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I'm back yet again and I'm broke :sadge: but this is still a good game although badon is lacking on the world building department but I hope your planning big changes to it other than Ashley shopping with astaroth (yes I'm using the MC's canon nickname) maybe add a spell shop or a blacksmith to upgrade the equipment no offense but the weapons are kinda meh I wanna customize the weapons so bad that is all for my Ted talk fellow takodachi


I put a lot of work into improving the weapons and making them unique over the last few updates. I don't think they're 'meh'.


Hmm… My goal to have mastery over all the elements as a Manablade user is gonna take a while with my build: Strength, Magic, and Insight.


Sounds like you got the right stats for it though!

(1 edit) (+2)

Indeed I do, but I won’t be able to get the Nether Initiate until level 40.

Edit: This only means one thing to do… Turn on Easy and grind the hell until I reach level 40.

oh btw add button or ui size in preferences thank

Much easier said than done on the UI stuff unfortunately.

Can you give any more info on the error message? What was going on at the time?

All I remember was it happened on the hob shaman+2 fighter and I forgot what actually happened


Good thing i just started working on an optical character recognition thing for my coding class. here ya go!

An exception has occurred. While running game code: File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 110, in <module> File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 71, in Action File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 522, in calculateFinal Damage AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status'

Full traceback: File "dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpyc", line 73, in script call File "dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpyc", line 73, in script call File "dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpyc", line 73, in script call File "dawncode/camp/camp_framework.rpyc", line 73, in script call File "dawncode/adventures/adventure_framework.rpyc", line 54, in script call File "dawncode/combat.rpyc", line 103, in script File "renpy/", line 1131, in execute File "renpy/", line 1061, in py_exec_bytecode File "game/dawncode/combat.rpy", line 110, in <module> File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 71, in Action File "game/dawncode/functions.rpy", line 522, in calculateFinal Damage AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'status'

Rollback Ignore Open Copy BBCode Copy Markdown

0.23c Android Quit

Oh okay, I think I  fixed that in 0.24. Thanks for posting the error message!


Mini-update,been  working hard on next update, but I don't like doing devlogs in the middle of the week so I'll post properly about it this Sunday!

Anyone got some tips for the forest after delivering Ina, I'm guessing cryomancy isn't the best way to tackle it

Cryomancy should be okay, especially in the second forest area where it actually counters some of the harder enemies. The difficulty definitely jumps up from Severn though. What in particular is giving you trouble, and what do your stats/abilities look like? Maybe I can throw out some suggestions.


It seems like the elemental ones either take no damage or fail to freeze (not counting the water/ice ones for obvious reasons lol) then hit me hard enough to beat me in a couple turns while I'm healing. When it was first introduced I had a much easier time with it, but after the changes and starting over for it they wreck me pretty good lol


Just a little bit longer and we can play 0.23 for free.


Yup! Going to have a final beta for 0.24 tonight and release 0.23 tomorrow morning if nothing goes horribly wrong!




Hurry up and update so 23 will be free and I can see just how wondrous the Butterfly Mom is! (I hate being poor sometimes) Seriously, take as long as you need, just want to see the new content but too poor to donate

That aside, I do have a question. By adding all these new characters, you aren't going to let Sam, Ashley, Sarah, Celica, and Metatron get neglected, are you? (Side note, I've FINALLY quit wanting to say Megatron when talking about Metatron!) 


You (should) be able to play it as a demo in steam Next fest right now, but Steam has been a complete clusterfuck for the last week so it may or may not actually appear. If you search for it in Next fest proper it may show up. I'm waiting for that to be fixed before I announce it.

No, Metatron and Maya have gotten a good amount of content already this update and they all will get more. Sam has an eventual(tm) CG upcoming as well, and Ashley's is in progress right now. Many of these new characters aren't meant to be as fully fleshed out as the party members, but expand the setting (and have some lewds - Rosalyn's CG is in progress).

The party members are still the main draw, don't worry~ Regardless of if you prefer Mega or Meta heh.


At the very least, I can see demo in Next games browse list now.

Thanks for the confirmation, that Steam stuff has been absolutely kicking my ass this past week so I'm glad it finally worked out.

