Divine Dawn 0.28 Release!

Definitely took longer than I hoped, but I used that time to make the knight scene a lot chunkier and more reflective of past choices, so hopefully it feels worth it!


  • A massive combi-scene covering your return to the knight camp after the Deepwoods finale, with some significant plot development and some major callbacks to previous major choices. Also includes Ina being thirstier than usual, which is a feat in and of itself.
  • Aspasia 12 and 14 affection scenes, pushing further into friendship and romance with the starstruck slime. Like, astronomy stars, not a metaphor for romance.
  • Sarah 10 trust gets moving on her own Rocky training montage, which is unsurprisingly less violent than Ashley's. Slightly more messed up tho.
  • Metatron 10 trust finally starts delving into Metatron's own martial art, as well as more trauma. That's gonna be a recurring theme.
  • Ashley affection 12 is mostly really wholesome, with a side dish of PTSD. She's a good girl. Might purr if you pet her.
  • Greatsword rework; 4 new traits, a few new support abilities, and several new elemental skills. It's still probably not as busted as Greataxe, but *way* safer and plays more into the unstoppable juggernaut vibe.
  • Some new music; Selendis and Ina each get their own themes!
  • A new knight, with art from alhazart. Same guy who did Kuril, Kandros, Svyatibor, etc.

As always, let me know if you run into any bugs, so I can fix them!


PC/Linux demo 324 MB
Dec 09, 2023
Android demo 329 MB
Dec 09, 2023
Mac demo 319 MB
Dec 09, 2023
Windows/Linux 352 MB
Version 0.28 Dec 09, 2023
Android 357 MB
Version 0.28 Dec 09, 2023
Mac 347 MB
Version 0.28 Dec 09, 2023

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Hyped to play the update! Thank you for continuing to update this amazing game!


I appreciate the excitement! Always warms the cockles to see people excited for the game! Here's hoping it's fun, early responses have been pretty positive~