but it's behind the scenes for awhile, did Amnelis kidnap you... just wanna know what's going on!

This is a minor thing, and maybe not worth it, but if you challenge Siofra and lose, the next time you challenge her, maybe have the dialogue reflect that you are trying again? It seemed a little on the weird side to see the whole setup 5 times because the third part of the fight is challenging and I lose at the third piece, yet she acts like she's never seen me before... is memory loss a thing for daughters of Gaea?

Still plugging away, will do a proper progress post soon. I've been at this 3 years now, no need to worry about me forgetting about itch.

I'll look into the Siofra thing, I thought I had that set up already.


my man charles deserves some art 😭🙏


Someday down the road! He's a fun char and relatively important.


Hmm, do you have any idea yet to fix the mana problem with aura skill. You can to fix it by reserve mana or Hp like Poe 1 or make another energy bar to reverse like Poe 2. In Poe 2 instead of reserve mana or Hp for aura they make a new energy bar just only for reserve aura skill, and they have some passive to lower the reserve cost too. You can copy this and apply into your game or you can just make the aura skill it only take 1 time cost and dont need more mana every single turn in a battle. With me i still prefer the mechanic like Poe 2 just because at this time our build can be more variety because dont be limit by mana, hmm and i think you should expand the mana pool too, with this you can make the skill have more variety upgrade like more mana cost also more big chunk dame and you also can make some skill that require fuking big mana and the reward is dumb useless :)))

I have a tentative plan yeah, reserved mana, and magic/focus having more direct impact on mana. Not super well fleshed out yet tho, and it'll be A LOT of work, so it's down the road a bit cuz I have a lot of story to worry about.


Do you know whats the source for the temple boss/abomination music? As well as the deepwoods theme (the one with the bird noises in the background) and the deepwoods heart battle theme. Also theres a trait called 'Quickcast' that I think doesnt work. I assume its supposed to make offensive spells resolve at +1 initiative, but it doesnt seem to be doing anything.

On a side note, this game is pretty great, not even mentioning the nsfw content. Especially the lore. I look forward to seeing it continue to develop 😊.

I commissioned the abomination boss theme for the game. I don't remember the others off the top of my head, I think Remanold? The About page lists most of the attributable music, though which is which isn't always clear.

And thanks! I wanted to make a genuinely good game., it's stil la work in progress but I'm proud of what I have so far.


So sad woke up last week to a borked Android update that corrupted all the data on my phone losing my save file. 😞


OOF, sorry to hear that. You can use the cheat menu to help catch up quickly at least, if it helps.

Please dont let your game suffer like the other ones, i played. I paid for this.  Please continue to do all you can too continue too develop this game properly. Especially for Android. I don't have high income to buy every phone or a top computer. 

DD isn't going anywhere, I'll keep plugging away at it until it's done. I put a good amount of effort into minimizing file size to keep it playable as widely as possible.


thank you. I greatly enjoy your game. I will continue too play. 


What is Sarah's theme music called and who composed it? Is there anywhere I can find it outside of the game (like a youtube vid or something)? I love it so much.


I thiiink this is the one? She has a few themes in various situations so not 100% sure

Fantastic musician, sadly they stopped uploading a year ago so I'm not sure how things are going for them.

maaaybe i missed some kind of dialogue somewhere but... why did Sarah suddenly gain a red streak of hair during one of the scenes?


That's the oldest CG in the game, and the first time I ever commissioned anyone. The artist and I had some misunderstandings about exactly what I wanted. No shade to him, he did a good job with it. At some point I will get a new CG to replace it.

Hmm other kind of magic, do you have any plan for a lot of other magic in game instead just 4 basic element to create the world and 2 opposite but also very close element ( light and dark ) i would think that if you can make some kind of combine magic of other element together, it may make something cool but maybe to complex and hard for you to do all of it, if you seriously go for this thing it can make you depress a lot when thinking about

Advanced magic types are mostly hybrid elements. I have quite a few planned (lightning, sand, metal, crystal, etc) but they're still a ways out. Zephyrmancy (wind spirit magic) will likely be coming first, probably in the next month or two.

