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It appears that the demo is currently included with the paid version, so it is not possible to play the demo without paying right now (unless I'm being stupid, but I only see a buy button with no option for downloading the demo).

Image to show the demo requiring purchase


Thanks for letting me know! Should be fixed now, I'm glad I checked in before sleeping lol.


You know I wonder... Is it possible to obtain Abyssal Corruption?


Not currently, besides that one at the start.


That makes me think that there will be more in future updates.


It's planned yes, we will see how it goes when I get there. I've had to pull back other plans due to non-feasibility in the past, this being my first game I had some ideas that just weren't practical. I think this one will be fine though.


Been a week, and it's different topic anyway...

Typo report! Replaying from the start, when Sam totally unexpectedly throws you into a temple where you meet Ashley, queen of pranks, and Sarah, queen of being underconfident, Asking about Nether magic, Ashley responds with "Wouldn't be much good in a war we didn't" You are missing an if, it should be "if we didn't". Yeah, it's quite early in the game, but still, reading it as it stands now is kinda jarring! A little later, when asking if I have a license for that snark, license is misspelled, but that might be intentional.

Something else, you use cursing in areas that it would be acceptable (like exasperated or stressed out) and I think it adds to the charm of the game. You aren't doing it a lot - that would turn me off, I hate excessive cursing - but when you are using it, I feel like it adds to the game. It's like it's being told from an 18 year old's perpresctive in every sense.  :)


Thanks for the typo reports! Loicense is an intentional typo, if that makes sense, to try to convey her using an exaggerated accent - which is hard to convey in writing sadly.

I curse a ton IRL, but I try to keep MC (and characters that don't have cursing as a part of their characterization) to where it makes sense - reading a million expletives does get old! I'm glad that the effort is paying off in your eyes. It's fun trying to portray teenagers again lol, I usually write older characters.


I used to proofread for others and still do informally - comes in handy sometimes! I figured loicense was intentional, but writing makes it a little challenging to convey an accent!

This isn't so much an error as maybe explain it better. One of Ashley's conversation scenes, blasphemy-ish, the requirement is for Ashley and Maya to meet. Take Ashley to where Maya is in the floodplains and...nothing happens. Checking afterwards and...nothing happens. Maya's side requires trust of 8 for het and 10 for Ashley, is there a trust requirement for the blasphemy-ish too? This is the free version however, so many it was fixed in the paid version? 

"Metatron headpats Mays, Maya forgets absolutely everything while being headpatted" is such a wonderful scene!


The maya/ashley one isn't an error, there's a scene in camp of them meeting, called 'A Great Start' iirc.

Maya is definitely for headpats lmao.


So the meeting in camp called a Great Start has to happen first, then Blasphemy-ish will happen? Ah OK! Still might want to clear that up on Ashley's side though, (like instead of "Maya and Ashley have met" say "A Great start has been seen" or something)


Sure, will do.

(1 edit) (+2)

Downloading, and hoping whatever $&#@ problem itch has been having on downloads is fixed (trying to dl something on itch lately results halfway in stopping) Have you heard anything on this, like if there was behind the scenes stuff to streamline things or something? It seems to be the bigger DLs though, so this one should be safe. EDIT: yep, downloaded fine!

That aside, Good to see that Ina and her companions have returned (too bad I'll have to wait till it's on the free side) and hoping we are going to see Ina pull some massive prank on the MC and then have Ashley show up and critique the prank! Yanno, because Ashley is all about the pranks and stuff, and knows that the MC doesn't mind her pranks (too much)

Are we going to see Amnelis (did I spell it right?) again? She disappears after the group gets home but I'd like to see more of her, when there's a lot more people. Like she looks at everyone and makes some kind of comment about how the MC must be shooting for a massive harem and have various responses to that. (The succubi are all for it, Ashley especially, Metatron is either confused or against it depending on how much affection with her you have, and so forth)


Glad the update downloaded okay! Itch does seem to have some dl issues lol, I had a weird time uploading the update too.

Ina is certainly a spirited young lass, I don't doubt she and Ashley will have some interesting interactions. Feeling that out as I write it should be interesting, Ina in general has been a pleasant surprise as I go.

Yes, Amnelis will return. I already have a CG for her first scene, and while she won't be a party member (too weak, possibly too lazy), she'll probably end up in the camp at some point or another as a minor character. I can see her getting herself into a LOT of trouble given her big mouth, should be great fun. Siofra in particular will be infuriated by her.

Sarah is definitely first wife (in her head), would be interesting to see how they all feel about it. I suspect Ash and Sarah would be surprisingly possessive, but some might be unexpectedly okay with sharing. Probably depends on the other stuff, like Sarah would be much more okay with a poly relationship with you and Metatron as compared to, idk, Sam, who she doesn't *hate* but doesn't really have any interest in either.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yo bro, I've been seeing you're going in recently. Although I have to ask you, please take a break. You're blessing us too Much you've been working hard man so you deserve a nice vacation


Appreciate the kind words! I would, but... I want to try to get another update done before Christmas, so I'll be getting back to work when I wake up. Will force it less than previous update though, so hopefully it won't be too bad!


Are we forced to romance the shark girl?I really don't like her as a romance option that's why I am asking.



