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I really like the game, its very good but why the hell doesn't male Sam have artwork? I get that drawing art is difficult and time consuming (especially considering how well you draw) but he didn't deserve to be done dirty like that!


I commission art, which is expensive, time-consuming, and depends on artist availability - pretty much everything I've ever made from the game has gone right back into art/music commissions haha.

There are a few other characters that don't have art as well (Olivia in Ashley's badon scene, the Knight-commander, etc), everyone having art is pretty recent. For most of the game, it was just text boxes or a mix of text boxes and art.

Male Sam was an experiment that didn't go nearly as well as hoped, while making it much harder to update female Sam, so unfortunately he is getting removed in 0.22. There will be other bros in the future (no NTR).


What was the intent for the male Sam experiment?  Depending on what you were thinking, the general idea could be repurposed - say, for example, Samantha being temporarily gender-bent.  It might be a chance for her to see that she was actually pretty feminine in the first place.  I have the impression that she feels a bit insecure on that front.

Anyhow, Badon should be a pretty good chance to dig into lore and how the characters relate to the world.  For example, a food stall can reveal that Maya's beastkin nose is too sensitive around certain foods, maybe a festival that celebrates in honor of felled angels, and so forth.  I am guessing that Metatron would feel a bit disturbed at (false?) remains being displayed, much like real-world saints.


The original idea is that he'd be a source of MMF content, and if you didn't like Ashley you could set him up with her.  Didn't seem like people were very interested in that and his mere existence made FSam harder to add content to, so I ended up dropping him. There may be MMF content in the future with other characters, idk, but I don't really want to deal with the anti-NTR crowd deciding everything is NTR so I'm not really eager to jump into that lol.

I definitely have plans for a number of Badon dates/adventures, will hopefully get to those in the near future! Some interesting ideas there.

(1 edit) (+3)

I am interested in the potential interplay of Sam(uel) and Celica, both verbal and licentious.   While I don't think a full Samuel route would pay off, a divergence that has Sam sticking their wick into Celica's candleholder is certainly something I like to envision.

Mind, how that can happen without Celica learning Apocalypse from pure anger and ending Samantha's world would be quite a needle to thread.


Ha, I can almost hear the NTR shitstorm already. Celica is usually 2nd or 3rd most popular girl in polls, don't think people wanna share. I can't imagine that ending well, but female sam/celica competitive sex could be funny... if they can even get along that well.


Ah, sorry, I didn't know. Glad to see that there will be other bro's tough!


Its a bit of a shame there will never be a male Sam. But other male bros could be good. I do want Astaroth to have a bro to hang out with.

I like the idea of a Male Sam and Ashley relationship, I like Ashley quite a lot especially after recent revelations but I could have gone for that. It is what it is though.

I'm not a fan of NTR either but I really wouldn't have minded seeing more than one happy couple come out of all this.

Maybe a future bro could be blessed with Ashely, Sam or another girls attention. I can be happy with a mere 4 or 5 ladies, I'm not greedy :P


Ultimately, it's on me for assuming that it'd be easier to have a character with optional genders. Having to write all of their scenes twice, or cut out stuff for male Sam, was just unfeasible to keep up with. A separate male character is much more doable.

Also, there's a pretty good chance there's a foxy grandpa upcoming, role unrevealed, so there will be guys!


A silver fox shall we say? Lol.


I found going to the church in Badon REAL interesting, and loved that the more things happens, the more the MC is thinking "am I in WAAAAAAAAY over my head?" The whole meeting with Philip was great too. He treats the whole thing as serious and if he is unaware of who Metatron really is (doubtful, given that MC's parents know of her) he hides his surprise very well. 

I do have a minor complain, but it's just because of the way I did things. I delivered Ina to the Knight Commandant (looking forwards to her artwork) then did the Badon stuff. The narration about it says he's not sure if the Knight Commandant is there - but he would know where she is because he met with her, in delivering Ina. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to change the wording slightly if you deal with Ina then deal with the Badon piece, Might be more trouble than it's worth *shrug*

Given how Maya acts, I'm thinking she's the relative age of MC, Sam, and Celica. Also thinking you should have Sam and Maya team up for the lolz over who's better at "say something then 5 seconds later brain catches up". Maya would PROBABLY do better, but not sure...

Jealous angel is cute...but still think I'd be wary of ticking off someone who can slaughter a (whatever the heck that creature was in the temple). Still waiting for Ashley to come to the MC saying that one of her pranks on Metatron went wrong or (even better) Metatron started pranking her back!

Good catch, yeah, I didn't even think of someone doing church before knights (since knights weren't ingame when I did church LOL). I'll try and remember to do a line swap.

Glad you liked the priest, I had a lot of fun with that scene! It was nice to write a guy like that, people really seem to like him in general. RIP Metatron's hopes, though.

Yeah, everyone you can bang is 18+, Maya specifically is the same age as the core few.  Unfortunately, if she played that game with Sam, MC's brain would lose from the consequences...

Metatron is a good girl (mostly) so Ashley knows she can fuck around without finding out - mostly. Metatron's possessiveness may become an issue over time, though...


I noticed that the MC has just about equal "think first" and "think last" companions. Think first: Metatron, Sarah, Aspia, Celica (except when Sam is concerned!). Think last: Ashley, Sam, Maya. You have Ashley and Sam pair up occasionally when doing adventures (for the lolz), think a pairing of Ashley/Maya or Maya/Sam is a possibility? Or possibly Maya and Aspia because they are so total opposites...