All progress gone, browser version gone.


i don't know if this was pointed out already but the first mastery of Parry and the Wind spell Flensing Ruin give error messages.
both errors apparently are related to damage calculation


Thanks for the report! I forget if I fixed that for 23 or 24, but can confirm it is known and fixed by now~

I've noticed a small issue with the dagger skill stalker strike. when i went to upgrade it with mastery it showed beta version had no changes.  

Thanks, I'll look into that!

How much more content/play time is in the current version versus the demo? 


If you read at average speed (~200-250 words a minute), about 5-6 hours. Depending on how much faster you read it may be less.


Thanks for your quick reply.  Really like the demo so ill definitely be buying the game. 

Nice, thank you! Hope you enjoy, the upcoming update (free for people who bought) should be *around* feb 10-12 as well!


I love the content here, along with how frequently you update the game. Didn't expect this unassuming game to make me care so much about a succubus GF. Just purchased it today to do my part in helping development. You're doing great work.


Hey, thanks for the kind words, and the support! I'll keep at it and try to make sure everyone gets attention! Got a lot to improve but all I can do is work at it.

Which succ was it you liked as an aside? I'll try and make sure she gets a scene this update.


It was Ashley. Really enjoyed the writing on her. She has a great mixture of kindness, fun and assertiveness that endeared me to her.


Ayy nice. Yeah, I've been pleasantly surprised by her. She was easy to write from the start, but doing her camp content really helped her complexity shine. I love writing her now, so it shouldn't be tooooo hard to make sure she gets something in this update haha.


what happened to the web broser version?

Temporarily removed due to several unexpected issues with itch, not sure when it'll be back yet.


25-30 hours of content got me good man and on top of that the possibility to lose our humanity exchange for power is the cream on top of it. As a fellow player i wish you best of luck while developing the game 👍

Hope you enjoy! Still got a lot of work to do on the game, but there's getting to be a good amount of content!

Minor update to 0.23c, fixing a bug with harp channels, and various typos thanks to Dunnask. No new content.

Deleted post

If you buy it once you should be able to get all updates

Sapphire is correct, I will not charge for each update.

Deleted post

Absolutely! Happy to help, and that you've been enjoying the game! I'm getting back to work a little today now that I'm finally back from my trip, Sunday-Monday ish I should be able to upload a minor update (bugfix/typos mostly) and then get hard at work on the next real update~


a real fun game, i really love games with rpg elements!


hell yeah! I've always loved RPGs, seeing numbers go up feels good


Ngl the music in this game is damn good

yeee buddy! It's my guilty pleasure, still room for improvement but some of the upcoming stuff is great.


does contain pregnancy


Pregnancy as in impregnation, or banging visibly pregnant women? The former will come in time, the latter probably not.


Updated to 23e, fixing some typos and a few rare bugs with channels (as usual), along with some very minor UI improvements for the opening character building stuff.

No new content.


There is no way I can afford to pay for the latest versions due to me being a bit tight on money. So that means I'll have to wait for when the next version comes out so I can play Version 0.23


Understandable my guy, I've been there more often than I'd like. Due to Christmas bullshit and a short trip I'm not sure exactly when the next update will be, but hopefully late January, maybe early February before steam NEXT fest.

Been meaning to ask, the past couple of times I've downloaded this, there's a new folder. Is that needed as well,  is it for mobile only, or what? Just curious why the new folder...

Pretty sure I said it before, but I'll say it again: I REALLY like that all of the travelling group are complex and three dimensional. Ashley and Sarah aren't just "good at sex", there's a lot to uncover with them. Sam and Celica aren't just "the MC's friends growing up" they have complex and engaging stories as well, not to mention their rivalry. Metatron goes from "unfeeling weapon" to "team Mom"... you invested a lot of time and love in creating these characters and it shows!

Waiting to see what Rosalyn looks and acts like!

I've been using a hybrid build that should work for PC, linux, and mac. I've gotten a few error reports so I'll probably go back to separate pc/linux and mac builds. Shouldn't be any effective change on your end, just more to upload for me lol.

And hey, thanks for saying so on the characters! I definitely have work to do on all of them, but that was my goal. The hope is that they feel like actual people to fall in love with, rather than just a couple of walking H-scenes, or god forbid walking fetishes like "the breast girl" and "the slutty girl."

Hopefully, release tomorrow... we'll see.

Deleted 289 days ago

I don't think this is possible given the developer's current resources.

Yes, and it is unlikely that he is interested in such a thing.