Yo i'm not one of the Shark girl supremacist, so I do not know. But be careful. You might get some angry replies


Haha, I hope not! People are welcome to have a favorite girl, that's why I added so many - someone for everyone! As long as you like trauma.

(1 edit)

Theres this bug I sometimes get when fighting, why do these say they do 0 damage? And other times its normal. Tried respecting them and getting it back, but the issue just returns.


Silly question maybe, but you have a Magic stat for the earth magic right? Dex for the snakebite?

If so, it might be very high resistance/defense or very low stats on your part, idk, I haven't heard any other reports on those being bugged so not sure what it would be

(2 edits) (+2)

Yea I have my dex and magic maxed out for  level 40 in deep woods fights. So I thought it must be a bug.


Let me know if it's still happening on the new version, and if so, if it happens vs all enemies or only certain ones!


Got to thinking, with Thanksgiving being today for the US, maybe have some kind of holiday in the world of Divine Dawn? Or maybe a holiday that was present when Ashley, Sarah, and Metatron were first around, but not now so we have Sarah and Ashley all excited about a given day (because to them it's a holiday) and everyone else is confused because it's just another day as far as the rest of the group is concerned...

Ashley: What, you mean everyone DOESN'T know about the Feast of the Succubus???

Ashley, will you PLEASE quit listening in on these conversations?? ANYWAY, What is the likelihood of making some kind of old holiday Ashley, Sarah and Metatron are aware of and are interested in but everyone else has no clue on and they need to educate everyone about why X is important? This might be more trouble than it's worth but I think it would add to the immersion and add a special flair.


The idea of holidays in setting is really fun, and I know I should do them for flavor, I just haven't had many good ideas lmao. Old Bariuran holidays could be pretty funny too, idk how many the succs would know but one or two maybe.

Explaining a modern Hieroneidan holiday named after some ancient crusader would be kinda funny too. Sorta like christmas, where the 'santa' thing got added in later.


Eyyy, how's it goin'? I haven't checked in on this game since back when you talking to  the tall commander chick was the last thing you could do.


Haha, good timing! I just checked Itch for the day and saw your message.

Things are going ok for me, was finishing up another beta until a few min ago. Sounds like you've been away for a while! There have been 3 large areas since then, all of them with a metric shitload of plot and the first mega plot choice. It's been a strange year, always feels like I'm going too slow/not doing well enough, but then I look back and (usually) realize I actually did alright.

Hope things have been going well for you!


I remember there being a choice as to how you feel about killing. Does that ever come into play?


Let's just say Fate/Zero is one of the routes through the forest plot.

I'ma be honest with you chief the only one I've ever watched is 


and from what I've heard it is nothing like the others.


Lol, fair enough. Yes, there are more choices later in the deepwoods, some haven't paid off yet but one of them is (spoilers ahead, for anyone that cares) basically stereotypical hero/neutral/genocide an entire race for the greater good.

Is there a way to view sam's old art? I think it had my favorite design in the game, and I do like the new art. I just kinda want to option to see the old art.

Is that weird? 


can't put it ingame since it doesn't have as many expressions, or a functional nude version, so you'd just run into constant errors. I did like it for what it was though, so I don't think it's weird!

I don't mind sharing it, but I'm not sure what the best way to do so is.


fair enough! I just thought I'd ask , keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+3)

When Ina and her guards return, will the MC talk about Bouldermancy (remember the MC decreed it was bouldermancy and not geomancy) and discuss the best way to tease Ina, only for Ina to turn around and prank the MC because she's learned enough from Ashley to prank humans?

Maybe I shouldn't post wishes here? ANYWAY, I'm looking forward to seeing what shenanigans will happen when Ina returns, since she does have a soft spot for the MC, and I am curious how she would respond to the MC discussing what's happened since he left Ina with knight mommy! (when I can't remember the name, "knight mommy" works!)


Soon as Alicia arrives we can discuss all the rockmancy we want! Ina is not fluent in tectonic movement unfortunately. She is definitely up for messing with MC though, and vice versa.

I am very excited for more Ina, POSSIBLY this week. Selendis is the knight's name, she will definitely feature as well~ Ina has been through a Rocky training montage of her own, and somewhat dealt with the trauma of her meeting - should be an interesting meeting!

Good to hear from you as always.


Will it be possible to end up with just one girl or will you only end up in a harem? I think Ashley is extremely funny and I would love to have an ending with just her. I hate harem


Will be possible to end up with just one!


Speaking of which, is the opposite true? I wouldn't mind a singular girl ending, but I think it would be interesting to see how and ending plays out with all of them.


Yes. There will be a generic harem end, and more detailed small-harem ends for fitting combos, ex. Sarah/Metatron may have a shared ending.


Downloading! I do have a bit of an odd question, when you release a new version, do you make sure that the content added previously (like, you're at 27 now so 26 build) doesn't have any glaring issues that were overlooked but you were aware of them for the newer build? You talked about the charisma stat being wonky for 26 and fixed it for 27. Will 26 (free version) then still have the issue, or since you fixed it will 26 charisma work as intended?


The free version is just whatever the final update of the previous paid version was. It doesn't get further bugfixes. I think Charisma was fine by .26b?


