May 7th Weekly Update + Sketches

Got back to work this week! Actually went pretty well, despite being a tad rusty and having a lot going on IRL.

Around 8000 words of content written, with a few group scenes (Ashley/Maya, Sam/Celica) and one solo with Sarah. They all came out pretty well, though lowkey I'm super proud of the Sarah one, it's so nice to see her in comfy therapist mode.

Rosalyn and Ashley CGs got delivered as well; idk exactly when they'll make it into the game, but both artists (Nor and InCloud respectively) did a phenomenal job with the art! Lotta good expressions, and of course very lewd. Both are surprisingly affectionate too!

I forget if I even mentioned this one, but we also got a very cool giant birb art (non-waifu, sorry) that will likely be used in the post-deepwoods area.

Great progress on new stat icons, thanks to TheWiseHedgehog's amazing work. I think we have everything except for the Charisma icon nailed down and looking great!

I also went back and fixed almost all of the bugs/typos reported since 0.25 launch, though I confess some will take a little more work than I had hoped. My thanks to everyone who reported those, it's incredibly helpful for improving the game!

Gonna try to get some of the CG backlog implemented this week, there's actually more than I had realized floating around. Not the worst fate to have though. 'Oh no, a bunch of super high-quality lewd art, how terrible!' said no one ever.

Lastly, have a wide variety of sketches from Nor! Some are unbearably cute, some are goofy as hell, and some are dangerously good waifuizations of existing bosses/monsters. SvyatiMOMMY, god damn. It's honestly kinda crazy how good his art is, these were all sketches during a patron call that he just went super saiyan in like a god.

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