Translations are extremely expensive and time-consuming, especially considering how much content I add each update. I would need to be making at least 10+ times what I currently am in order to afford them.


Completely understandable and I wouldn’t worry about it anyway. While it sure would be nice for the minority, they are still in the minority by far and translations are a luxury not a requirement. Personally, the only way I’d be willing to do something like that is through community-provided translations, but even that requires a lot of work to verify the integrity of the language used.


I would love to have translations for everything, but it probably wouldn't pay off quickly if at all, and it would be a vast project to coordinate, confirm, and implement even without the cost issue.

It doesn't help that 0.23 is already like 360k words long in total, so translating all of that to one language would be a minimum of thousands, potentially tens of thousands of dollars for each language lol. Community translations or would be the only feasible option.

Ashley's off sulking because I like the demure succubus more than the pranking one without much in the way of self-preservation...

One thing I wanted to ask is whether Permune (think I spelled that right) is likely to show up anywhere outside of the one time you have a surprise visit at night. Based on how Metatron views her and the quasi-interaction that one night, think she'd be like a calming or "think first, then action" type of gal...and given that the MC tends to get "thinking is maybe the 4th or 5th thing" people more often than not, and even the think first ones might forget that off and on "coughCelicaregardingSamcough" think he'd like her...

But then, I haven't seen Butterfly Mom yet, maybe she's a think first woman?

Ashley is a good girl who has never done anything wrong in her life!

Penemue is the angel you're talking about I suspect, down the road maybe! There will be more angels for sure. Metatron is a little out of date with most of the angels though. And thinking varies across the cast, Sarah isn't bad ~~at overthinking~~ at least LOL.

Rosalyn is a sweetheart! I can't wait to show her off more.


Hey, I never said Ashley did anything wrong! Just that continually pranking an archangel might not be the best idea (I'm still waiting for Metatron to either do something that convinces Ashley to knock it off...or start pranking back, preferably the latter). I just like Sarah way more!

Yeah, Penemue was who I was referring to. Either Penemue proper or someone who acts as she does is fine with me. I think some of this is sp Metatron isn't the only angel. Sarah is still a succubus, and she and Ashley are "besties for life". The MC has Sam and Celica (never mind those two don't exactly get along...), but Metatron doesn't really have anyone initially. Yes, Sarah becomes like a daughter to her, but that does take some time. Ashley and Metatron I would say cooperate as needed, but given Ashley just can't seem to stop pranking Metatron I'm not sure what the relationship would be. Vitriolic friends maybe?

This update actually has a surprising amount of Metatron and Ashley getting along (mostly), Metatron has successfully adopted both of her mortal enemies. And yeah, don't worry, there will be more straight (wo)men and intelligent characters joining.

I'm not sure what order things will happen in based on jfc's art availability and other artists work, but Cassiel might be the next angel to show up?

I did not quite understand the first part of the text, because I use a translator.

Can you explain/say in other words?

P.S. By the way, will dialogue be added to the characters?

I don’t see much difference in the sub-items of the communication menu yet. For example, the sub-item “friendship and relationships”.

By the way, a passing question immediately arises: does the player choose further “relationships” with the characters, or do their stories and conclusions, interests lie in an independent plane? P.S.

Metatron and Ashley have been getting along better lately.

Affection scenes generally focus more on romance and emotional bonds. Trust scenes focus more on friendship and trust.

I don't understand the final question. Following trust/affection scenes innately means pursuing their relationships.

Is there a way to hide the text? If so, how? And if there isn't, it would be nice

Yes, hit the H button to hide all UI/text!

I did not find a field indicating my dodge (not to be confused with a glancing blow).

I'm just playing with an evasion build and need to know my stats.

By the way, my complaints:

1. You need to do something with the poison effect (or any other effects that work in% of HP).

Related to this is my dissatisfaction with the first boss.

My poison dealt 100 damage per turn. In fact, I was more effective than the angel in terms of DPS, given the constant attacks and crits.

However, simply reducing the % won't help - the debuffs will become unplayable. Is it possible to increase the resistance of this boss? Not full resistance, just limited poison damage. Let's say 50 per turn.

2. The first boss did not impress with strength, although the idea is interesting.

I almost didn't lose any HP and didn't use any healing. Perhaps, in general terms, evasion builds are too strong. However, I'm not sure about this as I haven't seen the whole game.