Yeah it is, I was just seeing if "when you put whatever version is now free" it included all the updates to fix errors. More curiosity than anything because I know you do a good job with fixing stuff as it shows up.


After I finish updating a given version and move on to the next, I don't touch the old one again. It's just not feasible without some serious version control. I don't move on to the new one until the old one works alright, though.


How do you join the beta? This is honestly one of my top 3 NSFW games and I would be happy to play it early, even if it has bugs, the story is amazing and I love how its going so far. Also, is it in the cards for the girls to find out, who I have and have not (mostly have) been with during the game?


Beta is for $10+ patrons. They're much less polished than actual releases, so it's only really something for if you want to help the game. Not to try to dissuade you, I just don't want to give false promises! The full release will be out in 1-2 days for anyone who bought the game, depends on how well bugfixes/typo fixes go.

Yes, relationships will be more of a topic of discussion in the future. I don't intend to hit you with any 'gotcha' moments or punishments, but by the end of the game you may have to make some choices (full harem is a choice, but not the only one)


Separate question, how will I now when the full release is out? I paid for the game a long while ago and loved it, so I'm always looking for a new update, but I always find out a bit late.

Any Tips?


Will be out later today or tomorrow, itch is a pain to upload to!

(1 edit) (+3)

Something I didn't consider: having to replace printer because printer isn't compatible with windows 10. Oh well...

When do you think you'll have enough of the bugs out to do a new release? I KNOW you want to make sure everything is good and there aren't glaring errors or anything, just...I want a new release! It's time for Ashley and Sarah to have new shenanigans and Metatron to have some kind of prank for Ashley!  Can't forget Celica and Sam baiting each other or Maya inventing new ways to get headpats! And the MC thinking repeatedly "how am I not dead yet with so much chaos around me?"

Since you respond quicker than any of the other devs I follow, I'll ask this too: is there a way to block someone on itch? Another game I follow there's someone who was whining and complaining repeatedly and I'm thinking it's better to block the guy/gal.  If it was "I don't like this because when this happens it crashes" or something like that I could deal with it, but it was basically "this game stinks because I just don't like it"


RIP printer. Thankfully I don't have to deal with those much anymore.

Beta going up tonight, full release in 1-2 days. Wish it hadn't taken so damn long, but hopefully there will be a good amount of stuff, and I can move on to the next update not too long after!

Yes, you can block people on itch. Click on their name to go to their profile, near the top right is a "more" dropdown list with "block user" in it. That does sound exhausting to deal with!


The "Android Demo" Button shows an Apple icon


Thanks for the heads up, fixed.




New computer so I need to redownload all the games on itch! Can Sarah help with emotional support? (Think if I ask Ashley it'll go off the rails...)

Needed to get the new computer because it was still Windows 7 and with Steam  stopping support of Windows 7 at the end of the year, needed to upgrade.  Need to start from the beginning on all the games too.... whine whine whine.... 

On the plus side this new computer is way faster to start things up and load, so once I get all the games loaded it'll be easier.  Based on your most recent devlog sounds like things are really going well for ya!


Oh wow, steam is dropping support for win7? I know Renpy was talking about it, but Steam is a big deal lol. Shoul be able to carry over saves from your old PC tho, it's in... somewhere in appdata, I dont remember the exact path.

Glad to hear the new PC is great tho! I upgraded a few months ago myself, it's been wonderful.


Steam dropping Windows 7 was the main reason I needed tp upgrade by the end of the year. It's possible that ordinarily I would have kept the saves but there was a bit of an issue transferring the data from one computer to the other - possibly because Win 7 hadn't been supported for awhile and was therefore there may have been corrupted files or something. So I need to start anew for things that weren't Steam-related (since their saves are on the Cloud). Honestly that's not too bad, I like starting new from time to time anyway, just...there was a few games where I had "start from X because it's a great spot" and I'll need to redo those...and wonder if games that ran on Windows 7 because it had a workaround won't run on Windows 10 because "too new" (I've already discovered one)

Biggest thing about new computer is "downloading all the stuff I had on the old one" - and realizing just how much stuff there is! 


You can run stuff in windows 7 compatibility mode, I've had that save me a few times already running stuff on 11 haha. But yeah, upgrading is rough. So much shit to redownload/transfer. Ran into that when upgrading myself as well!


Hello developer man, headpats?


Aw, thank you!


Hahaha I should have elaborated, does this game have any headpatting scenes in it? Can I headpat? Can I be headpatted? I like to compile a list of games with such things!


*Pat pat pat; warm caress; massaging the scalp with the fingers; headpat that is supported with the $16 AUD you are receiving after steam tax I spent to purchase the game.*


Ohhh okay. Right now I think there's one kinda minor scene of it, but I love writing that stuff so definitely expect more. Knowing people actually want it helps me prioritize it, so thanks for asking!


I'm glad to ask, speaking to people about their creations is pretty fun! I started playing a few hours ago and indeed character creation is a big boss. Seeing all the abilities is awesome. I am creating what I think to be the worst build but who knows? I created an unarmed unarmoured guy that uses charisma and does nothing but tell people what to do. The Jason from Fate Grand Order build. Hope your development goes well.