Arcane will likely come at some point as well, Blood... may or may not.


Wait, didn't Dad Aurion warn about Arcane and Blood Magic being dangerous if you aren't careful? (meaning, keep it well away from Sam!) 

Wind spirit magic...I don't know why but I have this image of Siofra summoning one, then the MC summoning one and they argue over which one is better/cuter and instead of the multipart fight it's a pokemon-style fight where the better wind spirit wins! If it's Siofra she does this "YES!!! I'm better, neener neener", she takes youe wind spirit, then you have to fight her as normal!

Asta hasn't exactly done a great job of staying away form danger so far, what's one other way to destroy your soul?

LMAO that Siofra scene sounds highly amusing, she's definitely competitive enough. Pokemon battle mechanic go.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmm what version is the demo , or it just have a limit scene

Ah yo i was check the old comments, the demo actually just one version behind the paid :v wow, how can you manage your life with kind of this support :)))

Yes, the only difference between the demo and the paid version is 1 update. So usually around 2-4 weeks behind.

I wanted to make the game free, but didn't make enough from donations to make it work, so I tried this as a compromise. It's still not a lot of money, but better than donations-only, so I'm gonna keep trying to make it work! I just want to make a game people can enjoy, so I'm not worried about making a lot of money, just hopefully enough to survive on lol.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmm i tried the game and see the trait, skill of this game. You actually make a good rpg combat mechanic in this game and we also have various playstyle too, which thing that dont have in a lot of normal rpg games :/ and it have team too, so you will have some thing to understand to make a good build, which is the thing i like, not too overwhelming like POE (uhh... That thing is not for normal human to play) anyways, do you have some suggest for my build, i like to make a super tanky, fast health regenerate and morderate dame ( i have something in my head but i am curious to know what kind of idea you will give me )

Hey there! Yeah, I've put a lot of work into trying to make it a good RPG without being too complex. It's a work in progress, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far.

Building Vitality is always a good idea, for any build, if you want to make the game easier. Good regen traits, better damage mitigation, it's just hard to go wrong with.

Agility for Glancing Hit works too, it's better when it works but more unreliable lol.

I personally tend to use a sword and board or greatsword build when testing cuz I'm kinda like you, I like being tanky with ok damage.

Dipping into magic gives you a lot of options, starting with Earth magic is nice for cheap buffs. Not necessary, but having some magic (the stat) lets you view more magic teaching scenes, which people seem to really like.

Builds can definitely vary based on your party member, each of them has their own build (some are a bit customizable) so it's hard to say what you would enjoy the most, cuz it depend son who you end up wanting to adventure with.


Hmm, i like greatsword too, but it go for more defense than regenerate, so i go try the great axe, the regen is fast but the problem is heal cost :/ and you also need to make your char go for more lower Hp, it kinda risky if this game have boss have big dame skill, in the secondary weapon i am thinking i should go for a little magic because maybe i will meet some monster have some kind of physical dame resistance but on other hand i also want to have a greatsword or sword and shield weapon just maybe i will meet big dame skill from boss. Haizz  the more rpg game i played the more thing i need to think when making a build in new rpg game cause idk what the fuk kind of mechanic will happen in new game. Just like Poe the fucking mechanic of it, it is a great game but it soo complex for my tiny brain to understand a fucking 2 hour video explaining basic crafting gear of it

Greataxe is pretty OP. Greatsword has good defense and can still have good regen. You can respec and change weapons ingame, so I wouldn't stress the choice too much. You can also equip 2 weapons and switch between them in battle.

About the only thing you can't change ingame is learning Earth magic since the earth magic trainer isnt ingame yet, but she will be in a month or so.

My general recommendation is just starting with a weapon/element you like, and putting your main damage stat and Vitality on auto-grow so you're guaranteed to do good damage and survive pretty well. Anything beyond that is for when you are more comfortable with builds.

