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(2 edits) (+1)

I commented on this project quite some time ago. Unfortunately a corrupted save discouraged me from keeping up with the updates. But I have to say, after having completed the deep forest content I have deep respect for what you're creating.

The themes involving racism, classism and justice. The struggle to make progress in the face of long held prejudices and righteous anger. Astaroth wishing to reform a country far more interested in lining it's pockets rather than the well-being of any of it's own citizens. It's all very relevant to the world we currently live in.

I also appreciate how the Trust events seem to tie back into the main story. In particular, the climax of the story involving the Hobs brought back memories of Aspasia's trust event. Just because somebody may theoretically "deserve" death, does that make it the correct decision?

Not to say that the romantic part isn't noteworthy as well. I was and still am a fan of the Ashley content. The Badon shopping event is both hilarious and a frightening reminder of the chaos that Astaroth has unleashed on society.

Anyway, all of this is to say that you're doing great. Keep up the good work.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and the kind words!

I try not to get too direct about Current Thing, but it seems to be a common concern in the world today from many friends I've talked to in different countries - loving your country but recognizing it's doing awful shit, being unsatisfied with what it is but not having the knowledge or power to change it... it's at least easier to explore those questions from a fantasy setting. I don't want to preach, that's why I give the MC choices for the important moments, but I think they're subjects worth considering and coming to your own decisions on.

Referencing trust/affection events is fun when it makes sense, I try not to go overboard with it but it makes sense to do sometimes. Aspasia has some great events of that type, she really forces MC to think about a lot of things. Siofra and Ina also hit similar vibes, with different themes.

Ashley is great, and idk i you've done Sam's Badon date (affection 14, I think?) I'm really proud of that one. Not as much for the sex stuff as the date itself.

Thank you again for taking the time to write all that, and I hope you enjoy what you have left!


As a another commentator said, thank you for creating this wonderful game. The game page looks sick too 🔥 

Thank you for commenting as well, it's much appreciated and helps improve a rough night! Credit to planetwendall for helping a ton with the page improvements, it was pretty basic beforehand.


Yo Cryswar. I'm hoping this doesn't become too long of a speech, but I just wanted to thank you for creating this absolute masterpiece. It'll never stop being funny to me how I came into this in 2022 on a "me horny, play NSFW game" mindset at first and immediately just fell in love with the world you gave us. This was the first and only time so far that I've played a text based game was able to fully immerse myself into it. God tier world building. An entire cast of believable, interesting, well designed, surprisingly relatable, and loveable characters. Concepts and philosophies that I've never thought of and ones that have honestly shifted how I view a few things. Sick art by the artists. Amazing music. Fun combat system that allows us to come up with some pretty badass builds. And a plot that I'm extremely hype to see how it turns out. 15 out of 10 from me, straight up. Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself out here in this wacky world. I can feel the love and effort you put into Divine Dawn and also hope that you're giving plenty of that to yourself too. Thanks again for the phenomenal experience and I'm waiting patiently for what's to come in the future.

Aw, thank you for the kind words! This has been a lot of work, and hearing that people enjoy it is a big part of what keeps motivation up, so I really appreciate you taking the time to type it out.

I joke sometimes that the rest of the game is an excuse to engage in my passion for worldbuilding, but really I also love writing the characters and (usually, lmao) the battle system stuff, though I'm an awful coder. I worry sometimes the philosophy sounds better in my head than in text, but it's good to know it's interesting!

I'm very lucky to have worked with excellent artists/musicians, it really adds a lot to the game that I couldn't do myself!

Thank you for the well wishes too! I'm doing ok, been a busy week and not all in a good way, but I'm doing OK in general and just pushing forward. Hoping to get back to faster updates, I feel liek it's just more fun all around when I don't get stuck on a scene or two for way too long.

(2 edits) (+1)

Warstriders huh? *cough* EXALTED *cough*


Also, I still cant find a way to farm Affection with Siofra...

LOL there may be a reference there!

At least as of 0.34 Siofra has evening and workout scenes, don't think both were working in 0.33 tho

I am currently playing the 0.34 version.

Siofra is not on the lists for Morning Exercise or Evening Hangout. I checked her Evening interaction list too, for conversations etc, and there was nothing there.

I just checked and she is on both places. Make sure you actually have her in your party I guess?

(5 edits)

No, still not on the list. 