Haha - might be a little rough in the temple but apparently pretty decent once you get going, especially once you get the harp from Deepwoods. Definitely easier if you run with some magic.


Probably not that significant of a suggestion, but how about a Skyrim-styled 'Mansion' or 'Base' upgrade for a future update? I find it as a nice reward for our heroes/bands of ruffians to have a home for their ragtag family. Perhaps could also give more opportunity for wholesome, lewd, story/side story-related or combat-related benefits.


Possibly, we're more likely to get a camp thing since the party will be traveling for almost the entire game.

If I get to a game 2 tho, absolutely I would do a proper upgradeable 'base' thing. I love those.


Fair but love to hear it! I've been liking the current game so far, it's really unique compared to other NSFW. Keep at it!


Thank you! I will keep banging away at it, and trying to improve.

You could make access to the base portable, by requiring the use of a portal stone or the like.  The portal could take something like an hour to safely unfold, and critters can just walk through it to reach the homestead.  That would prevent it from being an get-out-of-jail card, but make the base accessible most of the time.  Narrative tools, like anti-magic zones, imprisonment, damage to the portstone, or a particularly sullen companion arc can also be used to cut off access if required.

I have talked a bit about the dolmen gates in story before, that was my tentative plan, just one of many things where I was optimistic about how much, and how quickly, I could do. So we'll see if I can make it work this game.

(1 edit)

I'm back here again to ask some clarification about the stat 'trust'.
Fellows who have not touched this game shall stay put and not read this as it spoils you, quite a bit.

If it really does increase ones otherworldly energy cap, how do I trigger it to do so? It doesn't seem to trigger by the trust dialogue of a character,  the training only gives you more but it doesn't break the cap.

Is it something that can only happen by having high trust whilst progressing?


Corruption can't go past 20 currently, in the next few updates it will, requiring you to have enough trust with the character and enough of that corruption.


I see, it's currently just a planned content, that makes sense.



Sure thing. Admittedly I thought we'd already have it ingame by now, but this project has been one hell of a learning experience lol. Still, getting close, so not too much more to wait.


A couple of things, first you are by FAR the most responsive of the devs that I either follow or am interested in the game. There's about a dozen or so devs that I follow/keep track of, and you are the best at answering questions, explaining stuff, and making sure people understand stuff. It's part of the reason I look forward to new content so much with you, you clearly care about the fans of Divine Dawn!

The other thing, I was wondering if, while you are exploring an area, you might get a unique encounter depending on who the companion is. Like, most of the time it doesn't matter but if you have Metatron a given encounter might happen that doesn't with any of the others. Might be more trouble than it's worth, but I absolutely loved the Aspasia/Metatron and Maya/Metatron first encounter, far more than the others!

Wondering if we are going to see a prank from Ashley gone wrong, or a prank that wasn't triggered until the MC finds it and sets it off (like a tripwire trap or something)


Aw, thanks! I just like talking about the game and helping people, so it's not too hard aside from responding to the occasional 30-300 paragraph response haha.

I can do some encounters that only happen with a certain party member, but for the most part it'll work like Aspasia/Maya, where it happens regardless, but certain party members get special reactions/scenes. Celica and Maya are my favorite lmao, thats the most emotional damage Celica has taken in her life.

Down the road I'd love to do more character plot stuff (go far enough with sam's trust, unlock a special area unique to her for her personal growth) but those are a ways out and unlikely to be anywhere near the scale of a true plot area.

Ashley will continue getting content, she's always easy to expand ~~if you know what I mean~~ and makes a lot of bad decisions so pranks gone wrong are guaranteed.


Yes please don't ever skimp on Ashley I love our chaotic gremlin!


There will be more of her!

This is a good game, question, would there be any plans on making traits that can be automatically get by pouring it into certain stats or other requirements, much like Sam's trait: Wits


Most party members have a unique trait that they get naturally. MC will probably be able to get some similar depending on choices later in the game.


cool, thanks for responding


Hi how do u what r the cheats for android I'm doing a new run but I'm not sure how to get the codes or are there not any for android 

It's a menu ingame, I think it's in .25 and expanded in .26? Just gotta click the button and it does the thing, don't need any codes.


Now that you've saved the Deepwoods and made the world safe again (we think), what are you gonna do?

Ashley: They are going to Ashleyland! 

Uh no, Ashley... (Ashley pouts) seriously, hoping you make sure to unwind a little and take a little break if need be, burnout is no fun at all - having had burnout at a job, it sucks big time, I dreaded going to work... hoping you never feel that way about Divine Dawn! 

How likely are you to have a reason to return home, like something really bizarre happened and you NEED to consult Mom and/or Dad on the matter? It's fine if you aren't doing that, I just kind of like it when there's "return to home and have to explain who all these newcomers are" (second time, in this case) I wonder how Mom or Dad Aurion would react to a predator slime, a doggo girl, or a sharkbabe, like Mom is "and exactly how many women are you going to pick up??" Then again, Mom Aurion DID say she wants grandkids...


I still love the game, just needed a break after the massive crunch of last update.

Will probably return home in the long run, but not immediately, there's too much stuff developing and too much to do. I'd love to see mom's reaction to the hare-I mean totally harmless friend group that is almost all incredibly attractive women for some reason.