(1 edit) (+1)

And yeah magic, after reading some trait and abilities in this, i also need to go for a little bit magic :/ it have mana, the fcking mana, i need more mana regenerate and also maximum mana, because i will use a lot of aura skills to buff my char

Ah!!!! The fucking mechanics, why no rpg game i play it dont need a brain to play when making a build, but on other hand i love the mechanics of rpg soo much because the challenge it give for player and the variety thing you can do with mechanics, some people can abuse the mechanics to make very weird stuff and build but it also very efficiency, the more complex it is the more weird thing those guy can do


Stalker Celica is both funny and terrifying! MAKE IT WORK! 

I think of all the core group being stalkerish, Celica fits it the best, especially if you pursue a relationship with Sam. Like, "why is the MC hanging out with HER more than me?!" Those two really have a rivalry going... I don't see either succubus being a stalker, Maya might just because she's hoping for more headpats, and Aspasia might just because she finds you interesting. Depending how much you tease Ina while she's in the group before heading off to Selendis Ina might stalk you for revenge pranks!

Back in the day, when I was modding MGD, the original Celica concept was... yeah she was very much a yandere, to put it lightly. Straight up rapes you if you used her spell too much. Quit working on it before I got to her, and DD's Celica is a very different character (much more fleshed out), but there's still a bit of crazy in there.

Aspasia can get VERY possessive in the long term, imo the highest ranking stalker but only if you meet a fair few requirements. Imagine a possessive slime gf getting uncomfortable and clingy if you're not inside her half the time.

I’m still trying to figure out what secondary type of magic I should learn. My fighting style is effectively switching between skills and spells to increase damage bonus for both physically and magical damage. 

Might be worth looking into attack spells with especially useful buffs or debuffs. Firebolt B might be an option for the magic buff. Depending on your stats, Flaming Greatsword or some of the Aether/Nether spells could be good combos, or Nether in general for debuffs.


It's just something small, but I noticed how Sarah will stay on screen whenever you do morning exercises with her, kind of got me how she just stood there until I do adventure.


Which version is this issue on? It should be fixed in the latest.

It would be kinda funny if some of the girls stalked you intentionally though, like Maya or Celica barely peering out of the side of the screen occasionally.

(1 edit)

It's by the 0.31

It would  definitely be funny, another question, apologies for asking a lot buttt
The channeling stuff like havoc gale, gale, or tailwind.
Does the mana cost increased by 1 each buffs I add?

If so, I messed up for having 3 buffs that would cost a total of 4.5 mana to activate.. I only got 1.5 regeneration


Ah, yeah, that was fixed in 0.32.

The mana cost to activate channels increases by 1 for each channel. The upkeep cost is just their costs added together.

does cheating in the stat insight to see stat specific content of the game bad, what do you all think?


I included the cheat menu so people could customize difficulty/power as they pleased. It's not bad and shouldn't cause any real issues. It will make the game *slightly* easier since you can ignore all defense/resist, but most enemies don't have much/any.

You'd only get a few line swaps though, I tried not to tie too much to insight, just some flavor text.


Steam Sale Boys!!! Heck Yeah, I just got paid too! Timing couldn't have been better, been wanting to play more than the demo


Hell yeah! One-time purchase keeps it simple, you'll always have the latest updates. Hope you have fun!

(2 edits) (+1)

Yo! Me again. 

First of all I will say, any expansion with more Sarah content is already going to be awesome and this one had quite a bit of that! Sarah is hands down the best Waifu, she has been from the start IMO.

It amused me to read about how Ashley could potentially become a Demon Queen to be feared :P

I read through Metatron's new scene too and I thought it was beautiful. I can empathize with always finding myself to blame, even when I'm not the only one making mistakes.

Unfortunately I haven't really made time for Maya or Ina beyond some basics, but what I have read of them is good. Maya seems like she has some emotional damage, poor doggo...

Didn't see any glaring spelling errors this time around either.


Sarah is a lot of fun to write, great combination of sweetheart and crazy. Someone compared her to vanilla extract, and that seems really fitting to me; seems baseline/plain at first, but MAN that shit is intense if you actually taste it.