From other comments:

Recently arrived at the camp.

Frankly, Celica's return was superfluous. Too many new characters per square meter of history.

I understand that this is a prologue and so on...

And I accept the need to introduce characters without dragging unnecessary story over and over...

But I would have thrown out of the group at least Celica. I guess that girl from the beginning of the game (forgot the name -_-) will join later. I do not like.

Why? For me, these are empty characters. Who is this? What for? Why?

What do I care about them? I just started to get used to the "old characters", and here the lost one is returned without explanation and kicked into the next game.

In general, I'm unlikely to interact with them somehow.

(You should not pay attention to claims against the characters. In any case, this is irreparable, and there is not much point.

Rather, I just spoke out.)


The first boss is intentionally pretty easy.

Yes, bosses will be receiving some more resistances. It wasn't possible when I first made it, but I've gotten more experience now.

Celica is meant to be a surprise intro; if you talk to her everything will be revealed over time.

That wow that's a lot of content downloading right now to test will be back with my thoughts later

Admittedly the web version has been a little buggier than I hoped lol, assuming that's what you're running - let me know if it has any major issues.

But yeah, the game as a whole is somewhere around 20-30 hours of content with a lot of sprites, music, etc - there's a ton of files. Most of them pretty small, but they add up.


Web versions of games tend to have issues in part due to no browser being created equal so it presents new challenges.  Keep up the good work


Addendum to previous response: web version working without major UI issues on chrome on Android, this is already a big deal

Oh nice! Thanks for confirming that, potentially helpful for people having issues with the dedicated android version

i saved and lost all my progress somehow, im depressed

Sorry to hear that. Was it the web or downloadable version?


the web. it might not be fixable idk

Hm, I don't actually know how web renpy saves files, but I would assume it's something related to cookies or local files.

I know you can import/export saves between the desktop and web versions, if that helps?

If you hold down the Control key to skip and put on easy mode you can get back to wherever you were pretty fast too.

I'll probably add a cheat menu sooner or later to help, but that is gonna be a ways out.


RenPyWeb saves are stored in the Index DB file system using IDBFS, specifically under the path /home/web_user/.renpy. Saving is done by calling the function create_persistent() from the file renpy-shell.html in the source code. You can inspect the save data using the browser storage inspector.

However, this means that the data is not permanently persistent. It will be erased given time, both inactivity on when the data was last accessed and how many times the browser has restarted count towards it, from what I remember. If the user simply left the save games in the browser expecting them to be there when they returned, that is likely the cause. It is best to always export saves from the browser, if possible, to ensure persistence by importing at a later date.


Ohh okay that's actually really interesting! Thanks for sharing, I might add a warning note to the page about how to export saves.


Do you get to play through all the first evening scenes eventually or do you get to only choose one? I find them all very endearing. I find Sarah's adorable and Sam's flushes out the characters so well. (Have not done lord Ashley's yet.) But I am curious to know. It will be an unfortunately difficult choice to make if I only get to choose one. Also so far very great game, even the non nsfw parts are very enjoyable.


Once you get to camp, each night you'll get an option to view the earlygame lewd scenes (temple, house) regardless of what you picked! The choice you made early will occasionally pop up in the character interactions though. Glad you're having fun!


Putta lotta more time into it, very good. I love this novel.


Nice, glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the nice comment

(2 edits) (+2)(-6)

This is a bit of an early review, but I feel like I need to express what I have experienced so far. I actually have quite a bit of criticism for this game. It is not uncommon for me to be the only one complaining about a game/story, but I knew I would have to do it when I saw all of the glowing responses that seemed too good to be true...

The writing is actually the most conflicting part of this game for me. While the amount of work done on this game is incredible (most major visual novels of comparable size are using multiple (ghost) writers and yet this is a solo-project that is more ambitious than famous visual novels from Japan that cost $40 or more), the writing is inconsistent in many ways. First of all, after meeting the first five characters, it feels like too many characters are going to be girls and all of them are basically idiots. The main character sounds pretty normal, but the dialogue from the girls so far is way too off from the setting. Everyone is talking like they are casually chatting on the Internet and there are even lines that approach meme humor. And everyone is way too sarcastic as if they are not actually experiencing half of the things that are happening. Metatron is an exception to the rule, but it feels like you are just restraining your tendency to write characters that way by writing as little dialogue as possible for her. You also claim that she thinks really fast, but nothing she said so far displayed rapid thought beyond human levels and she is in some ways slow to be reasonable. 