I need to go through the area where Maya is with everyone and see how many people follow through with headpats. Maya needs all the headpats she can! Sarah I can see doing it, honestly not sure on any of the others... 

Alicia will be a good middle ground (but closer to the second group), and Sofra is definitely in the latter, so the scales tip ever towards MC's suffering!

I forget who all pats Maya, but it's not a lot unfortunately, when I go back and update that scene I'll probably add a wider band of interactions.

Dialogue-wise, there is bit of text that probably meant to be code.  In the woods, Maya has a scene in which she is described as Dog-in-a-Box.  At the end of the paragraph, it says something like "show Maya at 20 with moveinright", or along those lines.


Already fixed in 22, thank you for the report to remind me to doublecheck!


Still just starting the game but I have useful feedback relating to the early stages:

The writing is great! You could definitely use some set piece CGs to go with the longer segmets of the game that stretch out in a single place This would be especially helpful in the portion of the game that is simply T H E H A L L A W A Y. CGs for individual scenes with the girls would also be nice, but I imagine that'll probably be something you're planning on filling out as the budget increases. Frankly, I like the entire vibe so far. Good music, good writing, interesting art direction. I know these projects are expensive and you appear to be in it for what seems to be enjoyment of the story you're telling here. I have similar aspirations so I can relate.

TL;DR: Love the writing and music choices. What art is there is great but I think more of it would be helpful for both immersion and attention spans. Commissioning this stuff obviously takes time and money though. Keep it up, will be monitoring this project closely as I'm enthusiastic for its future.

Found a error.  This was with a character who charged the boss during the slaver battle.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 36, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.specialEvents[str(adventure_current_step)]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/severn_floodplains/special_events/severn_slaver_encounter.rpy", line 113, in script

    $ addNPC("partner.actorID")

  File "game/dawncode/areas/severn_floodplains/special_events/severn_slaver_encounter.rpy", line 113, in <module>

    $ addNPC("partner.actorID")

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 1272, in addNPC


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1286, in execute

    screen npc_screen():

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1286, in execute

    screen npc_screen():

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1292, in execute

    if len(npcList) == 2:

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1295, in execute

    if not npcList[1].art:

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1295, in <module>

    if not npcList[1].art:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'art'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 36, in script call

    call expression adventureArea.specialEvents[str(adventure_current_step)]

  File "game/dawncode/areas/severn_floodplains/special_events/severn_slaver_encounter.rpy", line 113, in script

    $ addNPC("partner.actorID")

  File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 1049, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/dawncode/areas/severn_floodplains/special_events/severn_slaver_encounter.rpy", line 113, in <module>

    $ addNPC("partner.actorID")

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 1272, in addNPC


  File "renpy/display/", line 1218, in show_screen

    sls.add(_layer, d, _tag, zorder=_zorder, transient=_transient, keep_st=True, name=name)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1132, in add

    if not self.hide_or_replace(layer, remove_index, "replaced"):

  File "renpy/display/", line 1191, in hide_or_replace

    if not oldsle.displayable._handles_event(prefix):

  File "renpy/display/", line 500, in _handles_event


  File "renpy/display/", line 653, in update


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1286, in execute

    screen npc_screen():

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1286, in execute

    screen npc_screen():

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1292, in execute

    if len(npcList) == 2:

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1295, in execute

    if not npcList[1].art:

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 1295, in <module>

    if not npcList[1].art:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'art'

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64


Divine Dawn 0.21e

Sat Oct  1 17:02:17 2022


(2 edits) (+1)

Thoughts so far...

I enjoy the overall aesthetic of the ladies.  Music-wise, the combat music reminds me of Ys and Lufia II, which is quite a nice thing.

Where the writing is concerned, it isn't boring and the interplay between the protagonist and company is much appreciated.  So far I haven't encountered much in the way of spelling errors, and dialogue seems natural enough.

When it comes to the trait system, I feel the threat-altering traits are kinda bad.  You can't switch off the threat alterations, which makes some partners more problematic.  Further, you can buy both branches of alteration - they should be mutually exclusive if they are designed to lock-in.   My personal preference would be the threat traits to add instant modes to the protagonist that can be switched on/off.  That would allow the player to tailor their threat level to a situation.

Aside from the that, I don't know how to view purchased traits.  If there is a way to review that stuff, I haven't found it yet.

In combat, it would be nice if there is an indicator for how much mastery progress remains for a skill.  That way, I can use safe lulls in combat for optimal learning.

When fighting the ladies, the status effects can cover their battle portrait.  For example, Samantha having her mouth.  While amusing, it might be a good idea to have a dedicated status area for enemies.

When selecting allies, it would be nice for Trust and Affection to be displayed.  Right now, I have to visit them to see what I do (not) have. Something like "1/4" to indicate progress to the next event would be helpful.


Hey, thanks for the feedback!

Glad you're digging the art and music, I'm always looking to improve music and get a stronger vibe going. I love that stuff, makes or breaks a game for me.

On traits - I'm not super happy with the threat traits either, but still figuring out how I want to handle them. May swap them to instant or channel abilities as you suggested.

You can rightclick at any time, even in combat, to see all stats/traits/abilities for you and all allies, and turn off abilities you don't want to use/don't want allies to use!

Mastery mechanics may change a bit down the road so I don't want to make major changes, but I can look into adding a small indicator in combat. That shouldn't be too hard.