Maya is... yeah, she's been through a lot. She's slowly opening up to MC though, and trying to be better.

And yeah, thanks to Kronos and Dunnask for a lot of help with the betas!



your game is being pirated on f95zone

you should probably do something abt that. i havent bought, but ive been following this project since before there was even a price tag, and i cant just let you get stolen from.


I am aware. I actually post the free versions there myself. I can't do anything about people posting newer versions and forcing update rounds there, unfortunately; someone did it yesterday and kinda screwed my plan to post 0.31 there after releasing .32 here lol.

But realistically, it's a pirate site. I'm not the target audience, and there's nothing I can do. I just try to focus on making content for the game and ensuring everyone is having fun. So far people have been very kind and not posted paid versions there before, just enjoyed the free ones, so I try to look at it as just free advertising.


Siofar's third challenge is a pain in the ass, if you are underleveled she WILL thrash you. Maybe it's just bad RNG but when I challenge her I do OK on the first two parts but in the third round she just slaughters me and my ally in fairly short order. No fair, someone so sexy shouldn't be so hard!

I know she's the first multipart challenge but YEESH! Is it expected to have a certain ally for that fight, or will any ally do OK? (remember I had to change computer last year, and Siofar is proving tougher than I remember - and I thought she was tough already!) Did you buff her or is she just sexy and tough?

Barring that, hoping everything is going well, sounds like the next update will be soon! 


I actually nerfed Siofra a bit after launch. She hasn't gotten any buffs since then. She's probably the first somewhat tough fight in the game though - intentionally, as a self-proclaimed gatekeeper. The main flow of the fight is to kill her summons ASAP, try to go into third phase at high health, and then burst her down before she bursts you down.

Metatron, Celica, and Sarah are maybe the most versatile allies available at the time, with decent survivability/buffs and heals. Maya, unfortunately, doesn't do very well against her.

If all goes well, 0.32 tomorrow! If not, I'll just enjoy the mental breakdown and keep working lol.


After a long time, I have finally managed to complete the story. I had decided to go with the magi dagger-can't spell the actual name for my life- with wind magic. The main strategy is to switch between physical and magic attacks to build up damage, while also using channels and traits to drastically increase my initiative and glancing hit chance. Not sure if I should focus on mastering wind magic or branch out to different magic.


Congrats on beating it so far! And the spell dagger is an Athame. Depends on your playstyle a bit, Bloodflame Blade is a good fire element Athame skill, but you can also use normal dagger skills or another element to mess around. I'd look into Kovomancy if you haven't already, it has some nice bleed synergy.

(1 edit) (+2)

I was tempted to take Kovomancy, but most of them require focus to deal full damage and I'm focus on three stats: Dexterity, Agility, and Magic. So Kovomancy isn't an option for me. Although considering the fact that elemental resistance is now a thing in this version, perhaps branching to other types of magic might be the right call.


when you come back from the first version to currant. Damn there’s art now


Oh wow, it has been a while then! Yeah, we went from around 20-30 minutes of content to probably 30-35 hours. Still a bit messy around the cracks, I'm learning as I go, but at least it's not just a tech demo anymore!

(1 edit) (+1)

My Question for you Cryswar, is it hard too make a game ?. How much time, do you have too work on it and have a 9-5job ?. I am looking to get into this field, except I only want too write the story part of it. Percy Jackson And the game SMITE being my biggest influences in terms of my  story. I am gonna keep the human element OUT of the story. Try something new in terms of story. 


It depends on a lot of factors. Your writing speed, discipline, how much coding you have to do, whether you're drawing art yourself or commissioning it, funding, etc. DD has probably around 4000 hours of work in it currently, a good chunk of that just me learning how to code, but an hour of writing might take 2-5 minutes to read and none of that counts planning time.

If you're just doing a kinetic novel, pure writing and a little sprite stuff, no mechanics, you could probably get a good amount done in 6-12 months. If you want to make a fully fledged RPG with no coding experience, much more time.


thank you for the insight



I love that image lmfao

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