The descriptions on the other hand, tend to be very serious and like a literary classic, but they also can do a pretty poor job at explaining things and the background image of the area can feel detached from all of the descriptions. It can be really hard to tell how the scene is flowing and sometimes words are dropped to the extent that it feels like thoughts were forgotten. And character motivations and personalities can seem so inconsistent. There is this one scene that sticks out in my mind where Ashley walks backward in fear or something (the description was not clear) and then Sarah randomly said something like "How incorrigible!" when Sarah had been talking like everyone else up until that point. There also is the fact that the first thing we learn about the main character is how they wanted to save the world even if there was no apparent threat... Yet, everyone including the main character treats it as a joke and a childish thing that should be forgotten even though the adventure has clearly become real at the beginning of the story. And the description of characters' thoughts and reactions can be so anime, as in people reacting in ways they should not just because certain anime-esque situations come up that are always presented the same way in an anime. Basically, the characters seem like they are held back because of constant playful aggression, sarcasm and "obligatory" actions. Oh yeah, and the main character talks to his best friend with male terms, which seems like such a modern and unnecessary way to express a friendship. And why does Sam feel so much remorse over her actions when she was so careless in a completely important and special situation as if none of it mattered? It came across as completely fake to me. Lastly, I am almost certain that Metatron gets compared to an alien, but why would any of these characters come from a culture where they think about aliens? Some of the descriptions gave me the impression that beings already are capable of interplanetary travel, as well...

One last oddity I noticed is that sentence structure is quite wild. There are some crazy run-on sentences, some which switch perspective or subject in a way that clearly should be a new sentence. And then other sentences were really short.

I am probably nitpicking way too much, but I just wanted to get these things off my mind and maybe hear some background as to why these things may have been written. On another note, I have a pretty strong vocabulary, but this story has brought up like 15 words that I did not know or was unsure about, so far. I feel like the intense vocabulary (mainly in descriptions) is what is impressing so many people. I guess, there are also quite a few descriptions that are beyond my ability to write or imagine that employ that vocabulary.

Edit: Oh, one last thing. I do not understand why everyone "rips in half with a glare". This is the most consistent phrase  in the writing and is really bad hyperbole and feels like only one character should be doing it. And the main character is kind of grating with how they use a swear word in a bunch of sentences that should be more calm.


Too long didn't read 


gamer reviwer.


I agree, you’re nitpicking. If anything, it’s mostly hyperbole and reads as if you simply did not take the time to read what the game presented.

Take your mention of “rips in half with a glare” apparently being the most consistent phrase in the game for example. Out of 15 instances of the word “glare” appearing in the game as of version 0.22e, only two instances are ones that mention “rips in half” in any capacity. Of these, one appears in lost_temple.rpy on line 841 and the other in post_lost_temple_shenanigans.rpy on line 1563. In other words, your complaint is about two instances in the introduction of Ashley, Sarah and Metatron, when the game currently has some 20-25 hours of gameplay and is around 310 thousand words.

Regarding Metatron thinking fast, keep in mind that it is the player character who suspects that she does. He even says as much on line 1434 in lost_temply.rpy: “— giving her near-instant planning earlier you suspect that she just thinks really fast.” Nor is the player character specified as a reliable narrator either, as far as I’m aware, and given it’s in a first-person perspective. Anything we as players experience will be limited by it. Still, thinking fast does not constitute replying fast, if anything, were I to speculate, you’d be easier to get lost chasing potential eventualities that may occur because you have so much time to reply. Regardless, it is not out of character for Metatron, so it does not matter.

Regarding your mention of Ashley walking backwards in fear, because apparently the description was not adequate enough, what was difficult to understand about them following a corridor and “running into a wall. Figuratively speaking, in your case; literally in Ashley’s, since she was walking backwards.”? That was why Sarah said “You are absolutely incorrigible.”, because Ashley do as Ashley does. Not only does this fit Sarah’s vocabulary, as established earlier when the player meets them, but also Ashley’s character as can be clearly seen in the same introduction. This is unlikely to be a unique first-time act, which is further reinforced by Sarah reacting like she does this often.