Set Siofra as partner. Skipped time to get to morning exercise and evening hang out. No Siofra on either list.

Yet I can see Affection 2, 4 and 6 scenes that I cant access due to having 0 Affection.

To be clear I have enough Trust that I have read all of her Trust scenes.

Maybe she just doesn't love me!

Complete honesty, I have no idea how to even troubleshoot that, no one else has reported that issue. Is she in your ally list? Like if you rightclick and view allies, is she there?


What do you think would make for a good build using the sword and shield?

I used that for testing for a while, it's a fun setup. You can very easily get so tanky (ESPECIALLY if you partner with Sarah or Celica) that you can just brainlessly clear stuff, it's very funny.

It has really good synergy with squishy party members who need protection (ex. Maya) too.

Beyond that, some magic can help, full paladin vibes, though you start running out of stats fast if you try to do anything more than STR/MAG/VIT. 5-10 points in magic can give some nice channels tho, and a bit of focus can help sustain them.

I had been thinking about it for a bit and I think i have a decent starting skill set for my Sword and Shield Build

Weapon: Sword and Shield
Reason: Obvious

Armor: Rune Plate
Reason: It offers both defense and resist bonuses, which is useful for being the team's tank,

Starting Element: Earth
Reason: It has two useful channel spells which is Stone Skin and Earth Essence, especially once I get their upgraded forms. I just need to invest in some traits that reduce magic costs for channeling and magic regen to use them both.

Now for the skills:

Reason: A basic skill with the ability to reduce an enemy's mitigation, allowing for more damage to flow through.

Reason: It grants me a block token to further reduce damage and it has an upgrade to increase my threat, which will go nicely with Intimidate. Speaking of which...

Reason: This gives me a massive threat boost that makes me a more likely target for enemies. It has two upgrades that could boost either my mitigation or threat each turn.  Can't decide which one is better though.

Reason: It has a massive cooldown but allows me to gain two block tokens and can act as an emergency heal once upgraded.

Stone Skin
Reason: It gives my defense a further boost and can increase my mitigation by 1 each turn once upgraded. Depending on how I go about with Intimidate, I could get 2% mitigation every turn.

Earth Essence
Reason: Having a passive regen on hand is useful for any kind of tank. I could upgrade it to give me even more health regen or further improve my vitality for better mitigation.


I was talking to Siofra on her +2 affection and it came up "spent too time with the succubi...", and now I'm wondering why that mattered. Of COURSE I'm gonna spend time with Sarah and Ashley, Sarah is best girl in my opinion and I love Ashley's attitude. Although I'm still surprised Metatron hasn't convinced Ashley to quit pranking her... anyway, would the conversation have been different if I didn't spend too much time with Sarah and Ashley?

Given how Rosalyn and Selendis act, I'm seriously looking forwards to how succubus MILF will act. "I'm surrounded by Mommydom people...and I love it!" Also, one trait tells me that you played Final Fantasy 2/4 (2 US SNES version, 4 actual)!Love the nod to other games! 


Siofra noticing your succubus affection is just a fun little reference from someone who can see/gauge spirits, not a bad thing! And yes, you only get that line if you are banging one or both succubi. I thought it would get people's attention and showcase her perception.

I love Sarah and Ashley, I love all of the girls rally, but Sarah is the one I'm probably most down bad for. Her or Selendis.

Succumilf isn't toooo far off now, but will be a bit different than each. She's a sweetheart tho.

(1 edit) (+1)

Finally..... New version, i feel fucking old just by waiting the chef to cook the best dish fit my taste and the wait is it worth or not still an unknown question

But that thing, it ting tong me a lot, why i dont see any information about mechanics update, i dont just want new story i also want mechanics update so i can just go out and have fun touching some grass after waiting in my jail for a few months

0.34 is mostly character content. 0.35 is intended to have more story and possibly a new area, not sure yet, I'm gonna try to update faster so I don't ant to promise too much per update yet.

Is there a gallery? Asking for a friend ;- )

Non-repeatable scenes have a gallery. Most scenes can be revisited freely so they don't have a separate gallery.

Traceback error, this is from version 32. Fighting the Hob shaman and two guards, I was knocked out, they were still attacking me (0 to -20), Metatron revives me with an Epione and an error occurs. Curious on why it usually is healing around 16-20 but when she revived me it was 48 healing. "shrug"  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to partake in headpats with a certain doggo girl...