Status effects on sprites are a fair issue, I won't have time for it this update but I was considering adding a panel that shows all enemy names/health bars/statuses at all times and moving statuses off of the sprites.

You can view trust/affection from the rightclick menu, but I could look into adding it in the ally select menu. I'm not sure how easy it'd be to do the "next scene at:" idea, but I'll put it on the list of things to try!


If you make dedicated panels for enemy info and such, there is a detail that I would like:  The order and initiative of battle participants.  That would make it easier to know whether healing spells would "reach" the target in time, and maybe allow for some battles to be designed around the speed of particular enemy actions.

Feel bit of a doofus about missing the information options in the general menu area.  The detail about enabling/disabling ally abilities is good to know, and should help with avoiding some disasters.


You're not a doofus for missing the menu additions - in the updated opening I just added a special message about that, cuz I don't think it's stated ingame. UI is not my strong suit, so I make improvements to it based on stuff exactly like this. It's actually very helpful!

Yes, initiative order is something that I do intend to show when I get there, it may or may not make it into this update but I will try to get it in by the next at latest. Honestly, I'd love to have little icons for everyone to help make it easier, but again, UI is an eternal work in progress haha.


Question:  after delivering Ina, I was given a two-week deadline.  Is it genuine? 

I want to build more rapport with Samantha and friends, but not sure whether there would be consequences.  Already wrapped up the Vila, so I can't proceed further with the quest.

This might count as a GUI thing, if stuff like a quest log is implemented.


No hard ingame deadline, it's just a lore thing. I'm trying to stick to SOMEWHAT realistic timelines for things happening for lore stuff, but not at the cost of putting the player in a position where they have to do X in Y time.

You can make friends (and waifus) freely!

(2 edits) (+1)

Confronting the slavers and helping out the saughain diplomat and her escorts, I chose to help the diplomat fend them off. Metatron's pic was there during the 2 part fight, like "OK, I'm gonna watch and make sure things go well" Apparently that spot is a little bugged or something; Metatron's pic was still there even though I was fighting with Ina. "shrug" EDIT to add something, Metatron's pic is staying put, even after the events. Talking with Ina and talking with Ashley resulted in Ina/Ashley in front and Metatron in the back. Metatron's snooping!! Talking to Metatron did get rid of the pic though, so...glitch?

Regarding the aftermath, that was REALLY well done. The MC is questioning everything about the fight, like "did I do the right thing? Did I just mess up? I don't know..." because up to that point, it's been fighting creatures and the fight against other humans has him wondering if he's really cut out for this hero business. Like, he may have known there's evil humans out there but actually having to fight them and the attitude of "head slaver" causes him to question things. But hey, if I'm getting healed by a saughain guard that I met 25 minutes before because I was protecting the diplomat, I'm sure it's the right path!

I dunno if you tweaked the writing for it or not, but the Maya headpats was super funny, like "this is a mistake because it just feels soooooooooo right" Maya may have wanted something else, but the headpat (especially with Metatron as companion!) was great fun! 

Metatron thing is a bug I've '''fixed''' three times now, but I think it's actually for real fixed this time, probably...

I'm glad you enjoyed the aftermath! Yeah, a lot of the earlygame was fairly breezy in that regard, fighting obviously 'evil' and usually unintelligent creatures. The Hobs were an uncertain middle ground, but the slavers is the first time you can just straight up murder someone. Even if he deserves it. I see it as the first major step towards figuring out what a 'hero' is for the MC, being forced to confront the reality that it's not just fighting monsters.

Maya headpats is always the way, she may be a little goof but especially with her new art she deserves many pats!


Hmm, yes the floor is made out of floor.  Had me laughing 

The main character is truly a master of observational skill.

I think somewhere down the line you should have a busty Salamander (humanized) that just lives for battle and when she insists on joining the party the MC is thinking "great, yet ANOTHER person that doesn't think with their brain... do I attract women that act first, think second or something??" (Since you mentioned CoC!) Yes, Celica, Metatron and Sarah are quite intelligent, and Aspisa is quite an intellectual, but between Ashley and Sam, I'm thinking the MC doesn't want another "thinking is maybe third or fourth on what to do when something happens"! 

When you post an update to check for glaring errors or issues for the beta crowd, how long before you feel comfortable posting it for the rest of us to enjoy? I'm not sure how long before you are ready for that yet, just looking forwards to the update!

Haha, a salamander is definitely possible, though the core party is pretty close to done (hopefully...). ut I like salamanders, was actually talking about it as a possible future monster girl earlier with a friend, though I'll stress there are no specific/set-in-stone plans for one currently.

The beta thing is pretty new, usually I only do some testing before release. The last few betas I've done have generally lasted around 3-4 days, and I usually work during the beta to add a little extra. I want to release as soon as possible, but I have to hit my personal minimum content quota (no glaringly unfinished stuff) and get through the beta without any major issues.


To be fair, the first paragraph was because you mentioned CoC, and the Salamander is a fun encounter in CoC (if a bit crazy!). You've been making this game for awhile, pretty sure most of the core stuff is figured out and it's more fine tuning and making sure it flows well now.

Seeing the new trust scenes with Ashley gives her more character and a better understanding of why she acts the way she does, but... Sarah' still my favorite! Dorky, underconfident fashion model is still better in my book!

It's been a long time since I played CoC but I remember liking the salamander there, and her sidequest - Hela I think? She was pretty interesting.