Alien does not necessarily mean extraterrestrial, I’d recommend checking the definition before commenting on such.

Likewise, as an example of the above, not every sentence needs to be short or long. They can be adapted as needed. Metatron’s introduction being a good example, it is something alien to what the player character knows and serves it well with a deeper description of it. Meanwhile, Ashley being Ashley does not necessarily mean she needs an expansive description, short and to the point can not only work but also make things better, given how they’re executed.

The vocabulary of the game is pretty good, it has good descriptions of situations, varied word use and some less common words nowadays. This does not detract from the story, people are able to use contextual clues to figure out words they don’t know most of the time either given fluency as a base requirement. But this is subjective, I personally met no words I didn’t already know, but what does that matter? Likewise, your comment on cursing is also massively subjective. I personally do not like cursing, but it is commonplace nowadays and is not something that is uncommon to occur in both calm and less calm situations.

TL;DR: The writing of this game is one of its best points, get your hyperbole outta here.


Your criticism is definitely hyperbolic here. All of my complaints were valid and you are just bandwagoning because of how little you value honesty and justice. Even if the exact phrase only came up twice, that is still within a short span of time and I am 90% sure there was a phrase or two approximating it. And you are retarded if you think my knowledge of English is too limited to understand that alien can mean outsider. The context of the sentence definitely comes across as more like an extraterrestrial. Even if it was not, it is still a ridiculous statement for someone who clearly has not traveled much and seen many things to act like she was especially outlandish compared to the world at large.  There are a lot of people who stand out as strange in the story and this kind of dialogue shows a lack of awareness of how the characters would fit into their world. 

Generally, the writing improves after the first stretch of the game. I can not remember having any real complaints about the rest that I played except that they decided to use Atlantis as the name of an underwater city while everything else seems to have original naming.


It's interesting that rebattling Siofra many times, she'll also master her own skills, somehow still pretty challenging as lv 45


Siofra has definitely been a good learning experience when it comes to balance. After the changes in 22e I think she's in an okay place, tough but rewarding to beat down. The mastered skills definitely add to her challenge haha.


Where do I go after going through Deepwood's Verge? Or is it until there until it's updated?

That's it for now. 23 will add the next combat area and continue the plot!


Alright, good game btw. I love how unique the dialogues each of the character has.

Thank you! I still have a ways to go as a writer, I know I could improve on making them MORE unique, but that is something I try to keep in mind when writing each character. I feel like truly unique 'voices ' for each character is a hallmark of really good writing, and what I aspire to.

So I beaten Siofra somehow after being caught off guard by her 3rd form, basically Metatron is a support angel lmao. I had a question about channeling abilities, can you turn those off without resetting them? I don't wanna risk losing my mastery if I reset. 

I hear Metatron has helped quite a few people through that battle haha, Sarah was my backup there.

What do you mean resetting? You keep the masteries if you disable autocast, but if they give a stacking buff (say, 1% mitigation a turn) that buff will reset. Let me know if that doesn't answer the question.

I noticed you can manually disable the ability during battle but afterwards it re-enable, so I thought there was another alternative way to properly enable/disable. The reset function I mentioned is "respec" in menu.

But I'm glad I've found and played this game, very much am enjoying, Metatron, Celica and Ashley are probably my favorite characters, but I do love the side-story and romance for all, especially Sam's. 

If you rightclick and go to Abilities, you can disable autocast for the ability as well! If you respec the ability entirely, yes, you will lose Mastery progress.

Glad you're enjoying the game! They're all good girls (Maya is questionable), and Sam is a lovable dork


Oh, thank you so much, now i can have endless mana


REALLY GOOD GAME, HAVE A HAPPY LIFE, ALSO, WHY IS THIS GAME SO GOOOOOD YOU ASK?, I DUNNO BUT I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS MASTERPIECE FOR 4 DAYS STRAIGHT (excluding the time i slept because my mom forces me to otherwise no pc for the rest of my life) BUT THE GAME IS GOOOOOD AAAAAAAAA have a nice day


Glad you had fun, thanks for commenting!


I stayed up all night playing this game, it's that good! Also, is there by any chance a playlist for the music used? 


Nice!! On the music, uhh, I don't know if I can do that, some of it I commissioned for the game but a lot of it is free-use content from various sites/artists, some of which might have rules against that. The About page links to the sources for most music, if there's a particular one you're looking for I can try to help too!