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 54, in script call

    $ setupEncounter(enemy1=adventure_enemy_1, enemy2=adventure_enemy_2, enemy3=adventure_enemy_3, music=adventureArea.bossMusic, levelScaling=adventureArea.levelScaling, levelBoost=adventureArea.levelBoost, levelRandom=adventureArea.levelRandom, levelTarget=adventureArea.levelTarget, scalingCap=adventureArea.scalingCap, canRest=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2328, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2328, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpy", line 76, in script call

    call screen camp_home

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 54, in script call

    $ setupEncounter(enemy1=adventure_enemy_1, enemy2=adventure_enemy_2, enemy3=adventure_enemy_3, music=adventureArea.bossMusic, levelScaling=adventureArea.levelScaling, levelBoost=adventureArea.levelBoost, levelRandom=adventureArea.levelRandom, levelTarget=adventureArea.levelTarget, scalingCap=adventureArea.scalingCap, canRest=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2328, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2328, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Divine Dawn 0.32

Sat Mar  1 15:04:48 2025

New update! WOOO!

Something  I noticed playing from the beginning again, but Metatron is QUITE verbose and formal when you first meet her, and as she warms up to you she's more relaxed and informal. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it gives an added feel to the game, like she's more comfortable and feels OK not being quite so formal to you. Still waiting on that Ashley-Metatron prank war though!

And Mommydom is my new favorite word! Thinking you have a few people in mind for that cough"Metatron"cough but it'll be interesting if there's a few others that might show up with some kind of Mommy fetish (like Siofra flirting with the MC and wanting him to call her Mommy or something)

Very much intentional! She doesn't use contractions at the start either, but slowly eases into using them. I was trying to portray her gradually getting less stiff, I'm glad you noticed!

Mommydom is great, and the very embodiment of Rosalyn lmao. Succubus milf will too, Selendis most likely, and Siofra might have some of that energy, though I suspect she'll be bigger on ranked competitive sex and lovemaking.

Not sure if the update will land tonight or tomorrow, but I'm still on track to stick with the last announcement, just want to get 1 more scene done.


How is the game coming?. How have you been Cryswar ?.


Pretty well actually! I've had a much better february than january was, made a lot of progress with scenes recently, almost ready for a new update. That sure feels good to say.

Is the game cintains animation? Also, characters is drawing or A.I?


No animations.

All character art was commissioned from real artists.

Just wondering, since I like a hybrid of might and magic, both are maxed out, but by doing that I wonder if maybe I'm missing out slightly because there are certain boons when you reach 5 in a skills, and by focusing on strength and magic it takes longer to get the other boons. But then it takes longer to kill off the there really a "good" setup?

Things going well with ya? 

I'm sure there's an optimal setup, but most of the 'splash' traits are at around 5 to 10 in a stat so you don't have to go in too far. STR/MAG combo builds just have less stats to yeet around, so you'll have to pick and choose which you want to get to.

And I'm ok! January was awful but February is looking to be much better, beta soon and hopefully release next week.

Does the demo gradually receive updates aswell, or is it locked on an older version of the game?

What I mean by "gradually receive updates", i'm asking if the demo still gets updated, just with older content. E.g. The paid version gets updated from version 4.0 version 5.0, and at the same time the demo would get updated from version 2.0 to version 3.0.

Or, an example if the demo is "locked on an older version": The paid version gets updated from version 4.0 version 5.0, however the demo remains on version 2.0 and will not change.

The demo is always 1 update behind the paid one. To put it another way, when 0.34 comes out, 0.33 is free for everyone. When 0.35 comes out, 0.34 becomes free for everyone.

Probably would have been more lucrative to make the demo limited, but I was originally hoping to make the game free and I still want as many people as possible to enjoy it. It's just that pure donations wasn't cutting it for income.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yo bro just dropped into say I really appreciate the work you do bro, thanks for this banger of a game. I wish you the best of luck and sending you well wishes bro. 

Thank you for the kind words! This has been an awful 2025 so far lmao, but update soon and then hopefully I can get to fast regular updates again.