Dad would probably just be happy talking to Kandros. And Aspasia.

Hey Cryswar,
there seems to be some kind of problem with the itch app.
I purchased your game a while ago here on itch, and even though you just released version 0.26, itch only shows me version 0.25, the Demo version, as available. If I go on the itch website in my browser, it tells me I purchased your game and gives me a "Download" button where I can download the latest build. The app doesn't give me that option, and I also was not able to let itch update to 0.26. I had to download it manually.


I've heard a few reports that the app is kinda shitting itself, and I'm not sure why. I'm not even sure there's anything I can do about it, but maybe the next update (26a) will fix it? Let me know if that one auto updates at least when it comes out tomorrow.


Sure, I'll let you know. Thanks for answering^^

(1 edit) (+2)

Version 0.26a appeared in my updates list


Nice, that's good to hear! B is a minor update that only affects new players, but the fact that it showed up automatically means the update problem is (probably) fixed.

Bom dia seu jogo é incrível pena que não tenha para língua portuguesa sou muinto fá do seu jogo assinado um admirador da sua arte Brasileiro.


Hey there! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Unfortunately, translations are extremely expensive and the game has a *lot* of text, so it's not something I can afford anytime soon.


I enjoyed the big brawl at the Deepwood Heart! (Version 0.26.) I was able to do it at level 29, one below the recommended minimum level, without serious optimization. Looking forward to the aftermath!


That's pretty impressive honestly! Good work. Will be starting on the aftermath in a day or two probably, had more bugs and tweaks to make for the upcoming .26a than I had hoped haha.


Take your time! And, I can share my save file and character if you're interested or if you think something might be overpowered. It's primarily just a bunch of earth abilities, with slightly fewer ongoing effects due to the increased activation costs in this version.


Naw, being able to win at 29 isn't a problem. If you said you killed him in 3 turns, that would be a problem lol.


Yeah, it was not anywhere near that fast :D


Has the android version been delayed or done away with?


Delayed due to me changing PCs and renpy issues. It will be in a few days, apologies for the delay.

Part of my plan is to upgrade to renpy 8.1 though, which *should* improve performance on android and make it easier to build in the future, so this will hopefully be a one-off issue.

(1 edit) (+3)

No worries about it being delayed, just wanted to check due to other devs cutting out android once a game got a certain size. I must have missed it in the update.  I'm loving this game and would love to see it complete eventually, so take whatever time you need.


I put a LOT of effort into keeping file sizes as small as possible, so at least for the foreseeable future android should be doable. I think there's a 1 gig hardcap and the game is only around 300mb, USUALLY going up by 5mb or less an update.

If we do eventually hit that cap and I can't figure out a way around... idk.


I know i appreciate it, and I'm sure many others do as well.  You've made a fantastic game


Thanks, homie. I'm just glad you're enjoying it!


It takes a couple more steps but some games use a multi app install process.

You break up the game into multiple apk's which gets around the Android limit.

So you have the primary apk that launches the game but then secondary apks that are essentially patches.

No clue how complicated this is from a dev perspective but it's one of the simpler options I have seen on the user end. 


Huh. I didn't even know that was a thing lol. Hopefully we'll never hit that point before the game is done, but if it does get to that point I'll look into it!

Hm...any chance we'll see a browser based release again? :) 

I'm currently using the older 0.23c on lewdspot, cause I'm mainly running on iPadOS when traveling. But this  gives me the following error as soon as I try to  go on adventure. Fun fact: as long as I stay in camp, I can follow all options. 


No promises in the immediate future. I'm hoping to move to renpy 8.0 sometime soon, which does support it again, but it can't be hosted on itch anymore.

I know that some pirate/secondary sites forcibly convert the game to web lol - idk much about them, I think gamcore has it?

Been so long since I thought about 0.23c that I can't help much there, I don't have any of the code. All I can say is that it isn't an issue in .24, .25, or .26. Did you do any kind of save editing, or is that a vanilla issue?

(1 edit)

First off - thanks for your quick reaction!

It’s a vanilla thing. Also tried starting from scratch, but it the behavior is the same. 
Gamcore indeed has Divine Dawn 0.24 :D let’s check there. Sorry for using these ripoff-platforms as a workaround :/

Hm… where would you move to when migrating to rpy8.0?


I have never gotten a single report similar to that, from 0.23 or 24, so somehow it's unique to you. Might have something to do with the browser or OS? idk.

The game won't go anywhere on 8.0, it's just a backend engine change. Will cause some weird bugs and errors for a few days as I and beta testers try to find and fix them all, then 8.0 generally has better compatibility and features than 7.5 did. At least with modern stuff, idk about older OS.


I see. I was wondering why you wrote that you can’t host the game on itch anymore if you move to 8.0

My guess is that my error is related to lewdspot’s in-browser adaptation. Same bug occurs when opening the lewdspot version on an up-to-date macOS / safari combo.


8.0 didn't have web support at all for a long time, re-adding it was very recent. I'm not sure how well it works yet. Itch and renpy both have a variety of issues with web versions unfortunately; there's missing functionality and major issues on itch's end as well as what seem to be effectively unfixable problems on renpy's end for a web game as complicated as this.