Sarah will be getting a lot more content soon, she's been kinda left behind in terms of new stuff and deserves better. But Ashley also needed love and I got to have fun with hers~


Here's a bit of a review, since the rate function doesn't leave them public. Summarized thoughts at the bottom.

It's very good. Fair warning to any comers, it's got a lot of text. You're gonna be reading. Hell, it's mostly text. Longwinded text too, but honestly that's one of it's better qualities. It's GOOD, text. It's lighthearted and simple in often natural places, but it isn't afraid to get serious, and honestly quite beautiful in its word choice. The creator knows how to paint some pictures. It has an interesting magic system to explore, and the magic system gets into all sorts of what could be looked at as philosophy. It left me musing things in the existential sense, and I found it all very immersive besides the fact. I wanted to learn with my character, and the creator does not hand wave the theory very much.

On that note, the game systems are quite nice. It's a well-made turn-based RPG in the numbers sense. And I greatly enjoy the feeling of self-improvement available in that, and the methods of exploring those magic systems. Though I do have some complaints with how it views stats relative to your max level.

One downside is in the form of the combat systems feeling rather weightless. There's very little feedback, you get a well written description of your actions, and the enemies, and the enemy art is well made, but a description is mostly all you get. This does slow things down if you're trying to follow it at a glance, as well as making the actual 'action phase' of combat fairly boring. Which promotes skipping through it listlessly, despite the well-done descriptions. Won't vibe well with everyone, though perhaps people who disdain flashy effects or floating damage numbers will enjoy it. I like a little feedback, personally. If I summon and hurl a giant magic rock at something, I want to feel like I'm slamming boulders into something. But with the sheer volume of combat actions, I understand that being a tall order. It services, and the systems are good.

Returning to text however, this is an 'erotic' game or a 'porn' game or an e-game or a hentai game or whatever the hell you want to call it. But it is somewhat currently lacking in the art department. From my understanding that's changing with updates. So in the horny department, it's very much written word. That honestly doesn't do it for me, and I assume, for many others. However, it scratches an itch regardless, as I find stories, games especially, that acknowledge sex in the explicit to be strangely comfortable. And I especially enjoy them with a good plot with interesting characters. It's a hard itch to scratch, especially since recently reaching the end of 'The last Sovereigns' content. I will admit that I haven't reached the end of this games content, so WHO KNOWS if the quality will stick. But I'm pretty sure it will, and I dread reaching the end of the content even as I'm sprinting my ass to the finish line.

And my last note before some sort of summary, is that so far, it seems to be pleasantly sex-positive. Which is comfortable.

To Summarize

It's a good, well-made Turn based rpg, with engaging progression. The world building and storytelling is quite nice. The characters are all people, and interesting ones at that. It's currently lacking in visual art for it's erotic bits, and I lack the taste to evaluate that without bias, but it seems well done too.

It's not perfect, but in so many ways it's exactly what I wanted when I booted it up, and I very much recommend giving it a try, if you're in the mood for a read.

Wow - that's really in-depth! Thank you for posting, hopefully it'll be helpful for other people. I like that you included both constructive criticism and what you felt worked, it's extremely helpful for me as a dev~

To briefly touch on some of that;

-I would like to get action visual effects, but finding them at the right size and with enough variety for the huge number of abilities (will be close to 600 next update lol, with around 550 of them learnable) is an... uphill battle. My funds are pretty limited to even try to cover that right now, if I can afford it in the future I would like to improve there though.

-Yes, I'm finally at a point where I can get somewhat regular CGs, trying to get up to 2 a month. Current scenes will be updated Eventually(tm), new scenes will probably be a mix depending on how fast artists deliver.

In general, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, I'm getting close to the end of this update and then will be trying to progress story/character stuff at a higher pace in the future so ideally it'll stay enjoyable!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well I'm glad any part of all of that was helpful. Kinda just wanted to chat about the game at the time. Hard to sometimes, if they've got tiddies in them. 

I also had opinions about the 'relative stat' system used. But I feel that that's basically just backseat developing, which I don't want to seem like I'm doing, cause it's rude. Though I will state that it essentially means that the ideal build as I see it, is just to set 3 stats and forget it. Like the Characters seem to be doing. As even temporarily dipping into another stat, say to grab a trait, is basically just wasted points in the end, as every level devalues those points more and more

But I mean it is a pretty unique and creative system, as far as I'm aware. Probably just used to more traditional stat systems. It definitely encourages specialization. Which isn't a bad thing. Makes sense to punish people for trying to be good at everything at once. Also solves someone grinding forever early game and then going into the later game able to pass every skill check. Takes a bit of the joy out of leveling though. There's not a lot of consideration as to where I'm putting these points. I got 3 stats Possibly don't understand it really. I'm not really a 'build' person anyway. I just failed a skill check in a stat I was also investing in and got my feelings hurt :(

So y'know, what have you, maybe I just need to get stockholmed into appreciating it more.

And hey gonna backseat develop some more I guess, I think the combat would be greatly improved just by even temporarily including like, Four/five combat sounds/visuals. One for damage dealt. One for damage Taken. One for a buff. One for a debuff. One for a heal. No need to rush for anything unique.

Just something to make it readable at a glance what's going on. Floating number type things could also help, someone gets healed, you get a big number that's whatever color you deem means healing pop up above their head/name. So on. If you're trying to avoid things like that, understandable.