Deleted 72 days ago
Deleted 75 days ago
(2 edits)

After reading the trait and abilities a little bit more by somehow i find a shitty build around only aura and buff skill only and you even dont need partner to deal dame, just need a some migation aura, reduce enemy dame aura, heal per turn aura, trait and the core dame aura skill, a nether aura skill that deal 8% max Hp as poison dame, but with this kind of build we also need more max mana and mana regeneration, and i also use a weapon have the skill that regen 1.5 ( can be 2.0 mana when have mastery ) when in battle i will regen 4.0 mana per turn, may enough to sustain this build

Does the build good? Nope, it kinda low dame( but if you use mastery increase the poison dame every turn it can make some high dame, i once make the boss take 132% max Hp every turn as poison dame :v )and only tank, kinda boring just  only spam the mana regen skill every turn, but it fun when thinking to make a shitty build even though that isn't effective

There have been some pretty funny AFK builds over time. The fire increasing-damage one and the poison DOT combine to be pretty solid.

(2 edits) (-1)

Dude..... You still not adjust the mana issue of aura skill :? I may have some opinion you can look for

You can just increase more traits having increase mana regen, or reduce the mana cost of aura skill, or make it just delete character max mana by 2 or 3 when using, or give one of stats can increase mana regen ( like focus increase mana regen, or just make a new stats just specific on mana pool and regen) and maybe just make a new energy bar only for aura skill like Poe 2, or just delete the mana the skill using and limit how much aura skill player can use when low level and slowly open more aura skill slot when they got to higher level ( or just some requirements player need to do to unlock using the 2nd, 3rd, 4th aura skill )

Not offense, i just really like the aura skill but current system kinda lame for me to use or maybe me being greedy  want to use a holy of 7,8 aura skill all the time :)))

Using 7-8 aura skills all the time isn't happening.


So..... Can it happen in near future :)))


Happy New Year Cryswar! Hope you had most of this year (Cause I'm a few hours early lol) Just wanted to tell you I loved all the new content you gave us this year and that you should be proud of how far you've come. Hope to see you again soon!
Until then, I shall disappear back into the comment section!

Thank you, and happy new years to you as well!

Here's to 2025 having more faster updates, even if they're a bit smaller


Merry Christmas!! Hoping things are well with ya!


Hey, thank you! Right back at you, a little late!




Is pregnancy going to be added to this game. I don't have a fetish. I just see it as a part of the game. Like the  Rune Factory series.


Probably in some of the endings.

(1 edit) (+1)

I have to report a small bug, or at least I think so, obviously I could be wrong. "frost bolt B" is supposed to inflict a 5% stack of spell vulnerability but it doesn't seem to do so, I haven't noticed any increase in damage even casting it multiple times on the same enemy


Is the debuff landing on the enemy at all? Like are they getting an icon of some sort on them? Cuz it could be bugged (ex. the spell doesn't actually apply it), I haven't tried it in a while, but it could just be that 5% is too small to make a difference earlygame.


I tried it now at level 35 against metrataton during morning sparring and the only one that appears is the chill stack. I inflicted a stack of 14 chill on her but no other icon appeared and the damage remained unchanged


Good catch! There was an invisible Bleed requirement that wasn't supposed to be there, fixed for next update.


Discussing Blood Magic in a different game made me wonder if the MC will ever do blood magic here. Sure, it can be super dangerous, little things like "killing you if you aren't careful", but I'm sure with the group he has they'll make sure he is able to use it responsibly, right?? Lessee, Metatron, Sarah, Celica and Aspasia and...uh that's it for "Responsible," Sam, Ashley, and Maya are definitely NOT, and I'm not so sure on Siofra or Ina either... ummm maybe it's better he doesn't learn it? If he's anything like my luck, there will be "it wasn't supposed to do that..." a lot (I have horrid luck).

I do wonder how much of Ashley's rather blatant flirting is "succubus related" and how much is just Ashley. Sarah is a lot more quiet in her flirting and when she does flirt she almost seems surprised, whereas Ashley flirts, flirts some more, and then flirts again just it case it wasn't enough!

You mentioned that Ina doesn't see Kuril or Kanadros as friends, does she view them as mentors or something? Yeah, Kuril's a bodyguard, but you can be bodyguard and friend too. Maybe because it's because she is a princess she doesn't want to admit they are friends?

Sorry for the delated response!

I hope to add blood magic at some point, no absolute promises though. I don't think the vampire gf will happen, at least not as initially planned, though.

Ashley is just.... Ashley. She puts on a heckuva act for many reasons. They're both teenage girls in a lot of ways.