Off-topic from the music, but are there any plans for any non-magic uses of aether, nether, and abyssal (assuming abyssal abilities going to be implemented in the future)?


To some degree, probably. Aether and Nether are so inherently magical it's hard to separate them too much, but non-mages should get to play with the fancy stuff too. Any particular thoughts you had in mind?

Since it's a corruption and you lose parts of your humanity through using aether, I was thinking some passives or traits specifically for physical type damage. Just a surface thought, you know what to do best as the author.


Additionally, in most fantasy settings there is aura for the physical type users and mana for magic type. Disregard this if you're not planning on introducing aura, but if you are planning on introducing aura, maybe the nature of the aura can be tainted by aether, nether, or abyssal forming new types of abilities that primarily do the damage type of the corresponding corruption. 

A little question, if my corruption was already capped whilst my trust are not that high thus losing the chance of getting more from Metatron as I've done the training and lewd (and yes my corruption got capped onto 20 which is low). Is there any other way to get a Aether corruption if ever I reach the sufficient amount of high level trust?


Right now, all corruptions are hardcapped at 20 currently. To go beyond that you'll need to make a certain choice that isn't ingame yet. When the possibility of raising it higher happens, you'll have more options to do so.


I see, I guess I'll pay no heed for it as of now. My curiosity was fulfilled, thank you.


Hi! I wanna know something about this weekly update thing: is it just announcements or you already put it into the game? 


Just progress reports. I do daily progress reports on discord and weekly on patreon/sites, so people know what I've been working on.

I've started doing weekly Patreon betas, but they're not polished enough for public releases.

Actual releases are usually *around* once a month.


Thank you


There are some games which are visual novels and then there's ones like this which are visual NOVELS! 

Seriously though, the writing alone in this game is in a class of its own among the titles available on this site and that's before you mention the great art, music and, last but not least, the battle system.

It strikes such a good balance between actually showing you things and letting you imagine them as you would reading a book. 

I can't really blame the creators of games which use English that's barely held together as it's rarely their native language, but it is just such a joy to play something with this much thought and effort put into its storytelling. I could be nitpicky and mention that it feels like there is a bit too much swearing at times and that there are a few "thens" instead of "thans", but I won't even if I just did.

I'm only finished with the first day of the story so far, but am itching to continue on with it. 



Those are very kind words, thank you! Always makes me happy to hear people enjoying the game, especially as an amateur indie dev with no artistic talents, it's been an uphill battle to try to make it look and play well haha.

I write using a mix of typing and Speech to Text to try to save my hands, so there are definitely gonna be more errors than if I hand-typed everything. I'm always open to typo reports!


Ah, I see, that's really cool! I've never really heard of anyone doing that before, but it does indeed seem like a good way to get the words down if you know what to say. 

I'll definitely be tagging along for the ride and enjoying the coming updates and such.

Yeah, it took some practice. I think typing it out is still better, but my hands just can't handle writing multiple novels a year lol.

Here's to a bright future for the game though!


Haha, I have no experience of writing novels myself but I can imagine the toll it must take on a prodigious wordsmith such as yourself.

I played a little bit more today and I must say that the sheer depth of thought of your characters has left no small impression on me. I know a lot of people, myself partly included, come to these types of games to find something they can't in everyday life, but this one has given me something I can take back and improve it with. Those are the best kinds of stories, aren't they?

If I didn't already say it, thank you for creating this game.

Yeah... the game is about 330k words right now, which is about 5-7 novels in length, written in a bit under two years. Doing that by hand would have killed me.

I definitely think the characters are the main draw of the game. I just love trying to write people, or rather letting them write themselves. Always makes me happy to hear people are really enjoying them, or the questions raised.

I don't like writing as a way to moralize, but asking questions and leaving them unanswered, trying to make the reader consider it too, is really fun and fulfilling. Dune had that effect on me a while back!

But yeah, glad you enjoyed, and thank you once again for the kind words and enthusiasim~

Ya know using stable diffusion will probably help a lot with making more art for new stuff and in scene artwork


I don't intend to do that, I'm fine commissioning people for art.


adding on to my previous review the soundtrack is great and my favoritee song so far is the song that plays whenever you talk with celica


That's my favorite too! I had it commissioned just for her, it's one of my favorites in the game. Really fits her perfectly.

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