This probably isn't the place for this tbh, should join a discord or something instead of vomiting into a comment section. I just have Opinions. And oh, look its long again whoops.

Hey, I get that. It's fun chatting about games, and hard to find a good place for adult games outside of maybe their discords, occasionally one of their pages.

I don't mind feedback! The stats are kinda iffy, I think you're right for 1-2 stats (usually 1 offense and 1 defense), but the tertiary stat I've had a lot of success splitting up. 10 points for Vitality gives access to some very powerful traits, worth far more than 10 'wasted' stat points. You only really need something like 0.5 points a level in Insight for similar results, and weapon users can do well with 10 or maybe 20 focus.

Not sure how I'd fix it in a hypothetical game 2 - maybe lower scaling, more base damage, and slower leveling with bigger jumps from individual stats?

Combat visuals/sounds are absolutely planned, maybe icons, HOWEVER, my budget is... cheeks, and getting good ones will take time and money. Especially with how many weapons and spells there are lol. So I agree with you, just... don't expect too much anytime soon there.

Floating numbers is actually something I tried to do this update, but renpy seems to have some very strange bugs with multi-spawning self-hiding screens, they would appear fine but be impossible to hide. I'm sure it's possible, but I will have to experiment more in a future update to find a way to make it... less shitty.

And you can join the game's discord anytime, it's reasonably large and active, and I'm always happy to discuss the game or writing there! I just don't check itch as often, and writing longform like this can make it easy to miss a point.


Man I can't wait for the next release.


Me too bud, me too. The weapons stuff I'm super proud of, the opening update with Amnelis has turned out to be surprisingly difficult but is finally moving along. The new CGs are gonna be NICE though.

Bit confused if when I meet Selndis for the first time if a text box with her name and a description of what she looks like is what is supposed to happen or if it's a bug.

Didn't have art for the update. Her art finished a few days ago and will be in the next update. MC's parents and a few other NPCs don't have art yet either, the game is a work in progress but each update fleshes it out better!

A year ago, almost everyone was just text boxes!

Is the gallery scene implemented?

Gallery is a bit clunky but mostly functional, it just tracks some of your choices at home/temple. The next update will move those scenes ingame to make it easier to check them again.

I got it. Thank you for your reply.

Is there any in-depth explanation of the stats mechanics?

What I'm asking is, for example, with strength there is description "Strength increase physical damage related to you level, 20% if both are equal". So, how does the damage calculation works? 

From the text it seems, that you need to select 3 or 4 stats and keep them as close max value (=level) as possible, for example strength (or basically any other stat) 4 is useful at level 4-5 but not at level 20. Also, there is no such remark for magic as for strength, but I suppose they work the same?

(This isn't really such a big thing as you can level up how much you can, but it is still interesting. Do you need some stats equal to level for example for any dialog uses, or just fixed values?)

Also, how the traits like Warding work? Is an increase of 0.2 for new levels of is it retro-calculated? If first, you need to take them earlier to have a greater effect.


The stats relevant to your level are usually just a ratio of stat to level, if the stat is a bit below or above your level you get a bit less/more than the listed number. It's just complicated enough to not fit in 2 lines of text but simple enough that I left it at that.

Stats can be useful at lower values if you're mostly gunning for traits; 5-10 Vitality is useful for literally everyone since it gives access to great traits, and 10 focus is enough to reduce faster weapon cooldowns to nothing. 5-10 magic unlocks some useful stuff as well, and 10 insight covers most minor def/res for most of the current game. Even 10 agility is pretty good for some initiative if you're running Greataxe and want to get back to normal speed.

But yes, your primary stats are generally expected to be at or around your level.

Magic gives Attunement with every 10 points, and damage scaling, but if you just want the magic leave it at a multiple of 10.

Most event stat requirements are just a flat value, and usually fairly low - even just 10 in a stat is enough to pass most. IIRC in Celica's second Wind magic training there are a few that scale with level.

Any trait/weapon that adds level scaling growths/effects applies retroactively., so you can get them whenever.


Thanks for the reply) 

Repeated crash on Android during Maya's armpit scene right after she asks if she Looks weird.


I think I fixed that for 22. It's working fine on my end anyways, so I'll take credit for it.


Great to hear! It's so good to see a large erotic text adventure in this age of copy paste renpy games, reminds of the Flash days and games like Corruption of Champions, please keep up the wonderful work!


I played CoC 1 back in 2013-2014 ish and it blew me away. My first time realizing that an adult game could actually be a fun game with good writing. Chasing that dream was my core inspiration for this game honestly. Glad you're enjoying it! And don't worry, I definitely will! Got a ton more story, much more character development, and a LOT more suffering to inflict before everyone gets to be happy.

Also, a lot of dickings.


I had the exact same experiences around the same time actually, I was just completely blown away and the hours flew by in an instant. I definitely have faith now, please keep up the good work!

how many NSFW scenes actually have art showing the scene described?


There's a couple. Adding ~2 an update. Most don't have CGs yet, it's expensive and I've only recently gotten enough budget to pull it off.


The game is surprisingly fun and deep at the same time. I'm torn between playing it as it is, and waiting for it to be more complete. Actually, how much of the game (as it is planned) is done now, in terms of story and mechanics?

Also, is there any chance of the game going to Steam? I can't use Patreon but I'll buy it on steam early access.

Glad you're enjoying it so far!

