Divine Dawn 0.34 Release!

Definitely took longer than I'd hoped, but there are a lot of large scenes here, important to each character's development, so hopefully it's worth the wait!

I'm especially fond of the Ina, Siofra, and Rosalyn scenes - I decided to try to focus on them to catch them up a bit to others and ensure they felt like full relationships, and in the first two cases, members of the camp.


  • Rosalyn gets two giant scenes, one full of reveals about her character - and your backstory - and another that's more about your growing relationship with each other. God I wish she would hug me.
  • Sarah, Ashley, and Metatron get a daytime conversation, touching on Bariura lore and giant mecha.
  • Siofra gets Trust 8, Affection 4, and Affection 6 scenes, significantly deepening your relationship with her and revealing more of her (mostly) likeable side.
  • Ina gets Trust 8, Trust 10, and Affection 8 scenes, showcasing a lot more of our favorite princess, plenty of Atlantis lore, and hinting at the start of a relationship.
  • Aspasia gets a Trust 12 scene with a moral quandary and some of her being surprisingly sweet.
  • Sam gets an Affection 16, following up her date withsome character development and cute moments!
  • Maya gets an Affection 12, which is equal parts her shitposting, lore about the east, and admitting you're alright, which is basically a declaration of love from her.
  • Sarah gets an affection 18, very comfy and sweet. Comfort food reading and I love her for it.

As always, 0.33 is now free for everyone as a 'demo' download. It's an absolutely massive update, so hopefully everyone is eating good today!


PC/Linux Demo 348 MB
12 hours ago
Android Demo 353 MB
12 hours ago
Mac Demo 343 MB
12 hours ago
Windows/Linux 352 MB
Version 0.34 12 hours ago
Android 357 MB
Version 0.34 12 hours ago
Mac 347 MB
Version 0.34 12 hours ago

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