It's possible I will be able to find a workable middle ground down the road, but right now I can't make any promises about web version anytime soon.

(1 edit)

Hi Cryswar :)

I've got me a Mac with current macOS, installed the latest release (.26) and threw my exported saves from lewdspot's web emulated .23c into it.

This solved the problems I had experienced. Guess the emulation just sucks 


I ran into an issue with Aether skills that hit all enemies in v26. The battle will crash as soon as I'm using a  skill like Eleth Flare (see below) or Imperium. 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 39, in script call

    call adventure_randomizer

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 68, in script call

    $ setupEncounter(enemy1=adventure_enemy_1, enemy2=adventure_enemy_2, enemy3=adventure_enemy_3, music=adventureArea.battleMusic, fieldName=adventureArea.fieldEffect, levelScaling=adventureArea.levelScaling, levelBoost=adventureArea.levelBoost, levelRandom=adventureArea.levelRandom, levelTarget=adventureArea.levelTarget, scalingCap=adventureArea.scalingCap)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 84, in script

    call screen combat_menu_base

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 977, in execute

    screen abilityTooltip(ability):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 977, in execute

    screen abilityTooltip(ability):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 979, in execute


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 985, in execute


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 992, in execute

    if any("Heal" in x["Tag"] for x in ability.abilityTags):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 993, in execute

    text "Health restored to target: " + str(int(guessHealing(player, player.abilityTarget or store.monsterList[0], ability))) size 20 xalign 0.5 color "#00A36C"

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 993, in <module>

    text "Health restored to target: " + str(int(guessHealing(player, player.abilityTarget or store.monsterList[0], ability))) size 20 xalign 0.5 color "#00A36C"

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 3406, in guessHealing

    thisHeal = calculateHealing(user, target, ability, i, ignoreCap=True)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 627, in calculateHealing

    thisHeal = calculateScaling(target, user, tags, ability) + calculateTraitScaling(target, user, tags, ability) + getTraitTagCombat(user, target, "Heal Scaling", ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2141, in getTraitTagCombat

    if checkConditionals(actor, target, j, ability):

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 643, in checkConditionals

    if "TargetHealthLessThan" in tag and not getHealthPercent(target) <= tag["TargetHealthLessThan"]:

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2765, in getHealthPercent

    return round(100 * (float( / getMaxHealth(actor)))

AttributeError: 'RevertableList' object has no attribute 'health'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 39, in script call

    call adventure_randomizer

  File "game/dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpy", line 68, in script call

    $ setupEncounter(enemy1=adventure_enemy_1, enemy2=adventure_enemy_2, enemy3=adventure_enemy_3, music=adventureArea.battleMusic, fieldName=adventureArea.fieldEffect, levelScaling=adventureArea.levelScaling, levelBoost=adventureArea.levelBoost, levelRandom=adventureArea.levelRandom, levelTarget=adventureArea.levelTarget, scalingCap=adventureArea.scalingCap)

  File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 84, in script

    call screen combat_menu_base

  File "/Users/florian/", line 2232, in execute"execute")

  File "/Users/florian/", line 2220, in call

    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 281, in call

    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen

    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 3181, in call_screen

    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 299, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 3377, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "/Users/florian/", line 3810, in interact_core

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "/Users/florian/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 582, in visit_all

    d.visit_all(callback, seen)

  File "/Users/florian/", line 451, in visit_all


  File "/Users/florian/", line 3810, in <lambda>

    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())

  File "/Users/florian/", line 462, in per_interact


  File "/Users/florian/", line 653, in update


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 977, in execute

    screen abilityTooltip(ability):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 977, in execute

    screen abilityTooltip(ability):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 979, in execute


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 985, in execute


  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 992, in execute

    if any("Heal" in x["Tag"] for x in ability.abilityTags):

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 993, in execute

    text "Health restored to target: " + str(int(guessHealing(player, player.abilityTarget or store.monsterList[0], ability))) size 20 xalign 0.5 color "#00A36C"

  File "game/dawncode/bars.rpy", line 993, in <module>

    text "Health restored to target: " + str(int(guessHealing(player, player.abilityTarget or store.monsterList[0], ability))) size 20 xalign 0.5 color "#00A36C"

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 3406, in guessHealing

    thisHeal = calculateHealing(user, target, ability, i, ignoreCap=True)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 627, in calculateHealing

    thisHeal = calculateScaling(target, user, tags, ability) + calculateTraitScaling(target, user, tags, ability) + getTraitTagCombat(user, target, "Heal Scaling", ability)

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2141, in getTraitTagCombat

    if checkConditionals(actor, target, j, ability):

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 643, in checkConditionals

    if "TargetHealthLessThan" in tag and not getHealthPercent(target) <= tag["TargetHealthLessThan"]:

  File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 2765, in getHealthPercent

    return round(100 * (float( / getMaxHealth(actor)))

AttributeError: 'RevertableList' object has no attribute 'health'

Darwin-22.5.0-x86_64-i386-64bit x86_64


Divine Dawn 0.26

Wed Jul 19 11:15:29 2023



Seems like about the same error (revertable list again), I think something about the emulated save is just kinda fucky. No one else has ever reported a similar bug so I don't think it's an issue in the game. I'll still look and see if I can find any fringe issues that could be causing it.