Ina respects them both a lot, and is probably closer to friends with Kuril, but they don't see her as a friend either so much as a princess they care deeply for and want to support. Kuril is more like her cool war criminal uncle and Kandros is the cool genius billionaire uncle, lmao.


No worries on the blood magic, the other game treats it as highly illegal, and the game here treats it as highly dangerous. Having a vampire gf would be super interesting, given MC's already got succubus gfs, an angel gf, a doggo gf, and a slime gf... but curious if having a vampire gf would clash with someone (say, a certain daughter of Gaea)

Ashley, I'm aware hides her insecurity behind flirting and teasing. When you get her to serious, she unloads a lot. Sarah is more open about it, but both are struggling with a lot of issues. 

You didn't mention Batman was making an appearance in Divine Dawn! lol

It's not universally illegal here, but very dangerous. Not sure if the vampire would clash, but their lore here is pretty miserable so I suspect it'd be hard to get along with - if I ever did a smaller standalone game I could see her being the main waifu though, I had so much planned for her! Enough to center a game around, tbh.

Ashley and Sarah both need love (and the D).

The idea of Kandros as Batman is.... uncomfortably not inaccurate.

(1 edit)

Is it impossible to start off the game as a Unarmed fighter? I can't even basic attack. At least in the demo.

You need to start with Tiger or Crane martial arts to be a martial artist at the start. I'll add pure strength MA at some point as well.


OH! Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I was hella confused.

It isn't explained super well honestly, don't stress it. I'm still working on getting the class build to explain things a bit better.

In that case. I'll play through the demo as a lancer then. That was the second weapon choice I had in mind anyway. Are any other weapons like the fists that have a certain way to build to play them differently like a Strength Spear or something?

Most weapons are pretty straightforward. Several of them (especially the bows and greatsword) have a medium amount of elemental magic abilities that scale on magic.


Tiger martial arts are quite interesting, many skills mention mana usage or have magical effects (like celestial claws) but it is not necessary to invest in the magic skill, will there be a lore explanation for this? on the downside though the damage of the skills is quite low


Hey there! The idea was to have a somewhat mystical flavor without making it too punishing to use. Adding mana costs felt like it would make it awful. The base damage is fairly average (still better than shortbows, lol) but Tiger gets a nice form skill that really helps it spread Bleed everywhere, and traits to help it heal allies with every attack, so you deal decent scaling damage with solid utility for a weapon.


Thanks for the reply man, you made a really nice game. It's true, the ability to do damage while healing yourself and allies is pretty useful, plus the bleeding. Anyway, do you plan to write unique conversations if the MC is a martial artist and talks to Maya and other npc's who use martial arts themselves?


Glad you're enjoying it!

There will be some dialog swaps, but entirely unique conversations for something a small % of players can see would detract from doing conversations most/all players can see, so I wouldn't expect a ton of them.

Maya and Ashley will definitely get some degree of content if you are a martial artist as well, though. I love writing fights and sparring matches, like Sam/Metatron, are a good opportunity.




I wonder if the MC has any relation to Lucifer. Both seem to have some relation to the abyss. Lucifer looks inward herself and finds the abyss, while Astaroth gets 5 Abyssal Corruption at the beginning of the game. Metatron also said Lucifer would be interested in Astaroth.

Mmm... all I can say for now without spoiling things is that you may get a chance to meet her down the road! Interesting theory though, she might have something to do with at least one party member's potential.

Is there going to be Grandchildren for the future of the story for The Mc's Mother ?.


I think that's the plan of about half the cast, lmao.


Thanks to my old ISP screwing me over, gotta wait till the new stuff is "free to play". Seriously, my ISP said "we are upgrading, but you aren't part of the area, so you gotta find a new ISP" That's all dealt with, but I think I'd rather watch Ashley's pranking on Metatron over dealing with that (be a lot more fun too)

Seeing Siofra flirt with the MC is interesting, I'm half expecting someone to comment that he seems to have all these babes around and they all seem to want him, and have him be all "uh....I wasn't PLANNING on it being that way..."

Sorry to hear that! ISP woes are awful, I wish we had more options where I live instead of exactly one.

MC is getting more confident (to a degree) as things progress, I can see him start to joke about it at some point, but also recognize the weight of trying not to break anyone's heart. Siofra, Ina, and soon Alicia are definitely going to drive that home - all are pretty aggressive about what they want.