For your first question... hmm. This next update will be a huge update to weapons (new ones, making old ones more interesting) and probably the next will cover magic. After that, I'll say that the mechanics are around 70-80% there. Definitely needs more polishing, will tweak some things more, but few major systems other than summons.

Story-wise, we're probably about 1/4 done. The first 'arc' was the first leg of the journey, before the MC decides to keep going to Astrologia. I'm horrible at estimating this stuff, but it should move along MUCH faster this coming year now that I've *mostly* paid off my tech debt of shitty code and unfinished systems.

The general plan is to spend 2-3 more years on the game to actually finish the story, and then see if I'm sick of it and move on to another game, or keep going with side stories and expansions.

As for steam - yes actually, but it's probably still a bit away. I want to update the opening some more and improve the UI so I can try to make a good impression there. I'd estimate 2-3 months?


Thanks for the reply! Then I'll probably (force myself to) wait, both for mechanical updates and for Steam release, at least. Wish you success in development!)

Haha, alright. Thank you for the well wishes, and hopefully it'll be worth the wait!


Came for the art, stayed for the characters and fun gameplay! Currently, Ashley and Sarah are my favorites, (with a shoutout to Celica). I like how snappy the MC is, it's a refreshing take honestly. Thank you for making this!


Glad you're having fun with it! MC's existence between self-insert and defined character has always been a bit of a muddled ground, but I'm glad people enjoy him having some personality and sass to him rather than being completely blank.

is there no way of changing the mc's name?


It's currently disabled on Android due to a major Ren'py bug that could make it impossible to actually save the name. Other versions are freely changeable. I'm not sure if new Ren'py updates have fixed the bug, and either way if/when I get the cheat menu ingame I'll probably make it changeable there too.


what does the abyssal bar do and should I be worried if it fills up 


1) It wont fill up. The Abyssal Corruption you get so far is from fighting the tentacle monster in the intro and there are no other such encounters in the game... YET.

2) I think the Abyssal Bar doesn't do much right now but might later on in the game. I think it opens some potential story-line later on?


Noticed something, I was picking a fight with a trio of hobs (and got slaughtered, OUCH) and even though Celica was already defeated, since she had poison it was "Celica has 8 points of damage even though she's already defeated", it went for a few more rounds. Guessing "check to see if something will lower HP" happens before "has person/opponent already been eliminated"? One of the hobs was defeated and still had bleed happening too...

Demon Queen Ashley sounds kinda scary given how quickly she's proving she's a good battle partner. Granted, she likes the MC but still...

I did find Ashley pranking Metatron, asking the MC if he wants to join, and the response of "I'd like to live more years than the single digits" to be funny though. Does Ashley REALLY not have any self-preservation? No wonder she and Sam get along so well!


Damn, forgot to fix that haha. Thankfully it's an easy fix.

Demon Queen Ashley would be as beautiful as she is terrifying, so... currently Ashley but with phenomenal cosmic powers. I think if it happened in a few years, after she got her stuff together, she'd be a surprisingly good boss.

MC is a deadpan snark, but Ashley definitely deserves a thwacking LOL. Cute little idjit. I think she just knows Metatron is a big softy... probably.


Suspect it's more Metatron knows Ashley doesn't really mean anything malicious with the pranks and tolerates them!

Here's my take of each of the "core group", with does not include Aspasia (she's like an intellectual) and Maya (haven't interacted enough to know, really) or beyond

MC: Takes it one day at a time, a snark, and feels like he's the parent a fair amount because of who's around him

Sam(antha): Has less subtlety than a bull in a china shop. Plows ahead without regards to danger or self-preservation. MC clearly likes her/him but is also annoyed with the "just moving ahead" strategy. Doesn't care much for Celica.

Celica: Acerbic, mouthy (wordy?), dislikes Sam, but a good companion IF you can get over her mouth. Probably the most intelligent of the original group, except maybe Metatron.

Metatron: Team Mom, rather scary until her emotions open up but still a good ally. Once she is more in tune with emotions it's easy to see how much she cares, from helping Sarah understand her Aether side and putting up with Ashley's constant pranking (still waiting for the prank war to start though!)

Sarah: personal favorite. Shy, very unsure about herself, but has flashes of brilliance. Best friends with Ashley and clearly cares for her. Exploring Sarah's emotions helps her feel more complete.

Ashley: Talks incredibly big (Demon Queen/Succubus goddess) but it seems to be more coping mechanism for something. Snarks quite a bit, doesn't have much self-preservation, but helpful and a good ally. close am I to how you envisioned them?


Okay, well, no Sarah fan can be a bad person. So +1 for that alone LOL.

Sam definitely comes off that way, I think that her content will show off a bit more of her though!

Celica seems pretty accurate. She has a lot of emotional issues too.

Metatron seems about right, considering she's even started helping Ashley in the succ's new trust scenes.

Sarah has a lot to unpack, but I hope that as we get more of it unveiled her hidden depth will show up~ your estimates seem very accurate though!

Ashley is definitely coping lmao, her new Trust scenes showcase that heavily. She's a good bean though. Just kinda goofy at times.

Are there any some sort of cheats in this game? :-\

(1 edit) (+2)

Not currently, though you can toggle on Renpy's dev console, or set the difficulty to Easy for 3x xp/affection/trust in settings. I hope to add some soon. What's the issue?


Nothing really. I'm just curious and interested if there's any cheats in the game. Sorry for the late reply though and thanks for replying me! ^⁠_⁠^


Are the scenes in this game animated?