Thanks. You‘re probably right and it‘s something that got ported.


I will do my best to find if it's something in the code, just don't want to give you false hopes. Renpy, emulators, and web versions can get complicated, and I rely on Renpy's internal porting stuff for the different versions, idk anything about macs myself, so if renpy throws a shitfit on an emulated/mac version I can't do a whole lot to fix it.


Thx.  I‘ll start a new game from scratch, meanwhile. If the error is somehow related to the exported (emulated) .23c savegames, it should be gone. 

Playing kind of a D&D Warlock (main attributes Magic and Charisma, secondary Insight and Focus) ist quite entertaining :) 


Please, please, don't update until you are sure you are ready. I've seen devs that update on given day because that is what was promised, and it's super buggy, or there's bugs that should have been squashed if they just had a little more time. I would much rather an update a few days later than planned but much more polished than "well, I promised everyone I'd update on the 29th, never mind I had pneumonia that made 2 weeks absolutely miserable, and I know it's buggy, but given the promise..." I've been a beta tester for games before, and I would MUCH rather an update that was a few days later than promised but more polished!

Why did I get an invite to "Ashleyland"? Is Ashley making a theme park?


I'm hitting levels of stress that I kinda need to have this finished sometime soon so I can rest lol. Things keep going wrong IRL and finishing this update will let me deal with them.

That said, I won't release something clearly unfinished and am trying to finish and polish it as best I can.

(1 edit) (+3)

Probably one of my favorite adult games on Itch, I definitely be buying the full version on steam. That being said, I did notice a few things. (Very minor things)

When entering Babon, the MC comments on the military camp, and wonders if the Knight Sergeant in the encampment, regardless if they went into the camp with the diplomatic mission first.

Is abyssal magic expanded on other than the intial corruption in the temple? (I haven't played far past Babon and meeting the knight mommy)

There are some others I know I wanted to ask but forgot. 

Sorry for the barrage of questions!


Glad you enjoyed the game! Next update should be out in a few days, fingers crossed, for anyone that has bought it.

Good catch on the continuity thing - I'll try to get that sorted before next update, if not, it'll be in one of the patches the week after.

Abyssal anything has only been teased. No further information on it yet. Some minor spoilers; it will come up again around the time we reach Astrologia.

No need to apologize for the questions! I really do enjoy talking about the game and helping  people out when I can, so it's no problem for me at all.

Also, 'knight mommy' is what I call her too LMAO. Selendis is an absolute chad and I want her to hold me close in bed.

With changing its policy regarding how to purchase adult games on this site, will people who already purchased this be given Steam codes? Just wondering if I'll have to purchase this twice or not.


Uh, did they change anything new? I haven't gotten any threatening emails yet so I might be out of the loop.


This topic has more information on it, but essentially the direct payment system is being removed for adult games. It's possible - given the content of this game - that it may also run into the same issues some other devs have run into. Really hard to tell tbh.


Ohhh, that. Yeah, I followed that when it was fresh and communicated with other devs. I can't say for certain - Itch never quite answered the question - but from what I could tell and others investigated, most of the people that got hit by that were using certain uh, advertising or posting techniques that were pretty abusive and added a lot of stress to itch, or had 0% revenue share, or both.

So there's always a possibility that Itch will change rules and ban all adult games, and if that happens I'll figure out how to make sure you continue getting updates without having to pay again, but at the moment I don't intend to make any preemptive changes. Itch isn't super profitable for me, but it's extra views and some help with living expenses, so I'm not dropping it unless I have to. I just give them their default share and update the same page which *seems* to avoid the problems the others ran into.


That works for me. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.


Reading the proposed changes was like "wait, what's the real issue here, revenue sharing, people whining about adult games, ways to support a dev that does adult content, or what?" Not to mention the whining about it... Ashley or Sarah, I need a drink, STAT! 

More important matters are how soon are we going to see Ina, Kuril, and Kandros make a triumphant return, whether Amnelis returns to flirt shamelessly with the MC and have the others object that it's so blatant, and if the MC has to do anything weird (like kissing Kuril) to be knighted by Ina!


Sure thing bud. I'll do my best not to screw anyone over. Just don't want to go off half-cocked in case this all turns out to be a nothingburger.


Large amounts of text usually scare me away with these games, but your writing style really has a way of drawing me in, and it has solid lore to back it up (I feel a bit silly saying it, but I’d like to be able to write like that, eloquent but not overbearing, albeit a bit too idiomatic at times.)

Also, the combat system is complex enough that it’s engaging but not so complicated that I have no idea what I’m doing for half the game.


Aw, thank you! It's always nice to hear something positive, and that people are enjoying the world/lore. I still have a ways to go as a writer but I'm still trying to live up to some of the stuff I've read, especially Dune (the first one) and Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow as some books I really love with great writing styles.

Combat has been... a struggle to get right lol, but I'm glad I stuck with it. I'll keep refining it as I go, but it's starting to get to a place I like, and a decent mix of complexity but relatively easy to figure out. Very good to hear that's working for you~ thanks for brightening my day a bit!