I'm lucky the ISP I was able  to get is a good one!

I noticed that with Ina, she feels the MC is the closest thing she has to a friend and while they give each other grief a LOT, I suspect that's because she feels she can tease him in a friendly way. Siofra I'm curios on, and in Selendis's daughter Alicia? Or just someone who shares the name?

One thing I noticed revisiting the "report to Selendis" action. She mentions a "possible compromise, where everyone is unhappy" Shouldn't that be everyone is happy? I realize compromises aren't great sometimes, but if everyone is unhappy about it...

And if anyone says you can't learn things from video games, I had to find out what an awl was after seeing Gareth refer to himself as one. Therefore, video games have expanded my knowledge of tools!


Ina is definitely excited to have a friend, even if she won't admit it (easily) lmao.

Alicia is Selendis's daughter and the final guaranteed party member.

The compromise comment is intentional. It's a reference to how no one gets everything they want from compromises; gallows humor on Selendis's part.

I know some of this stuff from a weird past with plenty of farm experience, but it's fun to look up some of it too! I research a lot of stuff to try to get ROUGHLY feasible content, tho obviously having magic and magitech gives me a lot of wiggle room. Always a good way to learn!


Wake up babe, new DD content just dropped.

Thanks for another great update, but I’m just a little curious about something. I’m wondering how many ‘chapters’ you’re planning to add to this game. For example, I’d assume the Deepwoods adventure was the first chapter, and the stuff before that was the exposition; and then the next chapter is gonna be, from what I remember, something about astronomy and the “mysterious object in space.”

That's a question I'm asking myself as well to a degree lol. I'd say we're about 1/3 through what I had planned that is actually reasonable to do, give or take a little. Not sure how things will work out in the end.

But the very rough idea was Hieroneiden arc (culminating in deepwoods, yea), hero's journey arc (culminating in Astrologia and finding out what's going wrong), and then an unnamed arc that culminates in the overall finale.

i don't know how to continue story i just got siofra on the team but only then i can do is adventure and go to badon and i have max affections and trust

If you have Siofra on the team, you're basically caught up on story. Next update will have more.

there are npcs in the update logs that I haven't met tho and scenes I don't have that were stated in the logs

You'd have to be more specific about who and what.

I don't know who Rosalyn is 

Rosalyn was one of the characters you run into in the second Deepwoods area. She appears every run and has several scenes. If you visit her after clearing all of the Deepwoods Heart content and followup (knights, Ina, Siofra joins) you can visit her to see the newest content.

Deleted 185 days ago

Can you describe what you've done and where you are?

Deleted 185 days ago

Thanks for clarifying, that was very helpful to know exactly what to say!

Once you've met the Knight-Commander, the Deepwoods Verge area opens up and you can go adventuring there to progress the plot.

Deleted 185 days ago
Deleted 185 days ago

ok so what kinda transformations are gonna be in the game/ are already in the game?


there is 3 different kind of corruption that game tracks. holy, demonic, and abyssal but at these stage they are not doing anything. from what dev said they will cause some transformation if you get them to high +even but its not in game yet 


Hi there, I had a question. If we already bought the game before do we have to pay for it again when an update comes out?

Nope, buy it once and get updates forever!

(1 edit)

Well thats weird because I bought the 0.32 and now its asking me to pay for it again to get 0.33


It will still say "Buy Now" under the Purchase section regardless if you have bought the game or not.
You have to scroll to the top of the page, and click Download under "You own this game". You can also go to your collection under your profile and download it from there.

Can be confusing if you aren't used to buying games on itch.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for explaining that to him, I would not have done nearly as good of a job lmao.

The game is great, a lot of thought and hard work was put into it. There is a few bad, a bit too grindy to up affection and trust. There is also the dialog, MC think way too much, close to 50% of a event can be MC think, i try to not read his thought and just read the dialog and i think it was much better because the exchange, which is not interrupt it, feel more alive

Hope i wrote properly and in a way that can be understood

Keep up the good work

In the Cheat menu, you can alter the trust/affection gain rates, or directly add them. I actually get a lot of complaints that you get T/A too fast lol, so I figured I'd just let everyone adjust it to their own liking.

Glad you enjoyed the game overall!