No, and it's unlikely any will be. I am working on getting normal CG for scenes, however.

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I would just like to ask what is the set of question marks in the arden forest outskirts adventure menu? Is it some hidden enemy or event? If so, how to discover? I'm almost lvl20 just trying to uncover those question marks

(1 edit) (+1)

Honestly, I don't remember. That was the first adventure area I did, I think I wanted there to be a sense of mystery. I'm gonna go back and update it a bit in the next update, which will add a new character, probably some new enemies, and definitely update the info blurbs. Sorry for the confusion!

(1 edit) (+2)

Is there any other way to learn earth magic in the current version? Other than at the start. Great game BTW, didn't think I would stay with the game for so long.


Hey, glad to hear you're enjoying it!

On earth magic - right now, no. The Earth magic trainer is coming soon-ish, in Badon, her art is in progress. At that point, it will get a major update similar to other elements.

(4 edits) (+2)

Yo, GM thanks for the big update been waiting for this.. CG are quite impressive and MAYA finally got her art woohoo!

"Who let the dogs out" 

Thanks for your effort and your team there. ❤

PS:I wonder if metatron art will have a rework and Celica goes brr XD

Dogs are docile it woud be cool if a cat would appear hehe. "Maybe in the future"

Glad you're enjoying it! Who let the dogs out, indeed lmao.

I don't have any current plans to revamp Metatron art, aside from getting more expressions from her. What don't you like about her pose? And are you saying that you think Celica art needs a rework too?

I do like catgirls, so somewhere down the road it's very possible~

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmm.. It would be really cute if Meta-chan shows more expressions yippers. 

And for Celica my first impression of her was "A sleepy magician girl i thought that she was a loli at first lmao " Actually haha she is perfect in my opinion her personality and story so far made the impression the brr i forgot to write that she was hawt on the CGI "No need a rework for her more story and affection is a go for me yepyep .

Catgirl I'll be waiting for that day to happen nyahah😼 

Anyway thanks for the reply give ya the best of regards!


Hey, just trying to min-max my char to fit the archetype i play and the add of Greatsword is the thing i lack. Thank you !

Just want to know, what's the max trait requirement ? 20 ? 30 ?

I want to max 2 stats and try to get some others for RP/Discusions. 

Right now I don't think anything requires more than 20, in the future some will require more. Greatsword has pretty limited trait support right now, but will be significantly expanded on next update!

Hmm. It made me think that if i change from longsword to greatsword, i'll need to deallocate all that was for longsword, isnt it ? 

Or skills/traits can be use for all weapons ?

Most weapon skills/weapon-specific traits are only usable with that weapon, but you can have 2 weapons in your loadout and switch between them. I went with sword and shield + greatsword as my new combo, at least until the next update.

Weapon users mostly don't have to spend that much to get a weapon up to snuff, so you can afford to have 2-3 maxed


Do you intend on making multiple endings? If so how many endings are there gonna be?


We're far enough away that I don't have it 100% locked down. The current plan is to focus on individual or small-group harem character endings (ex. Metatron, or Metatron/Sarah), as well as larger-scale endings based on which corruption you went hard on and if you sided with one of the five big goddesses.

Sorta like, idk, Fire Emblem, where you get a couple main routes and then character postscripts based on your supports/who you married?

There will probably be a generic harem postscript as well, it's not really my thing but I know some people really want it so hopefully it won'tbe too much work lol.


New update tomorrow(ish) huh...

Contemplating starting anew just to see everything, even if all the new stuff is after you get the group as a whole. Half expecting Ashley to prank Metatron (more than she does, anyway), Metatron has had enough of the pranks and depending on how aware she is with her emotions either quite serious or pranking Ashley back. Ashley and Metatron: the prank wars! 

I've officially watched too many cheesy movies, because after saying this I keep envisioning Sam and Sarah betting on who will do a better job pranking and trying to get the others involved by betting on who does a better job with the pranks and how devious or silly they are.

That aside, looking forwards to the new content!

There will actually be a surprising amount of Ashley/Metatron in the update! Though you won't be present for most of it.

I'll be redoing the opening in the update after this one (hopefully), so may want to wait to start over until then!

Sam would definitely bet on it, Sarah would have to be goaded into it... but probably doable.

Something I noticed, on the new update. Picked a fight, and haste was already "on", and it seems to be on at the start of every fight. Was this an intentional thing, or not? I'd rather decide to add haste manually over it being on to begin with. (Mostly to decide what's the best way to handle the mana)

Otherwise, liking the "how much HP is left on the critters" and new stuff a lot!

You can disable autocast in the rightclick->abilities menu. But yes, people complained about channels not defaulting to autocast, so I did that.

Probably in the next update, I'll make it toggleable when you acquire the ability, both to briefly explain channels and so you can pick whichever you want.

Otherwise, enjoy!


Ok, 26h of game and i'm guessing that "unlocking" futher corruption isn't in game yet. 

I probably miss things (and that's a shame :( ) but i finally reach the city with nearly all affection/trust unlock. 

I will still trying to complete both first corruptions in the future ! Gj for the quality of the game.  o/

PS: You will probably see me when the next update will be released :D

Yes, sorry if it's not clear, but the corruption unlocks are coming soon.

Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for the compliment! And that you got a good amount of playtime out of it, as well!