I just want to say that your game is amazing. Just when I thought I couldn't find another game to impress me, yours went and did it. Your game reminds me of the series Etria Odyssey, which is one of my favorite games I owned for my 3DS. It's also going to help me get back into reading. Thank you again and have a lovely day. 

Aww, thank you! Always great to hear someone enjoyed it, taking the time to leave a nice message really helps. Bene a while since I played EO, though I remember enjoying the one I played - we'll see about running into any FOEs!


You're also a very talented writer.  I am trying to get a game of own started. I am heavly into Greek Mythology and Chinese Myths, well anything involving Sun Wukong, but the story was inspired by the game SMITE and The Percy Jackson Series.  

Haha, less talent than just a lot of practice as I tried to get less bad. Still got a ways to go sadly. But yeah, not enough games about chinese mythology! Best of luck to you man, it can be a lot of work but a lot of fun as well to be able to tell a story!


I dare you to make a romance route for the shark homie Kuril. 


All cock, no balls. I've been considering it but idk if I'll have the time or skill to pull it off. Bromance maybe - we'll see how things go when I start writing him more. Got nothing against gay content in the game, but it's not what most people are here for and definitely not my uhhh area of expertise.


The solution? Genderbend Kuril, then boom you get a shark MILF. Big upgrade. Just kidding haha... unless? 

Bad meme reference aside, this game is really good, hyped for more content and most of all hyped to bully Ina. 


Shark milf has potential... I'll put that on the backburner for the future.

Otherwise, glad you're enjoying, I'll keep plugging away at this damn update and hopefully have it done sometime before the 41st millennium. Ina has been a BLAST to write, I'm really looking forward to her coming back.

Hello there, I just downloaded the demo to try the game out, it looks interesting so far, I enabled the selfVoicing mode to be able to play, it's a bit confusing though.
So I can navigate dialog just fine, when it comes to combat? there where it gets complicated, I randomly passed through the first two battles, but after that it keeps reading my health and mana and my partner's health and mana each time I press enter then it reads the dialog.
if this game could become more accessible for screen reader users such as myself, I'd totally appreciate it. I'd love to play this game fully.
thank you for all your hard work. :)


There doesn't seem to be a lot of control over how self-voicing works, it's Renpy functionality that isn't really exposed to me (that I can see). I will look into it and see if I can come up with anything, but renpy was never really built to support a full on RPG and I've been facing that reality for a few years now haha.

So, I can't make any promises, but hopefully I'll be able to figure out... something. Sorry about the trouble so far, but glad to hear you've been enjoying the game otherwise!

Thank you for such a wonderful game.
I hope you can figure out a selution, maybe checking the UI first? like making the hp and stuff not read after every press of enter and before the dialog? then seeing what comes next? :)


I have question how do use secondary weapon in combat i wasn't to find skill


nvm was able to figure out

(1 edit)

Glad you got it figured out! I'll see if I can maybe add a tooltip to the Instant button or the Progress menu to make it more obvious where to look.


Ashley, please quit hiding the pens after I put them down (gotta be Ashley taking the pens, right? I mean, she's the Prank Queen...)

One thing I noticed with Ina is that she might be a little out of her depth when faced with a big threat, she's still competent in that when talking with the Knight Commandant she is able to convey everything and is as ease talking to the Knight Commandant. She complained that she couldn't do more in the fight against the slavers, but seemed to understand that not everyone out there is friendly and that Kuril and...the mage whose name I can't think of at the moment...were as much her bodyguards as well as part of the delegation. Ina seemed quite happy in telling the Knight Commandant that Kuril and the MC crushed the slavers!

Part of me is wondering if Ina and Ashley would try to outdo each other in pranks, given Ina does have a playful side to her and would probably prank Ashley in some way...

Ina is also getting her offscreen Rocky montage before she can join the party for real. Writing her bantering with the MC is like cocaine for me, I'll never give it up.

But yeah, she has some experience with politics stuff, not so much fighting for her life while her people die around her. So that was a rude wake up call for her!

Kuril and Kandros are the two sharkbros.

Ina and Ashley... you know, I actually hadn't thought about them together at all, but it might be worth experimenting with. They might get along well! Whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.


I'm not sure if Ina and succubi converse any during the time Ina is with party, but Ina and Ashley both have a playful streak. I could see Ina getting along with both succubi. Sarah because she's more grounded and able to talk about more serious things earnestly, Ashley because of the playful side and I think if Ashley gets too ridiculous Kuril and/or Kandros would be able to rein her in a little. 

Kuril is 100% going to end up Team Dad and I'm here for it.

Ina/Ashley sounds dangerously promising as well, Ina has never actually met a succ but their personalities... Sarah would get along with her well too I think. Good ideas!


Celica is the best girl



Deleted 122 days ago

Buffs giving the same stat don't stack unless they say they stack.


Hey, uh so i cant see anyone's faces. at all

Uhhh I haven't heard that report before. What version of the game are you playing, and which system?

android, and the most recent I believe

Hmmm. That sounds like maybe the download got corrupted somehow, or things aren't loading in fast enough on your phone. I have no idea how Renpy's Android compatibility actually works, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were brands, models, or specs where it falters. Never heard of that error before tho tbh, I'm not actually sure how to triage it.

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