(3 edits) (+3)

Ok, so I was going to do a whole diary/day ??? bit, but I couldn't figure out what to write. So instead, I'm just gonna ask how did Cryswar came up with their name, and if anyone has tried moding the game?

P.S Glad you're taking your time Cryswar, I know the update will be awesome, keep up the good work.

P.P.S Do not try modding a lot into the game, it WILL end badly.


Cryswar was inspired by a golem-esque enemy in a VERY old game. I thought they looked cool and sounded cool. All there really is to it LMAO.

There are a few mods on the discord, Redshirt is actually working on a very ambitious one that adds a shitload of new weapons, skills, and even mechanics. It's kinda wild actually. Dude's is really good at this. Not a huge modding community though, not sure if due to lack of info or wat

(2 edits) (+2)

That's kinda amazing, I made some mods as well, but only two since I didn't want to change too much of the game. The items I made were the Abyssal Longsword and Iron Skin. I tried giving screenshot, but Itch won't let me for some reason, lol. They're essentially cheat items, but it took a me bit to make them, so it feels good to use them. 
Also, thanks for answering about how you got the name. See ya around Cryswar!



Took a while, but I got it.


Heyy nice dude! Glad you got them sorted, back when I played MGD I ended up modding in some cheat abilities so I could test my other content lol. Ultimately though, I just want people to have fun with DD, whether that be playing 'as designed' or in gigachad mode I don't mind at all. Glad you had fun modding and hope you enjoy your items!


So, I saw a friend of mine playing the game recently and now I'm really tempted to buy it. My only question is, is there like a way to further a relationship with a specific character and have that result in like a unique ending (Ultimately an end game question not sure if the game is done yet but that won't stop me from buying, I'm probably gonna buy it either way) or just a kind of consequences or reason to specifically pay attention to one character?


Hey there! The game is still in progress, depending on your reading speed there's maybe 30-40 hours of content if you do all of every girl's content? But it's far from done.

In the long term, yes, each character will have their own ending (and some harem endings). Bringing someone you like along on quests has unique dialogue for them as well, varying by character and mission.


I'm a sucker for H games that have well made stories and Gameplay and this one sure sounds like it fits the bill. I love the aspect when games have different endings and almagamate differently depending on your choices. I'll definitely be checking it out!


Nice, hope you enjoy! There's certainly a lot of writing lol, I wanted to make an adult game with real characters rather than porn, though as my first project there will be some scuff.


I MAY have cheated a little using Aspasia for my fight with Mara and Chernobog  (I was knocked out for some of it, Aspasia was fine, then someone healed me. traceback coming too) but choosing "shield" was... DAMN. I know there's not really a "right" or "wrong"  answer, but sparing the hobs seemed the best choice to me, and the response to Eldard, Mara, and Syvator (sp?) was...WOW EXTREMELY impressed with the writing for "shield"! 

For the traceback...

'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 50, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.finalStep["Event"]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/deepwoods_heart/deepwoods_heart_endgame.rpy", line 264, in script call

    $ setupSpar("Chernobog", thisMusic="Epic Boss Creepy", solo=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 50, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.finalStep["Event"]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/deepwoods_heart/deepwoods_heart_endgame.rpy", line 264, in script call

    $ setupSpar("Chernobog", thisMusic="Epic Boss Creepy", solo=False)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 113, in script


  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Unzipped\DivineDawn\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 120, in <module>


  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 183, in Action

    calculateStatus(user, target, i, ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 767, in calculateStatus

    roll += getTotalStatusResist(target)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in getTotalStatusResist

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2327, in <lambda>

    resistValue = sum(x.statusResistChance for x in actor.traits)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'traits'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Divine Dawn 0.31a

Mon Jul 22 08:55:12 2024


Haha, hey, Aspasia is there to cockroach her way through fights, it's not cheating to use the tools the game gives you.

I do think Metatron is usually better tho, also very tanky and can heal allies as well, or herself to be even tankier.

Anyways, yeah, I put WAY too much work into those chocies, it's always very gratifying to hear that people liked them! I'm personally such a carebaer that I tested them all for dev purposes but immediately went Shield on my playthrough, I just like being the good guy and making everyone happy. Mara felt like a dark mirror to the MC, both of them doing similar things for the same reasons, she just didn't have the support she needed to stay on the right path and we have an option to finally improve things.

Thanks for the error report, I'll see if I can track it down.

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