V21 beta testing is going well and fairly stable now, I think tomorrow I'll be able to post it here. It adds another 4-ish hours of content, so you should have some payoff soon~


What a game. I'm just "starting" but it really good, perhaps a little lack of illustration.
But without futher spoiler, should i avoid either of the 3 corruptions if i don't want any "Bad Ending" ? (i kinda want the "best" one in my reach ^^")


None of the corruptions are evil! They're harmless below 20, and will unlock additional god-specific ending much later. In the meantime, getting above 20 will require you to make a conscious choice ingame. So don't worry about picking up a bit of incidental corruption, you can bang the succubi as much as you want without locking yourself into anything.

I will update the opening in a month or two, and we're starting to get lewd CGs and more custom backgrounds! Glad you're enjoying it so far!


There isn't any possibility to choose the 3 path at once, isn't it ?

I'm still struggling to choose any of them. For the moment, i'm learning all type of magic. 

I hope i won't be locked with just magic learning.

I really like the game until now ! Good luck for you !


Sarah's very existence proves that Aether and Nether can coexist - though figuring out how to master both will be difficult. Abyssal is, unfortunately, completely incompatible with anything else. Gods are jealous creatures.

For the time being, don't worry about screwing yourself - it's safe to learn magic and sleep with succubi/angels. Any major choices will be telegraphed!

I'm genuinely glad to hear that! I'm finishing up the upcoming mega-update now, should be out in a few days at worst.


Frost nova broken skill but i like it a lot. Cant help you in every battle but still betta ver. of this skill can help nail every common battle without even looking at your hp bar.

Haha. Yeah, chain-stuns are pretty strong (and frustrating to play against - looking at you Aspasia). The next update will make it harder to chain CC, but won't nerf those abilities directly.


Ok, i need to think how make another imbalance combo I guess.

Played again to test my beloved Frost Nova beta and seen new status effect that “prevent” stacking skills like FN but i kinda still can freeze enemys with it (even with 75% chance its still hard). My question: Did this suppose to happen? Because i defeat Deep Woods boss, i forget what was her name so i call her Fire Baby for now. 

Was what supposed to happen exactly? The Resilience status resistance?


Should my skill freeze an enemy with resistance to the status effect?


is it possible to keep my saved progress when im downloading new updates? 


If you're on PC/Linux/Mac, yes, it should naturally save.

Renpy Android is kinda weird, I think you have to manually move some files around 'cuz the saves are sorta linked to the APK? I know it's possible, just don't know exactly how it works.

When does the game end? I feel like there is nothing else to do, but I don't remember encountering a screen saying something like: End of the current version.

Fair question. In the current version, get to Badon, watch the Ashley and Metatron scenes, then go back to camp and watch Ina's scene.


Please add another layer of categories sortet by spell attribute. It just gets messy if i have to scoll through all that single target spells to get to the fire spells. Furthermore I would like to have in-fight-info on the enemy which spell attributes it is weak to if there is a rock paper scissors system.


The progress menu has been completely revamped for the next update, it'll be easy to find fire spells there now! If you mean in battle, you can hide spells you don't need and manually sort in any order you want from the right-click Abilities menu.

Enemies will have some more info visible as well.


Awesome. Thanks for the answer.

Happy to help. Always nice to be able to answer requests with "yep that's coming" haha.

Where do I change the mc name?

If you're on Android, it's temporarily disabled due to a Renpy bug about text entry. Otherwise, it happens about 2 lines into the game. When I add a cheat menu (Soon(tm)), it'll be changeable at any time.


alrighty thank you

No segs scene?

There's around 30-odd of them.

Is there a list of tags/kinks that are in this game?

Not off the top of my head. It's pretty vanilla. is there something you're looking for or trying to avoid? Maybe I can answer that better.


Nope more curiosity than an aversion to anything! Thank you :)


Haha, fair enough. There are around... idk 30-40 sex scenes currently, covering a pretty decent amount of vanilla stuff. Fair number of  blowjobs, missionary, doggystyle cowgirl, thighjobs, cunnilingus, footjob, paizuri, naizuri, one armpitjob for some reason, a handjob... idk I'm probably forgetting some.




I may be a basic bitch, but dammit, I like the wholesome vanilla stuff too much. Feels like it's getting kinda hard to find these days.

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I was wondering if there was some way to tell if theres anything Im missing? Ive been playing for the better part of a day and Ive exhausted all dialogue options/hangout scenes. Not sure if im missing anything in the current update or not. (and the gallery doesnt help, since it doesnt have everything in it and crashes my game when I click on the stuff that is in there)

(1 edit)

The character scenes all list their requirements, so if there isn't anything above Metatron 10 affection, there's no hidden 12 aff.

Badon is the end of the plot, will be extended in the next update soon.

Gallery will be revamped in the future back into the game proper since it was only ever meant as a way to see the choices you missed in the opening, every other lewd scene is repeatable already.

Hope you've been enjoying it, the next update is.... somewhere around 2-5 work days away!

Isn't Ashleys Badon Event hidden? It wasnt there the first time I got there

It requires 4 affection with her.

i see


Writing for this game is nice combat is very interesting as well looking forward to more. Also has there been any consideration for adding sound/visual effects for attacks it may add more impact to the combat. I apologize if this was a question that was asked before.

Glad you're enjoying the game! Yes, I'd love to get effects over time, it's just.... very much a work in progress. Finding halfway decent quality animations that are big enough to not look bad but don't take my commission budget isn't easy.

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