January 23 Weekly Update

Well, work continues. Not the most exciting progress report; I'm still plugging away at Metatron stuff. I can't help but wonder if I'm chasing perfection instead of good, similar issues to the Celica romance stuff; here's hoping I can learn a lesson along the way. 

As I was talking about yesterday, I also got a lot of skill/weapon planning done while taking breaks from that; since we're gonna be going full bore back into combat/plot stuff soon I really want to have a good plan for that by the time I start next update.

Not as exciting, but now abilities can scale with the higher of two stats; it's kiiind of ugly behind the scenes so I may end up redoing that code but w/e LOL. Could be useful for generic weapon abilities or abilities shared between two similar weapons that have different scalings.

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I kind of like the idea of abilities scaling with the higher of two stats, more flexibility of character design and potentially more synergy between different abilities. I imagine its complicated though.

I think the thing from this news I'm most interested in is storyline/plot stuff, a secondary interest would be character development (Metatron's story/New characters).

New weapon skills sounds good to. It sounds like eventually I'll be able to put together whatever character I want regardless of what I start as, which is ideal.

Scaling is kind of annoying but not too bad once I get it set up. Design wise, I think it makes sense for MOST things to scale primarily/solely from certain stats (ex. most magic is MAG, some has MAG/INS scaling if lore appropriate, and daggers are mostly a dexterity thing), but some skills don't need to be too constrained.

Not this update, but the next one is definitely gonna go hard on plot/story/new area, I didn't think I'd get bogged down so long in camp stuff lol.

And yeah, weapon swapping + new weapons will be in 1-2 updates, that + wind/earth training combined with respec if needed should let you put together a lot of weird stuff for a build if desired.


Sounds really good. Didnt know you were going to put in more repeccing, thats good. It means I wont have to start all over again to try out these ideas!